Pete's Money Makers

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  • Originally posted by Peter Hansen View Post
    Tatnic thank you for your list of possibilities for the "Mystery StocK" I will study the ones you listed . Maybe I should spring for the 95 Dollars and get the name of that stock? ...... As the old saying goes .......Curiosity Killed the cat LOL
    Here's the other ones that could have been it....SRE EIX.

    If you pull up the charts of all 7, you might find one that looks more promising. Mainly, the reason you're interested is that those guys pushing those stock letters know how to push your buttons. Its not about their picks as much as it is their marketing, which can be said about alot of things.


    • skiracer
      Senior Member
      • Dec 2004
      • 6314

      Originally posted by Tatnic View Post
      Here's the other ones that could have been it....SRE EIX.

      If you pull up the charts of all 7, you might find one that looks more promising. Mainly, the reason you're interested is that those guys pushing those stock letters know how to push your buttons. Its not about their picks as much as it is their marketing, which can be said about alot of things.
      Your last sentence is an interesting comment. Peanuts and I shared our opposing views on this topic awhile back. He leaned more on content as a selling point and I thought there was as much to the presentation (marketing package) as content if not more. You seem to lean more towards the marketing package rather than the content. Is that what you are saying?


      • Peter Hansen
        • Jul 2005
        • 3968

        PICO A Southwest Water Land Powerstock !

        Pico Holdings Inc (PICO) based in LaJolla, CA, is a 532 Million cap company with a 4/23/07 close of $44.85 and according to Vector Vest UNDERVALUED compared to its real worth of $56.67.
        Pico owns Vidler Water Co, Nevada Land And Resource, an insurance company and a portfolio of many other businesses. PICO's CEO ran an equity firm from 1979-1989 with an annual growth rate of 36% compared to Warren Buffet's 29% annual growth rate over that same period. In 1993 he purchased an insurance company and raked in millions from premiums paid by doctors for mal practice insurance. This genius took that money and quietly bought up land and water rights in Nevada, Texas, Colorado, and Arizona for a total of 1.3 Million acres. Was it really such a smart move to buy up all of this land at an average cost of $35.92 per acre? .... You bet your ass it was. In the same month of April 1997 that PICO bought the land, it turned around and sold 615,000 acres for $87 an acre for a total of 53.6 million . Bottom line ... Pico recovered its total purchase and as of 9/06 still has 648,000 acres still left for sale . Totally brilliant move for PICO.
        Since 1993 water rights in the Southwest have Skyrocketed from $1,000 an acre foot (The Industry Measure) to an incredible figure of more than $7500! In one major happening deal PICO is set to pipe 8,000 acre feet of fresh water (26 Billion Gallons) to a Mega development project within Nevada. The project has already been approved by State Engineer of Nevada. The well and infrastructure are already in place and because of that the price is already over $45,000 per acre foot. Remember PICO only paid $35.92 for each acre of this land . The return on investment is an OUTSTANDING 102,000 percent. ....Wow my porfolio should do as well.LOL !
        PICO has 12 major water holdings throughout Nevada, Texas , Colorado, and Arizona. 5 of these deals will be happening within the next 32 months.
        Remember that in addition to all of the mega water deals, PICO still remains a cash cow generating revenue from all its other businesses. Once these deals come to past , the public will be more aware and the stock price will head skyward. Ladies and gentlemen PICO is a no brainer RUN to your broker and buy PICO!


        • Peter Hansen
          • Jul 2005
          • 3968

          A Notable Quote

          At Columbia Business School's annual value investor conference last March, renowned value investor Martin J. Whitman was asked which company he would keep if he had to sell all of his long term investments except one. His answer was ...........TOYOTA !
          Come to think of it , I have not seen a GM vehicle in my neighborhood in years. I did see one, at a nearby Mall, ( An Old Buick) being driven by a senior citizen with those dark wrap around glasses. We all know the type.....they signal LEFT , and then proceed to make a wide sweeping RIGHT turn ........LOL!


          • Peter Hansen
            • Jul 2005
            • 3968

            BBND (Big Band Networks) Looks Good

            Have not done much research on it but the BBND chart looks good to me at this point . Briefly BBND : is a recent IPO , it will be volatile, it has an optimization technology that allows communications companies to expand their bandwidth and programming , which is very important for transmission of movies etc., from 05-06 there was a revenue increase of 100% , last year it turned a profit of 13 million . It closed 4/25/07 at $18.58 up 2.37%. It may be worth taking a small position in it with a 15% trailing stop loss.


            • Originally posted by skiracer View Post
              Your last sentence is an interesting comment. Peanuts and I shared our opposing views on this topic awhile back. He leaned more on content as a selling point and I thought there was as much to the presentation (marketing package) as content if not more. You seem to lean more towards the marketing package rather than the content. Is that what you are saying?
              No, my point was that given what they were selling is average at best, they need to resort to manipulating the readers into thinking their content is magical and mysterious, which is bullshit but very effective in many cases. It sure got Pete's attention.


              • Originally posted by Peter Hansen View Post
                At Columbia Business School's annual value investor conference last March, renowned value investor Martin J. Whitman was asked which company he would keep if he had to sell all of his long term investments except one. His answer was ...........TOYOTA !
                Come to think of it , I have not seen a GM vehicle in my neighborhood in years. I did see one, at a nearby Mall, ( An Old Buick) being driven by a senior citizen with those dark wrap around glasses. We all know the type.....they signal LEFT , and then proceed to make a wide sweeping RIGHT turn ........LOL!

                I've always liked toyota both from an investment standpoint and a product. But you can't expect huge returns on your investment and I disagree with his take on it being the only long-term investment worth holding. First of all, a question like that is totally stupid and to answer it doesn't say much about the guy either, but that's just my opinion.


                • Peter Hansen
                  • Jul 2005
                  • 3968

                  Tantnic No Toyota for me either.

                  I never owned Toyota stock, and if I did , it would not be my number one pick. The one I do own , and the one with a much better history is BAM .......outstanding long term hold!


                  • Peter Hansen
                    • Jul 2005
                    • 3968

                    IIC & BJ Results for week 4/23/07-4/27/07

                    The results fo the "Mother of all Systems" stock scans are as follows . IIC won simply by LOSING less -$64 while BJ's loss was -1203 . Billie had 2 winning stocks for the week BTJ and SLP, and IIC had 3 winning stocks for the week MICC, PCU and SYNL. Hope fully the results will be better for the next week .The portfolios are listed below :

                    IIC PORT 4/20/07

                    Value: 49,935.57 Gain/Loss: -64.43 (-0.13%) Today: -2,872.09 (-5.44%)

                    Symbol Shares Last/NAV Net Change Pur. Price Gain/Loss Value
                    COH 185.9082 51.25 -0.03 53.79 -472.21 9,527.80
                    MICC 119.2179 84.48 -0.98 83.88 +71.53 10,071.53
                    PCU 122.8803 82.27 +0.59 81.38 +109.36 10,109.36
                    ROCM 390.9304 22.5899 -6.89 25.58 -1,168.92 8,831.08
                    SYNL 279.7203 40.74 -0.46 35.75 +1,395.80 11,395.81

                    Last Updated: 9:46 AM on 04/28/07

                    BILLIE JOE PORT 4/20/07

                    Value: 48,797.31 Gain/Loss: -1,202.70 (-2.41%) Today: -2,097.52 (-4.12%)

                    Symbol Shares Last/NAV Net Change Pur. Price Gain/Loss Value
                    BTJ 280.9778 41.40 -1.49 35.59 +1,632.48 11,632.48
                    GROW 340.1361 25.9399 -1.61 29.40 -1,176.90 8,823.10
                    JSDA 370.6449 23.02 -1.0965 26.98 -1,467.75 8,532.25
                    SLP 823.0453 12.60 -0.41 12.15 +370.37 10,370.37
                    WCG 109.1227 86.50 -3.55 91.64 -560.89 9,439.11

                    Last Updated: 9:47 AM on 04/28/07


                    • Originally posted by Peter Hansen View Post
                      I never owned Toyota stock, and if I did , it would not be my number one pick. The one I do own , and the one with a much better history is BAM .......outstanding long term hold!
                      its decent....decent enuf to make my list of superstocks. Not at the top of that list mind you, but not at the bottom either.


                      • Peter Hansen
                        • Jul 2005
                        • 3968

                        Tatnic Thanx

                        Tat in addition to BAM .....I like AAUK, SHLD, WCG and MKL ......all moneymakers for me. What are your TOP 5 Stocks?


                        • billyjoe
                          Senior Member
                          • Nov 2003
                          • 9014


                          I had a sell order in at 101 a couple days ago. It hit 101, but not long enough to fill. It seems with the earnings and the phone coming out 101 is a very conservative number. I'm seeing minimum 110. Anyone agree or disagree?



                          • Websman
                            Senior Member
                            • Apr 2004
                            • 5545

                            GOFH is starting to look much better. The site traffic is starting to climb...

                            Also, they've filed an application for a Nasdaq listing.
                            At Yahoo Finance, you get free stock quotes, up-to-date news, portfolio management resources, international market data, social interaction and mortgage rates that help you manage your financial life.

                            Too bad I didn't get some while it was under $3, but I think I'm going to go ahead and initiate a position tomorrow. I may add more later.


                            • spikefader
                              Senior Member
                              • Apr 2004
                              • 7175

                              Originally posted by billyjoe View Post
                              ..101 is a very conservative number. I'm seeing minimum 110. Anyone agree or disagree?

                              I agree with you billyjoe. 70% bullish weight as I see it.


                              • Peter Hansen
                                • Jul 2005
                                • 3968

                                Microvision MVIS Worth a 2nd Look !

                                Buy when there is blood in the streets and Microvision (MVIS) which has dropped from $64 in 2000 to a low of $4.25 (Close 5/2/07) , is a prime candidate. Through some research , I have discovered that MVIS is a company that manufactures high tech optical scanning devices and it has over 100 patents. The previous management placed too many eggs in many baskets and apparently did not watch those baskets. Costs went up , profits sank and the company hit bottom. Fortunately the old boys were given the axe and a new management team with vision has taken over.
                                Alexander Tokman is the new man of vision in charge, and he intends to turn MVIS around by controlling spending, focusing on fewer products, paying down debt and improving customer service.
                                I like the company because of their high tech applications and with the new management team excellent prospects for future growth. Bill Gates likes their technology , and their current technology gives them the capability to, turn practically any wall of your house into super high definition TV , lightweight , affordable , 3D glasses for gaming applications, and pinpoint displays on virtually any surface. Drivers can see speed and driving applications on the lower part of their windshields. They have just unveiled a sleek , hand-held ,Bluetooth enabled pocket sized, lazer bar code scanner aimed at mobile workers who need simple and affordable data collection solutions. A quarterly earnings report will be released on May 9, 2007 .
                                Vector Vest gives MVIS a "hold" rating, and their fundamentals are lousy, but I think the company has good future prospects. MVIS is a speculative stock, and needless to say it does not belong in the portfolio of pregnant nuns, women , or children, but having said that ......if you have a few dollars to chase a dark horse ....MVIS is a good one !
                                Last edited by Peter Hansen; 05-03-2007, 07:16 AM. Reason: Typo

