Pete's Money Makers

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  • Peter Hansen
    • Jul 2005
    • 3968

    Ivanhoe 5/18/07 Close $12.63

    The News for Ivanhoe gets better:

    In addition to the mining project in Mongolia ( as described above) Ivanhoe Mines Ltd. (NYSE IVN ) is looking to ramp up exploration in Australia as Mongolian operations enter a new phase and head toward production, CEO John Macken said Friday.


    • Originally posted by Peter Hansen View Post
      Anglo American (AAUK) close 5/11/07 $29.02 holds investments in gold, platinum, diamonds, uranium, coal and other mineral mining companies is South Africa, Brazil and the US ; invests in industrial, commercial, finance, and insurance companies and small businesses. Definitely a Warren Buffet Type Company, and rumors are that, he may buy the company!
      Diamonds are a girl's best friend, and in Shanghai , 8 out of 10 brides receive a diamond for their wedding. Debeers's stockpile of diamonds is depleting fast and they are investing heavily to find more diamonds , especially in Canada. AAUK owns 45% of Debeers , and Debeers produces half of the world's supply of diamonds, but this only represents a SMALL percentage of AAUK's portfolio. AAUK dominates the platinum market with 40% of the world's platinum product. That also only represents a small percentage of the AAUK portfolio. The largest contributor to AAUK's earnings is its base metals operation which consists of Copper , Nickel, and Zinc.
      Needless to say AAUK is HUGE! It has a market cap close to 87 BILLION and it earned 10 Billion in profits before tax in 2006. Vector Vest says it is UNDERVALUED as of its 5/11/07 close price of $29.02 and should be worth $38.52 per share . They have a 1-3 years earnings growth rate of 21% a PE of 18.42 and an Earnings yield of 5.40. AAUK is definitely one powerhouse you want in your portfolio, and is a good stock to buy for your children .

      ....aauk is a good company no doubt. But take a look at


      • Peter Hansen
        • Jul 2005
        • 3968

        TATNIC Thanx

        Tat thanx for the IMPUY.PK Stock........generally I don't bother with the Pink Sheets , because financial data is difficult to come by, and you cannot use a trailing stop loss on the pinks and OTCBB stox; however, IMPUY does have one hell of a chart .......I will follow it and perhaps throw a few bucks into it.
        I do appreciate your input , and any stock ideas ( I hate the words "Stock Tips" ) would be appreciated from any and all . We are all looking for that next blockbuster stock .......and sharing information will make the quest .....that much more interesting.


        • Originally posted by Peter Hansen View Post
          Tat thanx for the IMPUY.PK Stock........generally I don't bother with the Pink Sheets , because financial data is difficult to come by, and you cannot use a trailing stop loss on the pinks and OTCBB stox; however, IMPUY does have one hell of a chart .......I will follow it and perhaps throw a few bucks into it.
          I do appreciate your input , and any stock ideas ( I hate the words "Stock Tips" ) would be appreciated from any and all . We are all looking for that next blockbuster stock .......and sharing information will make the quest .....that much more interesting.
          The other miner that is Impala's competitor is AAUK...those 2 are considered the biggies in the area of palladium and platinum mining in South Africa.

          PAL and SWC are also minors but are much riskier IMO even though they are traded on local exchanges.

          I do think that pollution control strategies will heavily favor the use of palladium and platinum, esp. with air pollution control systems which are obviously the biggest focus at this point.


          • Peter Hansen
            • Jul 2005
            • 3968

            Grow with GROW

            Grow closed 5/21/07 $21.94. US Global Investors Inc GROW is a Texas based investment advisor and manager of no load mutual funds. It has a market cap of about 300 million and takes in approximately 45 million per yesr .
            Salient points are as follows:
            1) Formed in 1968
            2) Great management team
            3) Good revenue growth
            2002 7.70 million
            2003 7.48 million
            2005 17 million
            2006 45 million
            4) Grow does not have one "STAR" manager , but utilizes a very successful team based strategy
            5) The profit picture
            2002 loss of 3 cents per share
            2005 profit of 19 cents per share
            2006 profit of $1.38 per share.
            Needless to say .....very impresive.....and if you run it against one of your stocks, funds or ETFs in Yahoo will also be impressed


            • Peter Hansen
              • Jul 2005
              • 3968

              Highly Speculative SLGR (OTCBB)

              Not much info on Stallion Group (SLGR) ....other than it is a wild cat oil mining company .....great chart .....but DON'T bet the ranch on it . Close 5/21/07 is $1.14.


              • Originally posted by Tatnic View Post
                The other miner that is Impala's competitor is AAUK...those 2 are considered the biggies in the area of palladium and platinum mining in South Africa.

                PAL and SWC are also minors but are much riskier IMO even though they are traded on local exchanges.

                I do think that pollution control strategies will heavily favor the use of palladium and platinum, esp. with air pollution control systems which are obviously the biggest focus at this point.
                I should have said minor miners, or juniors as they're known in canuuk land.


                • Originally posted by Peter Hansen View Post
                  Grow closed 5/21/07 $21.94. US Global Investors Inc GROW is a Texas based investment advisor and manager of no load mutual funds. It has a market cap of about 300 million and takes in approximately 45 million per yesr .
                  Salient points are as follows:
                  1) Formed in 1968
                  2) Great management team
                  3) Good revenue growth
                  2002 7.70 million
                  2003 7.48 million
                  2005 17 million
                  2006 45 million
                  4) Grow does not have one "STAR" manager , but utilizes a very successful team based strategy
                  5) The profit picture
                  2002 loss of 3 cents per share
                  2005 profit of 19 cents per share
                  2006 profit of $1.38 per share.
                  Needless to say .....very impresive.....and if you run it against one of your stocks, funds or ETFs in Yahoo will also be impressed
                  I posted this one as a "buy signal" last week on my thread but have been mulling it over a nd thinking it may have to go lower, then rebound before I take a stake. It just came down too fast and hard to bounce right back up where it was (although it has done that on past corrections).

                  I could be wrong and in the past it has found support around the 40 week...but I now believe that it would be much better if it dipped below the 40 week more than it has, then rebounds. If it doesn't then I missed the chance...won't be the first or last time. For those who are feeling lucky maybe start with half a position and see where it is in a month.


                  • Peter Hansen
                    • Jul 2005
                    • 3968

                    Answ Undervalued

                    ANSW just turned up close 5/21/07 $12.94 . It is an site with increasing daily queries. ANSW was profitable for the first time last quarter .......maybe another young google here this one !!
                    High spec......and not for the timid ......needless to say .

                    Additional ANSW Info:

                    Answers Corp (ANSW)

                    12.94 +2.27 (+21.27%)

                    as of 04:00 PM EDT on 05/21/2007 (NASDAQ Delay: 15 mins.)Manage Alerts
                    Notices & Terms Confirm all data with your broker before trading.

                    Company Description for ANSW: Related Resources

                    Jerusalem Technology Park, The Tower, Bldg. 98
                    Jerusalem 91481, Israel
                    Answers is the place to go to get the answers you need and to ask the questions you want

                    Phone: +972-2-649-5000
                    Fax: ·Company Summary
                    ·Institutional Ownership
                    ·Event Calendar
                    ·Insider Trades

                    Industry: Internet Search & Navigation Services Sector: INDUSTRIAL
                    The Internet might not hold all the answers to questions about life, the universe, and everything, but Answers Corporation (formerly GuruNet) sure is trying. The company runs, a free, ad-supported search service launched in 2005. Unlike competing search engines,'s search results do not include a page of links; instead they return a snapshot of text culled by editors who use more than 120 sources, including encyclopedias, dictionaries, and atlases. Its WikiAnswers is a dynamic questions and answers Web site collaboratively written and edited by a community of users.

                    2006 Sales: 1 Yr. Sales Growth: 2006 Net Income: 2005 Employees:
                    +7,000,000 +242.90% -8,600,000 38
                    Top Competitors:
                    Last edited by Peter Hansen; 05-22-2007, 09:21 AM. Reason: Addition


                    • Websman
                      Senior Member
                      • Apr 2004
                      • 5545

                      GOFH is on sale....


                      • Peter Hansen
                        • Jul 2005
                        • 3968

                        ANSW Looking Better ......Like Real Good!

                        I received this e-mail from Smart Selected as part of their FREE service!

                        "If ANSW can breakout above $14 or $15, we could see a massive short squeeze.

                        Major institutions are looking at ANSW and we can't imagine what will happen if they try to accumulate, with only 7 million shares in the float.

                        ANSW is a stock that everybody on CNBC will likely be talking about very soon. We are discovering ANSW at the ground-floor before the rest of the investment community.

                        You can't value this company based on revenues. You must value it based on what it would be worth in the hands of a larger Internet giant.

               is now generating 4.86MM unique hits per day and this is up 26% over last quarter and 88% over a year ago. We are aware of no other search site growing this rapidly.

                        ANSW may only be generating $6.32 in revenues per thousand hits, but GOOG has the advertising infrastructure to generate $90 in revenues per thousand hits.

                        So in the hands of GOOG, ANSW could potentially generate $39.4 million in quarterly revenues based on the traffic they have now.

                        With GOOG's annual price/sales ratio of 12.2, ANSW could be worth as much as $1.9 billion in their hands.

                        Remember, ANSW only has 7.85 million total shares outstanding. A valuation of just $500 million would mean a share price of $63.

                        This is a no-brainer. Opportunities like this are very rare!

                        ANSW will soon be on everybody's radar screens and we are discovering it at the ground-floor! We believe ANSW will become the NASDAQ's biggest Internet play of 2007! Do not miss it."

                        DO we have the new google here ......who knows .....but I really like their site ...check it out ......If Google or Microsoft decides to buy this gem.......LoooooooooooK Out ......IMHO .....It may be worth putting a few bucks into this dark horse


                        • Websman
                          Senior Member
                          • Apr 2004
                          • 5545

                          Originally posted by Peter Hansen View Post
                          DO we have the new google here ......who knows .....but I really like their site ...check it out ......If Google or Microsoft decides to buy this gem.......LoooooooooooK Out ......IMHO .....It may be worth putting a few bucks into this dark horse
                          Looks very interesting Pete. I'll be taking a close look at this one.

                          Great thread you have here! It's quickly becoming my favorite one to read.


                          • Peter Hansen
                            • Jul 2005
                            • 3968

                            Answ Update

                            Latest ANSW NEWS:

                            ANSW update:

                            We could see some of major institutions start accumulating ANSW and we can't imagine what is going to happen. There are only 4.69MM shares of ANSW in the hands of retail investors. ANSW has stated they have enough cash and no debt. This means there will be no dilution.

                            If these major institutions want to accumulate shares of ANSW, where are they going to find the shares to buy?

                            Some retail investors in ANSW tells us that they won't sell the stock until it gets bought out at a huge premium.

                            Therefore... these institutions are going to have trouble finding any shares to buy without driving the price up to the stratosphere. Plus, they are going to be competing with the shorts that will have to cover soon before they go bankrupt.

                            Keep an eye on ANSW. Do not miss the huge run ahead!


                            • Peter Hansen
                              • Jul 2005
                              • 3968

                              WEB Thanx

                              Web thanx......I always appreciate your comments and input.....this is a great forum, and MR Market has provided us with the opportunity to comment on stocks of all types. I try to present a mixed bag ......some are story stocks wth blue chip attributes , other are a bit more dubious and speculative. Bottom line.... I try to focus on stocks that have a good probability of making money!


                              • Peter Hansen
                                • Jul 2005
                                • 3968

                                NGA ( Looking Good )

                                North American Galvanizing & Coating Inc ( NGA ) closed on 5/23/07 at $16.93 , and according to Vector Vest is UNDERVALUED compared to its current value of $22.97. It has a PE of 16.44, and an EY Earnings Yield of 6.07. It has a forecasted 3 yrs earnings growth of 29%, and a sales growth over the past 12 months of 52% per yr.
                                NGA engages principally in hot dip galvanizing of metal products, and it does focus on providing top quality that meets all industry stardards. It does all this in a rapid turnaround time that is very important to most customers. The company fundamentals look good as illustrated in the YAHOO chart below.

                                View: Annual Data | Quarterly Data All numbers in thousands
                                PERIOD ENDING 31-Dec-06 31-Dec-05 31-Dec-04
                                Total Revenue 74,054 47,870 35,822
                                Cost of Revenue 54,662 35,969 25,814

                                Gross Profit 19,392 11,901 10,008

                                Operating Expenses
                                Research Development - - -
                                Selling General and Administrative 8,058 7,196 5,917
                                Non Recurring - - -
                                Others 2,975 2,532 2,701

                                Total Operating Expenses - - -

                                Operating Income or Loss 8,359 2,173 1,390

                                Income from Continuing Operations
                                Total Other Income/Expenses Net 62 - 25
                                Earnings Before Interest And Taxes 8,421 2,173 1,415
                                Interest Expense 867 1,074 764
                                Income Before Tax 7,554 1,099 651
                                Income Tax Expense 3,019 455 248
                                Minority Interest - - -

                                Net Income From Continuing Ops 4,535 644 403

                                Non-recurring Events
                                Discontinued Operations - - -
                                Extraordinary Items - - -
                                Effect Of Accounting Changes - - -
                                Other Items - - -

                                Net Income 4,535 644 403
                                Preferred Stock And Other Adjustments - - -

                                Net Income Applicable To Common Shares $4,535 $644 $403

                                NGA Has only 8,000,000 shares outstanding, a market cap of $138,000,000, and the chart looks good. I like this sleeper, and it may be worth putting a few bucks in and setting a trailing 10% stop loss!

