River Thanx
River according to Vector Vest "Value is a measure of a stocks current worth , and is computed from forecasted earnings per share , forecasted earnings growth ,profitability, interest and inflation rates . Value increases when earnings, earnings growth rate and profitabilty increases, and when interest rates and inflation increase. At some point a stock's Price and Value will Always converge"
River there you have it .....I am not a subscriber but a friend of mine is. I once called the company and asked .....if they have all those complicated analytical techniques , "Why don't they just issue a weekly letter with their BEST picks" There was a moment of silence , snd the salesman siad , "They don't do that" I guess there is better money in selling the monthly service . Bottom line I dont think their picks will be any better than mine, yours or Mr Market !
Originally posted by riverbabe
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River there you have it .....I am not a subscriber but a friend of mine is. I once called the company and asked .....if they have all those complicated analytical techniques , "Why don't they just issue a weekly letter with their BEST picks" There was a moment of silence , snd the salesman siad , "They don't do that" I guess there is better money in selling the monthly service . Bottom line I dont think their picks will be any better than mine, yours or Mr Market !