Pete's Money Makers

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  • Peter Hansen
    • Jul 2005
    • 3968

    10 For 9/24/08

    Tricky Market ...Warren Bufffet seems hot on Goldman ....and futures are up .......I dont believe this will alleviate market fears. For Today Hedge your bets with 5 SHORT and 5 LONGS

    1. BWLD LONG
    2. ATHN LONG
    3. QCOR LONG
    5. THFF LONG
    8. IGT SHORT
    9. KTC SHORT
    10. SPSS SHORT


    • Peter Hansen
      • Jul 2005
      • 3968

      10 For 9/25/08

      Wow I cant believe .......looks as if the BAIL OUT scam is going to pass.....Oh well ..hang on to your cash .....if ya can LOL!

      Well anyway all in balance .....5 SHORTS and 5 Longs .

      1. THOR LONG
      2. KWR LONG
      3. SXCI LONG
      4. CTWS LONG
      5. EBS LONG
      6. ANR SHORT
      7. AMR SHORT
      8. BYD SHORT
      9. TOPS SHORT
      10. BRKS SHORT

      Good Luck And God Bless!
      Last edited by Peter Hansen; 09-25-2008, 09:23 AM. Reason: typo


      • Peter Hansen
        • Jul 2005
        • 3968

        8 For 9/26/08

        All Shorts For Today

        1. Amr Short
        2. Csco Short
        3. Mt Short
        4. Stp Short
        5. Drys Short
        6. Plab Short
        7. Rti Short
        8. Asyt Short


        • Peter Hansen
          • Jul 2005
          • 3968

          Well The BUMS are Meeting in Washington

          Originally posted by Peter Hansen View Post
          All Shorts For Today

          1. Amr Short
          2. Csco Short
          3. Mt Short
          4. Stp Short
          5. Drys Short
          6. Plab Short
          7. Rti Short
          8. Asyt Short
          The President just sounded vague ......but those BUMs in Washington may pass this flying pork barrel. The Pigs are loaded it up with all kinds of earmarks for this Hold Up Package. Just in case the Jerk Offs pass this Piece of excrement .......KEEP TIGHT STOPS LOCK IN YOUR PROFITS ONTHE ABOVE STOCKS!
          Other than that have a beautiful day LOL!


          • hags
            Senior Member
            • Jan 2008
            • 206

            Originally posted by Peter Hansen View Post
            The President just sounded vague ......but those BUMs in Washington may pass this flying pork barrel. The Pigs are loaded it up with all kinds of earmarks for this Hold Up Package. Just in case the Jerk Offs pass this Piece of excrement .......
            So then, what is YOUR answer for recovery, or how are YOU going to run a global economy with no financial institutions present...

            Call them what you want, ie. BUMS, Pigs, Jerk Offs, they don't like it anymore then we do....and the elected officials aren't the cause, but are trying to offer a solution....

            I'd say for YOU, to go sit in the corner with all the other finger pointers and let real men take over and work to save this country....



            • Peter Hansen
              • Jul 2005
              • 3968

              Hags There Are other Solutions!

              Originally posted by hags View Post
              So then, what is YOUR answer for recovery, or how are YOU going to run a global economy with no financial institutions present...

              Call them what you want, ie. BUMS, Pigs, Jerk Offs, they don't like it anymore then we do....and the elected officials aren't the cause, but are trying to offer a solution....

              I'd say for YOU, to go sit in the corner with all the other finger pointers and let real men take over and work to save this country....

              Hags there are other solutions to the crisis......don't swallow the cool aid or believe in false profits. Shah Galani has a proposal to end the credit crisis at NO COST TO TAXPAYERS, and there are also many others!
              In an open letter to U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke, Money Morning Contributing Editor provides a plan to fix the current credit crisis.


              • Peter Hansen
                • Jul 2005
                • 3968

                7 For 9/29/08

                The markets do not appear to be greeting the Bail out scam with any enthusiasm .....SHORT all of the following

                1. CDE
                2. MU
                3. AMR
                4.SPWR SHORT ALL 7 !!!
                5. RTI
                6. AEA
                7. SPPR
                Last edited by Peter Hansen; 09-29-2008, 09:58 AM.


                • Peter Hansen
                  • Jul 2005
                  • 3968

                  5 For 9/30/08

                  Wow I over slept ......But ayway I see the markest are up and so go LONG on these !

                  1. SQNM
                  2. EBS
                  3. HDIX
                  4. BWLD
                  5. NCIT

                  Good Luck!


                  • Megafauna
                    • Mar 2008
                    • 63

                    Originally posted by Peter Hansen View Post
                    All Shorts For Today

                    1. Amr Short
                    2. Csco Short
                    3. Mt Short
                    4. Stp Short
                    5. Drys Short
                    6. Plab Short
                    7. Rti Short
                    8. Asyt Short
                    Peter, are you a day trader and close on these positions pretty quickly like a day or 2?

                    About what percentage profit do you make every week on average on trades like these?


                    • Peter Hansen
                      • Jul 2005
                      • 3968

                      mega Thanx

                      Mega I dont have any statistics because I am still experimenting with various trading techniques. In this crazy market , I do set a 10% Trailing stop loss , and I will close all positions at the days end ......JUST because Of the erratic market. I do not like to day trade but this marker almost makes it a necessity! Just look what has happened over the past seveal days !


                      • Peter Hansen
                        • Jul 2005
                        • 3968

                        7 + 4 PUTS For 10/1/08

                        Tricky market ....futures are down but could change on a dime, proceed with caution . The Stocks below are ALL SHORTS! The 4 puts are HIGHLY RISKY , but could be extremely profitable if the market slides down.

                        1. CC SHORT
                        2. RTI SHORT
                        3. CRS SHORT
                        4. CYT SHORT
                        5. DAC SHORT
                        6. MTW SHORT
                        7. TXI SHORT

                        1. GOOG OCT 330 PUT GGDVF
                        2. OEX OCT 545 PUT RZAVI
                        3. AAPL OCT 115 PUT QAAVC
                        4. BIDU OCT 250 PUT BDUVJ

                        Last edited by Peter Hansen; 10-01-2008, 09:18 AM. Reason: TYPO


                        • Peter Hansen
                          • Jul 2005
                          • 3968

                          7 For 10/2/08

                          Futures look DOWN today as I write ......The MonkeysIn Washington have the Hold Up Package all loaded up with pork projects , but I am sure it will pass, aND god HELP US WHEN THE debt comes due!

                          1. RTI SHORT
                          2. TXI SHORT
                          3. AEA Short
                          The Following PRO Funds ETFs SHORT the various markets buy each LONG just as any other stock!

                          4. QID
                          5. DXD
                          6. SDS
                          7. TWM
                          Good Luck and God Bless!


                          • Megafauna
                            • Mar 2008
                            • 63

                            Originally posted by Peter Hansen View Post
                            Mega I dont have any statistics because I am still experimenting with various trading techniques. In this crazy market , I do set a 10% Trailing stop loss , and I will close all positions at the days end ......JUST because Of the erratic market. I do not like to day trade but this marker almost makes it a necessity! Just look what has happened over the past seveal days !
                            Pete, when do you think you can post some stats on weekly/monthly profit etc.?


                            • Peter Hansen
                              • Jul 2005
                              • 3968

                              5 For 10/3/08 !

                              Futures are up , the gangsters in congress have strong armed the remaining hold outs . The Market should go up today all these LONG!

                              1. RAH
                              2. APEI
                              3. LPHI
                              4. LHCC
                              5. ACET

                              Good Luck To All


                              • Peter Hansen
                                • Jul 2005
                                • 3968

                                Originally posted by Peter Hansen View Post
                                Futures are up , the gangsters in congress have strong armed the remaining hold outs . The Market should go up today all these LONG!

                                1. RAH
                                2. APEI
                                3. LPHI
                                4. LHCC
                                5. ACET

                                Good Luck To All
                                Mia Culpa!

                                #4 Should be LHCG instead of LHCC!

