Pete's Money Makers

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  • Peter Hansen
    • Jul 2005
    • 3968

    Lemon Thanx .....great JOB!

    Originally posted by LemonButt View Post
    Here are a few I like that you may want to put on your radar (I've checked fundamentals, they are all profitable and trading at a book value < 1.00):

    MWE - $17.24 (Energy)
    ANAT - $77.75 (Insurance) - also 77 cent dividend ex-date is 06/03/09
    LINE - $19.40 (Energy) - I mentioned this one a week or so ago, shame I didn't get in it

    1. AU - hasn't turned a profit in over 5 years
    2. ANV - hasn't turned a profit in past 5 years
    3. EGO - wildly profitable, P/E is a bit high for me, especially considering the huge profit figures
    4. STAR - you already know about this one
    5. NTES - increasing profits over past 5 years, this one has nice fundamentals
    6. HWKN - great looking fundamentals as well, I like that they have revenues of $26.75/share and the price is only $20.15, means they have a solid cashflow.
    7. ASIA - lots of insiders unloading stock it seems, strong short interest also (5%), maybe we'll see a short squeeze?
    8. KBE - I'd go for single banks for bigger gains, but looks to be safer with a lower return

    Lemon thanx ....this is the real spirit of cooperation!


    • Peter Hansen
      • Jul 2005
      • 3968

      SU Bonus Pick

      Wow oils are still rising ....and here is one on steroids SU Check it out!


      • LemonButt
        Senior Member
        • May 2009
        • 100

        SU looks strong, tied to the price of rising oil no less. Additionally, there is a 5 cent dividend if you hold it through Tuesday. Nice one.
        Bring me your finest produce and diet products.


        • Peter Hansen
          • Jul 2005
          • 3968

          The &quot;GOLDEN&quot; Dozen For 6/1-6/5/09

          The Following 12 stocks should do well in the coming week ....provided that the market does not take the gaspipe! Gold has been on a TEAR lately ....but when everyone , including the local barber , is HOT for GOLD it may be time to lock in your stops. According to an ad for a newsletter I just recieved from a Nick Guarino , he says GOLD could have a violent drop to perhaps $200 per ounce. His rationale is is that World demand is 1650 Metric Tons , but World supply will be 5100 Metric Tons. He also sees further declines in auto sales , houses and commodities. He also states that AIG after a 4th US Bailout is "completely broke" and IS going to fail .....and he says that the "Fat Lady' is getting ready to sing for GE , BA ,CITI and for sure GM on Monday ....just to name a few.
          Needless to say ....Mr Guarino is just full of good news LOL!
          Oh well here are 12 of my picks for the week of 6/1-6/5/09.
          I have placed them into a Hypothetical 60 K Porfolio on AOL , with 5K Placed into each of 12 stocks!

          Here they are

          PICKS 5/29/09
          Value: Gain/Loss [Since Purchase]: Gain/Loss [Today]:
          60,000.00 0.00 0.00% 0.00 0.00%
          Symbol Shares Last/NAV Net Change Pur. Price Gain/Loss Value
          AAUK 348.4321 14.35 +0.99 14.35 0.00 5,000.00
          ARRS 412.8819 12.11 +0.19 12.11 0.00 5,000.00
          CSIQ 377.929 13.23 +1.68 13.23 0.00 5,000.00
          DDRX 294.8113 16.96 +0.88 16.96 0.00 5,000.00
          DRYS 610.5006 8.19 +0.89 8.19 0.00 5,000.00
          HWKN 232.7747 21.48 +1.33 21.48 0.00 5,000.00
          IAF 469.0432 10.66 +0.86 10.66 0.00 5,000.00
          KBE 265.1113 18.86 +0.56 18.86 0.00 5,000.00
          PALM 410.1723 12.19 +0.73 12.19 0.00 5,000.00
          SA 171.7033 29.12 -0.67 29.12 0.00 5,000.00
          STAR 236.6304 21.13 +1.34 21.13 0.00 5,000.00
          UVE 974.6589 5.13 +0.19 5.13 0.00 5,000.00
          Last Updated: 3:25 PM on 05/31/09

          Notice you have a mixed bag here with STAR a Mr M May Pick and others in a cross section of industries. . On Friday I shall publish the results for the week . Buy PRICES are 5/29/09 close prices.

          My DAD's Birthday is June 1.....Happy 96th DAD !


          • mrmarket
            • Sep 2003
            • 5971

            Pete..Happy Birthday to your pop.

            I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

            - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


            • Peter Hansen
              • Jul 2005
              • 3968

              Mr M thanx

              Originally posted by mrmarket View Post
              Pete..Happy Birthday to your pop.
              Mr M Thanx ....although my dad has macular degeneration and is nearly blind .his mind is still sharp....and he has a great attitude!


              • steelman
                Senior Member
                • Jun 2008
                • 648


                Originally posted by Peter Hansen View Post
                The Following 12 stocks should do well in the coming week ....provided that the market does not take the gaspipe! Gold has been on a TEAR lately ....but when everyone , including the local barber , is HOT for GOLD it may be time to lock in your stops. According to an ad for a newsletter I just recieved from a Nick Guarino , he says GOLD could have a violent drop to perhaps $200 per ounce. His rationale is is that World demand is 1650 Metric Tons , but World supply will be 5100 Metric Tons. He also sees further declines in auto sales , houses and commodities. He also states that AIG after a 4th US Bailout is "completely broke" and IS going to fail .....and he says that the "Fat Lady' is getting ready to sing for GE , BA ,CITI and for sure GM on Monday ....just to name a few.
                Needless to say ....Mr Guarino is just full of good news LOL!
                Oh well here are 12 of my picks for the week of 6/1-6/5/09.
                I have placed them into a Hypothetical 60 K Porfolio on AOL , with 5K Placed into each of 12 stocks!

                Here they are

                PICKS 5/29/09
                Value: Gain/Loss [Since Purchase]: Gain/Loss [Today]:
                60,000.00 0.00 0.00% 0.00 0.00%
                Symbol Shares Last/NAV Net Change Pur. Price Gain/Loss Value
                AAUK 348.4321 14.35 +0.99 14.35 0.00 5,000.00
                ARRS 412.8819 12.11 +0.19 12.11 0.00 5,000.00
                CSIQ 377.929 13.23 +1.68 13.23 0.00 5,000.00
                DDRX 294.8113 16.96 +0.88 16.96 0.00 5,000.00
                DRYS 610.5006 8.19 +0.89 8.19 0.00 5,000.00
                HWKN 232.7747 21.48 +1.33 21.48 0.00 5,000.00
                IAF 469.0432 10.66 +0.86 10.66 0.00 5,000.00
                KBE 265.1113 18.86 +0.56 18.86 0.00 5,000.00
                PALM 410.1723 12.19 +0.73 12.19 0.00 5,000.00
                SA 171.7033 29.12 -0.67 29.12 0.00 5,000.00
                STAR 236.6304 21.13 +1.34 21.13 0.00 5,000.00
                UVE 974.6589 5.13 +0.19 5.13 0.00 5,000.00
                Last Updated: 3:25 PM on 05/31/09

                Notice you have a mixed bag here with STAR a Mr M May Pick and others in a cross section of industries. . On Friday I shall publish the results for the week . Buy PRICES are 5/29/09 close prices.

                My DAD's Birthday is June 1.....Happy 96th DAD !
                I have a little AIG. I bought at .38. Today it's at 1.66. Peter, MM, any thoughts on my shares with Nick Guarino's good news??? Who is he anyway?
                It's time to Grab the Bull by the Horns!


                • Peter Hansen
                  • Jul 2005
                  • 3968

                  Steel Not Sure Mr Guarino?

                  Originally posted by steelman View Post
                  I have a little AIG. I bought at .38. Today it's at 1.66. Peter, MM, any thoughts on my shares with Nick Guarino's good news??? Who is he anyway?
                  Steel I received a small report from him at my home. he wants a HUGE 5,000 for the newsletter . Some say he was a dishwasher at one time , and somewhat of a crack pot.......Google him and find out. As far as the AIG , I really dunno .....WHATEVER LOCK in your profit with tight stop!


                  • Peter Hansen
                    • Jul 2005
                    • 3968

                    9 For 6/2/09

                    Futures are DOWN today , and after such a huge run up yesterday could be payback? These stocks should do well over he next few days ...notice how soem stocks just continue to produce good charts!

                    1. EJ Long China Stock
                    2. ORN LONG An old favorite Marine stock
                    3. CRZO LONG Super oil stock on the move
                    4. FUQI LONG
                    5. FIRE LONG
                    6. MVSN LONG SUPER CHART
                    7. NTES LONG Chinese internet gaming
                    8. STAR LONG Super Mr M Pick
                    9. SNDA LONG Keeps on moving up

                    Good luck, God Bless .....and say a few prayers for all those involved in the Air France Missing Airplane. It seems that wreckage may have been found ..may GOD have mercy on their souls. It just goes to show you how precious life is ........ENJOY THE BEAUTIFUL DAY !


                    • Peter Hansen
                      • Jul 2005
                      • 3968

                      CBOU Volume Spike

                      Ladies and Gentlemen .......Lock And Load on CBOU Caribou Coffee.....Huge volume increase .....dont know why .....but like most coffee stocks ...this could be a MOONSHOT! Good Luck and use a 15% Trailing stop!


                      • steelman
                        Senior Member
                        • Jun 2008
                        • 648

                        Originally posted by Peter Hansen View Post
                        Ladies and Gentlemen .......Lock And Load on CBOU Caribou Coffee.....Huge volume increase .....dont know why .....but like most coffee stocks ...this could be a MOONSHOT! Good Luck and use a 15% Trailing stop!
                        That's a great looking chart!
                        Thanks Pete
                        It's time to Grab the Bull by the Horns!


                        • Peter Hansen
                          • Jul 2005
                          • 3968

                          GRO Should Gro!

                          Wow gotta love this GRO .....the chart is SWEET.....A Chinese Agriculture Stock .WATCH THIS ONE .....Better yet get off your AS* and buy it ....use a 20% Stop on this one!
                          STEEL Ya listening LOL


                          • Peter Hansen
                            • Jul 2005
                            • 3968

                            12 For 5/3/09

                            Futures ae down as I write and oil is selling off, but one NEVER can predict with exact certainty what will happen during the course of the day. Nevertheless, the following 12 stocks have great charts and should make some good coin over the next few days !

                            1. PEGA LONG 52 Wk High
                            2.FUQI LONG
                            3. INT LONG
                            4. NTES LONG Chinese gaming and in Mr M's DUMP ( And I dont mean the CRAPPER) LOL
                            5. DWA LONG Dream works making hit movies
                            6. KGN LONG GOLD Nice UP Chart
                            7. KIRK LONG
                            8. GRO LONG Chinese ag sstock
                            9. TGB LONG GOLD .....GOLD is HOT
                            10. CBOU LONG HOT Coffee stock Get this one while still cheap!
                            11. DDUP LONG
                            12. CHLN LONG Housing

                            WEll there ya have it .....Good Luck God Bless To ALL!


                            • LemonButt
                              Senior Member
                              • May 2009
                              • 100

                              ...aaaaaaaand everything is getting massacred today.
                              Bring me your finest produce and diet products.


                              • steelman
                                Senior Member
                                • Jun 2008
                                • 648


                                Haven't looked at everything but CBOU is up .14, 2%!!
                                It's time to Grab the Bull by the Horns!

