Originally posted by Peter Hansen
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Pete's Money Makers
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5 For 3/4/10
Apparently Greg MCCOACH'S gold mining pick was NOT the Biggest Gold Story in 50 Years , and EXSFF opened and then proceeded to take a swan dive and finally ended up a few pennies off its low......maybe OLD MCCOUCH got all the suckers in with his ad ....and then promptly hit the SELL button on his computer ....yes those pink sheet stocks always look so enticing but the majority turn out to be BS.......will EXSFF come alive today? ....who knows , but it may perhaps require another "PUMPED" ad by MCCOUCH!
The five I present below are all at 52 week highs , and consequently have a better chance of bringing in some coin today. No PINK SHEETS or OTCBB stocks here ALL are on MAJOR Exchanges!
Good Luck God Bless ......and have a beautiful day!
Originally posted by edward View PostWhat do you think of ICI-T, a Chinese gold explorer? Could be a goldmine!
Hope this has been of some help for you. Here is the chart of the 3! When looking at the charts .....Try the 2 yr time period .....you will be amazed!
Rnn a biopharma megastar!!
Why do I like RNN? I am glad you asked.
1. The BEST reason is because I have a position in it , and if you buy and the stock rises .......we both make money! Hey , I'm honest!
2. The Company has 3 Potential MEGA blockbuster drugs in phase 2 FDA trials.
a. Serrdaxin which combats depression and boosts Dopamine and Serotonin for a positive mood state with minimal side effects. It may also possibly help with treatment of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.
b. Zoraxel for sexual dysfunction or ED. it is unique in that it helps with erection, arousal and release. Wow definitely the Sultan's drug of choice! Viagra and other ED drugs only provide for the erction with no effect on desire and release.....Fellas sounds like a winner to me LOL
c. Archexin may be able to treat 5 different types of cancers. This drug was granted ORPHAN STATUS , which means that when it is finally FDA approved RNN has exclusive rights for 7 years !
3, TEVA Pharma has pumped millions into RNN for a share of the profits.
4. Founder and CEO Dr AHN has 20 years experience in pharmacology and biotechnology. He also served in the capacity of Regulatory Officer and Lab Chief of the FDA's Center For Drug and Evaluation Research!
Well there ya have it, and for less than $1.50 per share the downside is small , and when any of these drugs hit , or a buyout is in the cards LOOKOUT Mega profits will be made.
Additional info on the company
9 For 3/5/10
Well another crazy week goes into the record books, It's Friday, employment numbers are out ......but who cares? Here are some solid picks that should blow the doors off your portfolio , provided that the markets do not go into a tailspin.
1. ACXM LONG Interactive marketing services with absolute super chart!
2. CHGS LONG Another Chinese miner with offices in Nevada that just jumped from OTCBB to the AMEX ....WATCH THIS ONE SMOKE!
3. EAC LONG oil and gas acquisition and development in Montana and North Dakota
4 GNVC LONG A biopharma that develops gene based drugs and vaccines in the US
5. GFRE LONG SUPER Chinese gold miner
6. HUSA LONG Energy
7. JAZZ LONG A pharma company that produces neurology and psychiatry drugs ....and with all the sickolas we have walking around .the need is there!
8. RNN LONG MY FAVORITE BioPharma with 3 super drugs in the FDA phase 2 pipeline $$$$$$$$ will be made with this one .....BUY AND HOLD for the eventual POP!
9. VOLC LONG Makes and distributes medical measuring devices.....WOW THIS ONE IS EXPLODING!
Well there ya have it .....hopefully these will make some coin for ya .....Good Luck, God Bless .....and if ya have a few minutes , listen to this one .....who can forget the girls in their summer clothes?
Crank up your speakers and enjoy!
RNN has to be THE stock for 2010..I got in @ 0.79 and I ain't letting go of this baby till TEVA takes over..I was actually watchin TEVA for a while but never took a position, now I got myself a baby TEVA, lol
GNVC and JAZZ are also nice ones..been good to me a couple of times
Nice line up Pete
Originally posted by BesV View PostRNN has to be THE stock for 2010..I got in @ 0.79 and I ain't letting go of this baby till TEVA takes over..I was actually watchin TEVA for a while but never took a position, now I got myself a baby TEVA, lol
GNVC and JAZZ are also nice ones..been good to me a couple of times
Nice line up Pete
The %2 Week High Port 2/26/10
Here are the results of the stocks within the portfolio listed above that used 2/26/10 closing prices and ran M-F 3/1-3/5/10 .
Note the protfolio gained $804.75 or 4.02% for the week.
52 WK HIGH 2/26/10
Value: Gain/Loss [Since Purchase]: Gain/Loss [Today]:
20,804.75 +804.75 +4.02% +223.33 +1.09%
Symbol Shares Last/NAV Cost Basis Gain/Loss %Gain/Loss Value
CAGC 80 27.62 2,000.00 +209.60 +10.48% 2,209.60
DECK 16.6389 128.74 2,000.00 +142.10 +7.10% 2,142.09
FNSR 160 13.08 2,000.00 +92.80 +4.64% 2,092.80
INSU 81.4332 26.74 2,000.00 +177.52 +8.88% 2,177.52
LBY 151.5152 11.78 2,000.00 -215.15 -10.76% 1,784.85
LYV 153.9646 13.84 2,000.00 +130.87 +6.54% 2,130.87
RCL 70.7464 29.81 2,000.00 +108.95 +5.45% 2,108.95
RICK 129.4498 14.36 2,000.00 -141.10 -7.06% 1,858.90
SMCI 133.2445 16.31 2,000.00 +173.22 +8.66% 2,173.22
UAUA 116.6181 18.23 2,000.00 +125.95 +6.30% 2,125.95
Last Updated : 4:20 PM on 03/05/10
*Note: Notice & Terms: Confirm all data with your broker before trading. Delays:NASDAQ, NYSE & AMEX -
13 For Monday 3/8/10
The following 13 should do well over the course of the week provided the markets don't collapse!
1. AEZ LONG Oil and Natural Gas
2. CAGC LONG Chinese agriculture stock on fire .....may be exteneded now , but nice future ahead
3. CHGS LONG Mineral based products , for ceramics etc.
4. CNAM LONG WOW just signed a 100 million dollar contract here is link
http://money.cnn.com/news/newsfeeds/...re/0593133.htm a guy on yahoo ....broke down the math for the 100 MILLION contract .....$15 could be in the NEAR future for this baby! READ THIS Verrrrry Interesting
With a 100 million dollar contract, that adds to the 67 million in revenues the last four quaters on yahoo.
"Total income applicable to shares is 2,530,000 at of that point, with eps of .23
Apply the 100 million in new revenue, TIMES the same profit margin as they have now, or 3.77% (which im sure will get improved), net applicable income to common shares of 11 million is 6,306, 119.
That means the EPS after this deal is .5732 over double want it is now.
So this stock should really be up 200% from current levels.
It has $15 written all over it.
Since its trading at a PE right now of 31, with this new contract its trading at a new PE of 8.25"
5. DEPO LONG A specialty phrma company with oral delivery drugs!
6. HITK LONG A high tech pharma company
7. LLEN LONG China clean coal and energy company
8. NKTR LONG LONG OH yeah another biopharma
9. RNN LONG MY FAVORITE BIOPHARMA with 3 FDA Phase 2 Drugs in the pipeline and with SUPER prospects tor a buyout .....LOOKOUT MONEY will be made with this one ...GEEZZZ at $1.32 per share what are you waiting for?
10 SNCR LONG Transaction management for mobile communication services
11. SOA LONG Chemical and other engineered products for the varu=ious industries
12. TSTC LONG Chinese wireless communications company...just think of all those billions of cell phones for the Chinese
13. VOLC LONG Itravascular medical devices
Well there ya have it ....IF ANYONE CARES TO COMMENT please do , as we all can learn. Good Luck, God Bless and enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Portfolio For the Week 3/8-3/12/10
I constructed a portfolio with the money 20 K and profit $805 from last week for a total of $20805 , and I invested it equally into 5 stocks from the above list. Let's see how it performs for the week , and I will post the results on Friday, 3/12/10.
Once again Friday's 3/5/10 closing prices were used!
PFTW 3/8/-3/12/10
Value: Gain/Loss [Since Purchase]: Gain/Loss [Today]:
20,805.00 0.00 0.00% 0.00 0.00%
Symbol Shares Last/NAV Net Change Pur. Price Gain/Loss Value
AEZ 728.7215 5.71 +0.33 5.71 0.00 4,161.00
CAGC 150.6517 27.62 +1.19 27.62 0.00 4,161.00
CHGS 1,103.7135 3.77 +0.39 3.77 0.00 4,161.00
CNAM 433.4375 9.60 +1.10 9.60 0.00 4,161.00
TSTC 224.9189 18.50 +1.66 18.50 0.00 4,161.00
12 For 3/9/10
Well Stock futures , oil and gold are all down as I write so today could be a tricky day.....but don't despair I have selected 12 stocks or the "GOLDEN DOZEN" . There are some beauties in here that are ready to blow the doors off your portfolio. Never , ever , ever, give up, be positive and as financier Jim Fisk said "Think Big , Act Big and you will be Big" Interesting link to "Big Jim Fisk" can be found here. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Fisk_(financier)
1. AMCF LONG China marine Fuel supplies, produces marine fuels for Chinese fishing vessels . Now I'm not a CPA , CFA but any Jack Harry can see that when a company has 2009 revenue up 57% and net income up 334 % something is happening . Watch this sleeper smoke! Here is the Yahoo Finance Link! http://finance.yahoo.com/news/Andate...html?x=0&.v=81
2. ANV LONG Nice Gold Miner with up chart
3. CAGC LONG This China Agriculture stock is a Vector Vest buy and undervalued
4. CTEL LONG Chinese telecom
5. GRRF LONG Wow another Chinese sleeper China Green Tech Vector vest says this $3.68 Nasdaq stock in UNDERVALUED and should be worth $6.17 . With sales growth at 86% and Earnings growth at 30%
6. IPXL LONG Impax labs
7. RNN LONG My best Biopharma pick....yes it will go up and down ..but with 3 Phase 2 drugs in the pipeline and research on many more ..ONE DAY KABOOM RNN will MOONSHOT!
8. MAKO LONG Surgical company
9. NUS LONG Nuskin enterprizes
10. SCSS LONG select comfort the sllep number bed , I don't have one but people are buying it.
11. TSTC Telestone technologies
12. WPRT LONG Westport Innovations ...don't know much about this one other than it has a nice chart!
Well .....Good Luck , God Bless and have a beautiful day!
RNN Secures Japanese Patent
Rexahn Pharmaceuticals RNN has just secured a "JAPANESE" patent for its anti cancer drug Archesin. Archesin is in phase 2 FDA trials in he US. Will it be granted a US patent? Only time will tell , but NOW is the time to throw some coin into RNN BEFORE it is granted a US patent.
Yes , as all biotechs..... it is a gamble, but at $1.37 the downside is small but the UPSIDE is HUUUUUUUUUGE!
Remember RNN also has 2 other drugs in FDA phase 2 trials so you are diversified!
If all or any of the drugs secure patents the profits will be spectacular!!
Here is the News Link
8 for 3/12/10
TGIF and once again an up and down confusing week . The following 8 should do well today provided the markets don't go into reverse.
1. DPZ LONG Dominos Pizza ..Supposedly making better pizza
2. BMRN LONG Bio Pharma with hot chart
3. FBT LONG A Bio Tech ETF A "SAFER" way to play Biotechs
4. IMAX LONG At a 52 week high
5. INCY LONG Bio Pharma
6. JOEZ LONG Nice chart moving on up
7. NG LONG Gold Miner with nice chart
8. WPRT LONG Westport Innovations
Good LUck God bless and have a great weekend!
PFTW Results Portfolio For The Week 3/8-3/12/10
Unfortunately the PFTW produced dismal results at best...perhaps the week time period is too short? No excuses ......it performed poorly. Here are the results ......note the 2.67% LOSS for the week . I shall post the results of the MONEY GUSHER 7 Portfolio over the weekend ....that produced much better results!
Print U.S. Markets open in 48 hrs, 55 mins
DJIA 10,624.69 12.85 0.12%
NASDAQ 2,367.66 -0.80 -0.03%
S&P 500 1,149.99 -0.25 -0.02%
PFTW 3/8/-3/12/10
Value: Gain/Loss [Since Purchase]: Gain/Loss [Today]:
20,248.72 -556.28 -2.67% -781.97 -3.72%
Symbol Shares Last/NAV Net Change Pur. Price Gain/Loss Value
AEZ 728.7215 5.90 -0.09 5.71 +138.46 4,299.46
CAGC 150.6517 30.00 +1.36 27.62 +358.55 4,519.55
CHGS 1,103.7135 3.27 -0.22 3.77 -551.86 3,609.14
CNAM 433.4375 8.22 -1.42 9.60 -598.14 3,562.86
TSTC 224.9189 18.93 -0.28 18.50 +96.72 4,257.71
Last Updated: 7:35 AM on 03/13/10
THe POTW will be discontinued , but MONEY GUSHER 8 will be set to run for the next 20 days with new picks! This 20 day period seems to work especially well!