Pete's Money Makers

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  • Peter Hansen
    • Jul 2005
    • 3968

    River Thanx

    Originally posted by riverbabe View Post
    Hi Pete, I know you listen to Vector Vest, but have you ever talked to their reps about exactly what they mean by their "fair value?" It might be worth checking with them. Riverbabe
    River according to Vector Vest "Value is a measure of a stocks current worth , and is computed from forecasted earnings per share , forecasted earnings growth ,profitability, interest and inflation rates . Value increases when earnings, earnings growth rate and profitabilty increases, and when interest rates and inflation increase. At some point a stock's Price and Value will Always converge"
    River there you have it .....I am not a subscriber but a friend of mine is. I once called the company and asked .....if they have all those complicated analytical techniques , "Why don't they just issue a weekly letter with their BEST picks" There was a moment of silence , snd the salesman siad , "They don't do that" I guess there is better money in selling the monthly service . Bottom line I dont think their picks will be any better than mine, yours or Mr Market !


    • peanuts
      Senior Member
      • Feb 2006
      • 3365

      Originally posted by Peter Hansen View Post
      ... If YOU can find a better oil services company .....please let me know.
      Who knows whether Delek Holdings (DK) is better than Holly Corp. or not, but you might want to check it out, too.

      Also, TSO doesn't seem too shabby, either.

      I'm enjoying your thread, Peter. Keep it up!
      Hide not your talents.
      They for use were made.
      What's a sundial in the shade?

      - Benjamin Franklin


      • billyjoe
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2003
        • 9014

        Originally posted by billyjoe View Post
        Next stop 120.

        What's next? Am I a pig about to get slaughtered if I don't sell or is the i-phone just the beginning?



        • peanuts
          Senior Member
          • Feb 2006
          • 3365

          Originally posted by billyjoe View Post
          What's next? Am I a pig about to get slaughtered if I don't sell or is the i-phone just the beginning?

          household penetration rate is relatively low for Mac's... imagine if the iPhone is as big as the iPod and Mac penetration over PC's continues to climb and eventually equals PC's... by 2010, you may have a 10 bagger with AAPL

          Great stock, billyjoe!
          Hide not your talents.
          They for use were made.
          What's a sundial in the shade?

          - Benjamin Franklin


          • Peter Hansen
            • Jul 2005
            • 3968

            Peanuts Difficult to compare

            Originally posted by peanuts View Post
            Who knows whether Delek Holdings (DK) is better than Holly Corp. or not, but you might want to check it out, too.

            Also, TSO doesn't seem too shabby, either.

            I'm enjoying your thread, Peter. Keep it up!
            Peanuts Dk has a History of only about 1 yr . Recent performance is good , but over a longer period ......who knows? HOC on the other hand has split 3 times since 7/9/01 (ALL 2 for 1 splits) , and according to Morning Star 10 K placed into HOC in 1/1/04 would have grown to about 85K current date ......not a bad piece of change....considering both ....I would rather throw my money into HOC!


            • mystiky
              Senior Member
              • Dec 2004
              • 333

              GOFH reminds me of OPBL

              thank god I stayed from all of them...

              VOLUME is the story-teller in my book....

              What happened? Why did GOFH suddenly drop like this?


              • riverbabe
                Senior Member
                • May 2005
                • 3373

                Originally posted by Peter Hansen View Post
                River according to Vector Vest "Value is a measure of a stocks current worth , and is computed from forecasted earnings per share , forecasted earnings growth ,profitability, interest and inflation rates . Value increases when earnings, earnings growth rate and profitabilty increases, and when interest rates and inflation increase. At some point a stock's Price and Value will Always converge"
                River there you have it .....I am not a subscriber but a friend of mine is. I once called the company and asked .....if they have all those complicated analytical techniques , "Why don't they just issue a weekly letter with their BEST picks" There was a moment of silence , snd the salesman siad , "They don't do that" I guess there is better money in selling the monthly service . Bottom line I dont think their picks will be any better than mine, yours or Mr Market !
                Funny story Pete. They lost me as a customer (on a free trial) when they explained their "fair value" to me based on all the (sorry) fuzzy BS quoted to you, as above. Well, OF COURSE, at some point a stock's Price and Value will Always converge. "At some point" is about as vague as they can get and not risk a law suit. But "Always" is pretty definite. Need some good solid evidence for that, sorry. And the Value "increases when earnings, earnings growth rate and profitabilty increases, and when interest rates and inflation increase." So, fellas, what exactly are you trying to tell me about this particular stock in this particular real time world? With all these generalities...??? I am amazed that thinking rational people can fall for a sales pitch like this. Besides, I really don't like black boxes, and when they start feeding me answers like the above to my attempts at finding out what their black box can do for me for all those bucks, my eyes glaze over and it's done. And yet, I know people who swear by it! Different strokes for different folks, I guess.


                JMHO, VV. Please don't sue me, but please don't call me anymore either.


                • Peter Hansen
                  • Jul 2005
                  • 3968

                  River Thanx for your input.

                  Yes, I guess some like Vector Vest , and to this day I still receive mailings from them with that very busy looking bald guy on the cover .......but those are placed promptly into the circular file LOL.


                  • Peter Hansen
                    • Jul 2005
                    • 3968

                    3 Best Mutual Funds !

                    I received a report form Porter Stansberry Associates listing the 3 BEST Mutual Funds as OAKLX (Large Blend) , TAREX ( Specialty-Real Estate ) , LLINX ( Foreign Large Value ) . My BEST 3 are BRUFX ( Moderate Allocation ) , CGMFX (Large Blend ) , and CGMRX ( Specialty-Real Estate ) .
                    According to Morning Star OAKLX and TAREX are both rated 4 Stars and LLINX is given 1 Star. BRUFX, CGMRX, and BRUFX (MY TOP 3 ) are ALL rated 5 Stars. Expense ratios in % are as follows: BRUFX .94, CGMFX 1.02, CGMRX .88, LLINX 1.61 (This is High) , OAKLX .99, and TAREX 1.11. Please keep in mind that high expense ratios will really cut down on a fund's performance over an extended period of time .
                    I think the best thing to do with your money would be to split it 4 ways and place equal amounts into CGMRX, CGMFX, BRUFX , and for some Foreign exposure place the remaining portion into DODFX ( An OLD Reliable, 4 Star Developing Nations, expense ratio .70 Great Fund)
                    Bottom line whatever you do don't go to your "Friendly" broker or banker ( You know the type .....shit assed grin with that shark toothed smile ) . These people have ONE guy in mind .....and to be blunt , "It ain't You". That person will inevitably place you into HIGH LOAD , HIGH EXPENSE mutual funds which have performances which are medicore at BEST!
                    Choose My four picks above and years from now you will be one happy camper !


                    • Peter Hansen
                      • Jul 2005
                      • 3968

                      Answ News

             Named a Finalist in the Webware 100 Awards by CNET Webware Editors and the Web 2.0 User Community Online Voting Poll Open to Public to Select the Top 100 Winners

                      NEW YORK, May 31, 2007 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX/ -- Answers Corporation (NASDAQ: ANSW), creators of, today announced that the site has been selected by the editors at CNET Webware as a finalist in the Reference category in the first-ever Webware 100 Awards. was chosen from more than 4,000 user-submitted nominations. Winners will be announced on Monday, June 18, and posted on, a CNET site
                      June 1 2007 It is aproximately 9:53Am and ANSW is up 4% WOW can this baby move!


                      • Originally posted by Peter Hansen View Post
                        Holly Corporation ( HOC) close 5/30/07 $70.12 refines petroleum and petroleum derivatives and produces high value light products such as gasoline, diesel fuel and jet fuel for sale mainly in the southerwestern U.S. and Norther Mexico. The company also conducts a pipeline transportation business.
                        Vector Vest says it is undervalued at $70.12 , and has a fair value of $95.46.
                        The chart for HOC is utterly amazing . I have run it against other oil companies , IMO, MRO,MRO and PCZ. Although it has the smallest cap of the companies listed ......Its performance over 5 yrs leaves all of the others in the dust. If YOU can find a better oil services company .....please let me know.
                        Place HOC in your portfolio and enjoy the ride !
                        Pete....I think you meant to say a better refiner. The 4 best ones to own are FTO, VLO, HOC and TSO. Of the 4, I think FTO is at a better spot here, but I also believe that one could buy equal amounts of all 4 and do very well over time.

                        I own FTO but only because I liked its relative position as compared to the other 4. TSO just split the other day. I have also owned all of those other ones you mentioned above for various reasons....I should have held MRO. IMO and PCZ have pretty decent oil sands exposure but with oil this high one must have some money in the refiners...and one would be an idiot to day trade any of these 4.


                        • Peter Hansen
                          • Jul 2005
                          • 3968

                          Tat Thanx

                          Originally posted by Tatnic View Post
                          Pete....I think you meant to say a better refiner. The 4 best ones to own are FTO, VLO, HOC and TSO. Of the 4, I think FTO is at a better spot here, but I also believe that one could buy equal amounts of all 4 and do very well over time.

                          I own FTO but only because I liked its relative position as compared to the other 4. TSO just split the other day. I have also owned all of those other ones you mentioned above for various reasons....I should have held MRO. IMO and PCZ have pretty decent oil sands exposure but with oil this high one must have some money in the refiners...and one would be an idiot to day trade any of these 4.
                          TAT I am familiar with the other 3 oil refiners you mentioned .....good point about splitting your position into 4 equal parts.....Diversification usually works out for the best!


                          • Peter Hansen
                            • Jul 2005
                            • 3968

                            A Golden Opportunity ?

                            Just happened I woke up early and listened to a show on ABC radio out of NYC called "The American Advisor" The host of that show is Joe Battaglia , and basically it is a paid infomercial to pump gold coins from some company he is affiliated with . He did make some interesting comments :

                            1) He said several days ago on the COMEX 13,436 Gold Contacts were sold

                            2) JP Morgan picked up 11,628 of those contracts. It cost them 768 Million for 1.16 Million oz of gold.

                            3) JP Morgan excercises their rights and takes PHYSICAL posession of all that gold .

                            4) The European World Bank announces that they will sell NO more gold in 2007

                            5) Gold shoots up $10.20 per ounce on 6/1/07 to $671.20.

                            Could all this be just coincidental ...Who Knows?

                            If you do check out that website above be forewarned that a shark salesman will probably pressure you to buy some gold coins. Gold coins are OK , but buying them based on some info from a radio commercial is analogous to walking into a GAY bar in San Francisco wearing your canary yellow tank top, your purple pants and innocently asking the "Fairy Nice " guy behind the bar to set you up with a cold one . BOTH situations can result in dire consequences LOL.
                            I think the better way to play Gold is a Gold ETF or a good company like AUY .....using a tight 10% trailing stop loss!
                            Last edited by Peter Hansen; 06-02-2007, 06:22 PM. Reason: Addition


                            • riverbabe
                              Senior Member
                              • May 2005
                              • 3373

                              Answers market cap climbs
                              by Kate Gibson and David Shabelman
                              Updated 05:22 PM EST, Jun-1-2007

                              The market capitalization of Answers Corp. on Friday, June 1, continued a 10-day climb, largely due to speculation the operator of information portal could become an acquisition target amid increased demand for revenue-generating Internet traffic.
                              With a market capitalization of $134.3 million, up more than 40% from three months ago, Israel's Answers would be "easy for a big Internet company to swallow," said Matthew Weiss of Maxim Group LLC.

                              Potential acquirers include Internet search goliath Google Inc., which currently directs 30% of's traffic to its own site.

                              "You'll see a lot of Web publishers looking to bulk up their direct advertising," said Canaccord Capital Inc. analyst Colin Gillis of the vast array of potential interested parties.

                              After abandoning its subscription business model in 2005, has been generating revenue from advertising while offering free content to draw traffic.

                              Ranked by ComScore Inc. as the 55th most visited Web property, the site is similiar to, a portal run by privately held Lexico Publishing Group LLC, or, operated by the nonprofit Wikimedia Foundation Inc.

                              Answers' stock Friday closed up 4.3% at a six-month high of $17.12 a share. The stock has climbed $5.19 from March 1, when it closed at $11.93.

                              The trading volume of the stock has tripled in recent weeks, signaling that institutional investors are taking positions in the company, analysts said.

                              " is exhibiting strong growth — about 70% from April 2006 to April 2007," said ComScore's Andrew Lipsman of the climbing count of U.S. unique visitors to the site. That figure reached 12.4 million in April.

                              The company on May 7 reported a loss of $388,000 on revenue of $2.96 million in the first quarter ending March 31, an improvement from a loss of $1.1 million on revenue of $2.51 million for the prior quarter. Answers said it expects a net loss of $985,000 to $1.41 million on revenue of $2.8 million to $3.2 million for the second quarter.

                              While analysts differentiate the service offered by from pure online advertisers, the company is benefiting from a trend that is "throwing more light on Internet advertising in general," Weiss said.

                              "There is a fashionable component to the stock," said Gillis, who, like Weiss, attributed the rise in Answers' stock to the recent wave of consolidation of online advertising companies.

                              The buying spree included Google's $3.1 billion purchase of DoubleClick Inc. and Yahoo! Inc.'s deal to buy the remainder of display ad specialist Right Media Inc. for $680 million. Both acquisitions were announced in April.

                              Technology titan Microsoft Corp. followed suit with its largest acquisition ever, offering $6 billion for aQuantive Inc. on May 18, one day after WPP Group plc said it would acquire 24/7 Real Media Inc. for $649 million.

                              Nice going Pete!


                              • Peter Hansen
                                • Jul 2005
                                • 3968

                                River........Thanx.......My dear

                                River thank you for your input on ANSW ......I think some money can still be made ......but DONT FORGET to Place your 10% Trailing Stop Loss!. Jesse Livermore ( one of the greatest stocktraders of all times) always had a 10% Stop on all his positions!

