Pete's Money Makers

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  • Peter Hansen
    • Jul 2005
    • 3968

    SAFM "Finger Lickin' Good"

    Sanderson Farm ( SAFM ) 6/18/07 Close $43.40 and is UNDERVALUED , compared to its true value of $71.10 .
    SAFM processes, markets and distributes fresh and frozen chicken, and processed food items. It has a PE of 14.18, EY (Earnings yield of 7.04, and it has a forecasted Earnings growth rate of 26% and a sales growth of 51% per year. It also pays a small dividend of 1.14%.
    SAFM has a nice chart and appears to be a good safe solid stock. As always , if you do buy........make sure to set a Trailing Stop Loss of 10%.
    Good Luck!


    • Peter Hansen
      • Jul 2005
      • 3968

      VCP Excellent Timberland Play

      VCP Votorantim Cellulose Close 6/19/07 $23.06. VCP produces eucalyptus pulp for the manufacture of paper products. The company has 998,000 acres of PRIME brazilian timberland, and is one of Brazil's largest pulp and paper producers.
      Votorantim Cellulose is a subsididary of the Votorantium Group ( A privately held 3rd generation family conglomerate) that has its hand in virtually everything. The company is HUGE (Like the BIG Guy) and controls 14% of the global frozen orange juice, one of the 10 largest world cement producers, and they control Brazil's largest wholesale and business banking empire. The company is so big it uses 4% of all electirc power produced in Brazil.
      VCP ( The Stock ) is one of the most efficient low cost papwer producers in the world. They have achieved a 5 yr gross and operating margins of 44.75 and 27.1%. The industry average is HALF of that ......amazing !
      They control the whole paper process from seed to sale, and they are not dependent on outsourced suppliers for their paper stock. Furthermore , Brazil protects its domestic suppliers with high restrictive import Tariffs. I bet these boys have good friends in Brazil's Political circles LOL.
      This company has it all land , a fast growing source ( 7 years) for mature Eucalyptus trees, and protective tariffs.
      You may wish to consider taking a position using a 10% Trailing stop loss.


      • Peter Hansen
        • Jul 2005
        • 3968

        NVTL Nice Chart

        NVTL Novatel Wireless provides wireless data modems for use with handheld computing devices and portable PCs. Products inclde products for Palm and other handhelds. Closed at $27.40 on 6/20/07. Earnings growth rate forecasted over 1-3 yrs is 33%. PE is 27.44, earnings yield is 3.63, and sales growth over the last 12 months is 174%. Needless to say NVTL is a fast growing company. If you do purchase Vector Vest recommends using a TSL of 13%


        • New-born baby
          Senior Member
          • Apr 2004
          • 6095

          Originally posted by Peter Hansen View Post
          NVTL Novatel Wireless provides wireless data modems for use with handheld computing devices and portable PCs. Products inclde products for Palm and other handhelds. Closed at $27.40 on 6/20/07. Earnings growth rate forecasted over 1-3 yrs is 33%. PE is 27.44, earnings yield is 3.63, and sales growth over the last 12 months is 174%. Needless to say NVTL is a fast growing company. If you do purchase Vector Vest recommends using a TSL of 13%
          What a bullish chart! Straight up!
          pivot calculator *current oil price*My stock picking method*Charting Lesson of the Week:BEAR FLAG PATTERN


          • Peter Hansen
            • Jul 2005
            • 3968

            New Born Thanx

            NB yes the chart looks good for NVTL and wireless is a hot commodity now . WiMax willl soon put WiFi into the "Stone Age" status . CLWR is one to keep your eye on . It is run by Craig McCaw ( A Cellular Entrepeneur) and should have its network up and running in 2008 for coverage of 45,000,000 people. CLWR CEO Ben Wolff of CLWR says "Were doing for the internet what cell phones did 20 yrs ago"

            NB run the chart of CLWR and see what U think . This is one ya dont want to jump the gun on. Thank You .....and God Bless!


            • Peter Hansen
              • Jul 2005
              • 3968

              Bx Ipo Easy Money

              Guys and gals hOT IPOs are great for turning a quick buck. Please note the particulars on BX.

              Renaissance Research
              Date Report
              Check back for research

              Aftermarket Trading
              Current Price N/A
              First Day Close $0.00
              Return from IPO N/A

              IPO Profile
              IPO Date 6/21/07
              Offer Price $31.00
              Offer Shares 133.3 mm

              Lead Manager(s) Morgan Stanley
              All Underwriters

              1) This is a trick to make some fast money.

              2) BX IPO was offered at $31, but almost as sure as the sun rises , it will open HIGHER than 31.

              3) The institutions paid 31 and and will begin to bail out soon after the opening price which will be HIGHER than the 31. Why should they wait and see how the deal goes , any good investor knows the old adage, " Take the sure money and run". The sellers put in big sell orders "at the market " of course at the almost guaranteed to be higher market opening price.

              4) Now the MONEY SHOT .....BX will begin dropping sharply and you must be patient to wait until after the drop you see the first that point click the buy button and go long "AT the Market" You will note the action takes place, usually between 10:30 to 1:00 pm although you must watch carefully!

              5) Trail BX UP and take your profit after some gains .....dont be a hog !

              Does this really work? ........well watch it and see!


              • Peter Hansen
                • Jul 2005
                • 3968

                KTCC Watch this one

                KTCC still doing research but looks good it !


                • Originally posted by Peter Hansen View Post
                  Sanderson Farm ( SAFM ) 6/18/07 Close $43.40 and is UNDERVALUED , compared to its true value of $71.10 .
                  SAFM processes, markets and distributes fresh and frozen chicken, and processed food items. It has a PE of 14.18, EY (Earnings yield of 7.04, and it has a forecasted Earnings growth rate of 26% and a sales growth of 51% per year. It also pays a small dividend of 1.14%.
                  SAFM has a nice chart and appears to be a good safe solid stock. As always , if you do buy........make sure to set a Trailing Stop Loss of 10%.
                  Good Luck!
                  on the subject of loss stops, I don't think its such a great idea to use set percentages but I know that plenty do. I'm from the Stan Wienstien (I'm sure I spelled both names wrong, I mean both syllables of the last name) school of stop losses. If any of you have read his book, and its by far one of the absolute best ones out there (if I had to go to a deserted island with only one book and wireless, I'd take his). He insists that setting losses at certain percentages is meaningless. He suggests that you set your losses below the last strong support (in a stage 2 move and this is based on WEEKLY charts), which may be way below 10% from where you are at the moment. His arguement is that a healthy uptrend may fluccuate much more than 10~15% and if you get out you're cheating yourself out of a big, prolonged move. Anyways, food for thought.

                  Stan used to have a very popular service called Professional Tape Reader but he's not doing it anymore. He still shows up on Nightly Business Report from time to time and I like his analysis. He's strictly a technical guy, no fundamentals.


                  • Peter Hansen
                    • Jul 2005
                    • 3968


                    TAT I find that Vector Vest will usually give a good stop point for any stock it has in its data base. You are right I have been stopped out early with the 10% TSL ..but in other situations it has saved my ass.


                    • riverbabe
                      Senior Member
                      • May 2005
                      • 3373

                      Originally posted by Tatnic View Post
                      on the subject of loss stops, I don't think its such a great idea to use set percentages but I know that plenty do. I'm from the Stan Wienstien (I'm sure I spelled both names wrong, I mean both syllables of the last name) school of stop losses.
                      With German names like that, the last vowel of the ie or ei is the one pronounced. So it would be Stan Weinstein (as in winestyne). Easy, eh? River (just a German girl from Canada)


                      • billyjoe
                        Senior Member
                        • Nov 2003
                        • 9014

                        Correct again. I'm a German with the Wei start and most people incorrectly pronounce the "e" instead of the "i".

                        -----------billyjoe wei....


                        • Originally posted by riverbabe View Post
                          With German names like that, the last vowel of the ie or ei is the one pronounced. So it would be Stan Weinstein (as in winestyne). Easy, eh? River (just a German girl from Canada)
                          I've heard his name pronounced as Since I'm a total moron when it comes to remembering spelling I plead ignorance. But the name of his book is Profiting in Bull and Bear markets, and its a great read. I believe its his only book but its a friggen masterpiece fer sure.


                          • Originally posted by riverbabe View Post
                            With German names like that, the last vowel of the ie or ei is the one pronounced. So it would be Stan Weinstein (as in winestyne). Easy, eh? River (just a German girl from Canada)
                            I've heard his name pronounced as Since I'm a total moron when it comes to remembering spelling I plead ignorance. But the name of his book is Profiting in Bull and Bear markets, and its a great read. I believe its his only book but its a friggen masterpiece fer sure.


                            • Originally posted by Tatnic View Post
                              I've heard his name pronounced as Since I'm a total moron when it comes to remembering spelling I plead ignorance. But the name of his book is Profiting in Bull and Bear markets, and its a great read. I believe its his only book but its a friggen masterpiece fer sure.
                              how did that happen? I'm at a different location for the summer, with the luxury of wireless broad band, so I'm still getting used to this wonderful technology. In the fall I'll have to resort back to dial up I'm not looking forward to that.


                              • riverbabe
                                Senior Member
                                • May 2005
                                • 3373

                                Originally posted by Tatnic View Post
                                I've heard his name pronounced as Since I'm a total moron when it comes to remembering spelling I plead ignorance. But the name of his book is Profiting in Bull and Bear markets, and its a great read. I believe its his only book but its a friggen masterpiece fer sure.
                                I have his book, altho must confess I haven't yet had the time to read it! (on the to-do list!!!). But I love the picture of him on the cover, with the BIIIIIGGG HAIR and his finger pointing right at me. LOL! River

