Pete's Money Makers

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  • Peter Hansen
    • Jul 2005
    • 3968

    9 for 6/4/09

    The following stocks ALL share certain characteristics. Some are reaching 52 Week Highs , but ALL have UP Trending charts , and ALL show increases in volume. This means that individuals and perhaps institutions are showing interest.

    1. CBOU LONG Hot Coffee Stock ( No pun Intended)
    2. CHLN LONG WOW WOW See this baby run ..oh my achin' back! Chinese housing
    3. UVE LONG Insurance
    4. TNDM LONG Technology Bouncing Off 7 Day EMA
    5. ARST LONG Technology
    6. SNDA LONG Interactive Gaming
    7. TSRA LONG Technology
    8. BWY LONG Packaging equipment
    9. KGN LONG Cheap Gold stock Awesome CHART!

    Futures are slightly positive as I write , but the stocks above are like fast race horses at the gate .....Once the markets turn GREEN ...these babies will take off like a shot!
    Good Luck God Bless ....and let's makes some money today!


    • Peter Hansen
      • Jul 2005
      • 3968

      10 for 6/5/09

      Wow Futures are way UP as I write , and this should be a GREAT day!

      1. DDRX LONG Great Coffee stock ...they make those little cups u use at the auto dealers for coffee!
      2. SNDA LONG Interactive gaming
      3. OGXI LONG Pharmaceutical Under Accumulation
      4. BOOM LONG Dynamic materials
      5. KGN LONG African gold Miner
      6. CHLN LONG HOT Chinee land development and housing
      7. CSIQ LONG Solar
      8. TNDM LONG Super Tech Stock
      9. PALM LONG Technology
      10. ZAGG LONG This is a OTCBB stock , but soon may go NASDAQ, Insiders buying HUGE , making money and the stock has a beautiful chart!

      If the market is Up big today the stocks listed should blow the doors off your portfolio! Good Luck, God Bless and do have a BEAUTIFUL weekend!


      • Peter Hansen
        • Jul 2005
        • 3968

        RESULTS FOR 5/29/09 Portfolio

        I had placed 12 stocks into an AOL Hypothetical portfolio , placing 5K into each and using the close prices from 5/29/09. The porfolio ran from 6/1/09-6/5/09. The portfolio had 7 winners and 5 losers for the week with a gain of 1.78% or $1,068.47 ....Not earth shaking....but not bad!

        PICKS 5/29/09
        Value: Gain/Loss [Since Purchase]: Gain/Loss [Today]:
        61,068.47 +1,068.47 +1.78% -920.06 -1.48%
        Symbol Shares Last/NAV Net Change Pur. Price Gain/Loss Value
        AAUK 348.4321 14.75 +0.31 14.35 +139.37 5,139.37
        ARRS 412.8819 12.36 +0.01 12.11 +103.22 5,103.22
        CSIQ 377.929 15.70 +0.05 13.23 +933.48 5,933.49
        DDRX 294.8113 17.87 -0.20 16.96 +268.28 5,268.28
        DRYS 610.5006 7.08 -0.12 8.19 -677.66 4,322.34
        HWKN 232.7747 19.78 -1.53 21.48 -395.72 4,604.28
        IAF 469.0432 10.4099 -0.0601 10.66 -117.31 4,882.69
        KBE 265.1113 18.493 -0.307 18.86 -97.30 4,902.70
        PALM 410.1723 13.00 -0.64 12.19 +332.24 5,332.24
        SA 171.7033 28.01 -0.94 29.12 -190.59 4,809.41
        STAR 236.6304 22.45 0.00 21.13 +312.35 5,312.35
        UVE 974.6589 5.60 -0.03 5.13 +458.09 5,458.09
        Last Updated: 6:50 AM on 06/06/09

        As u can see the best stock was CSIQ and the worse DRYS


        • Peter Hansen
          • Jul 2005
          • 3968

          10 for 6/8/09

          These 10 should do well for the week......provided we do not have a market collapse! I shall let u know how each of them performed for the week on Friday 6/12/09 CLOSE!

          1. ARST LONG Security and compliance for government agencies . A CHART Beauty!
          2. EJ LONG China Real Estate
          3. FEED LONG Agriculture A Mr M Top 5
          4. FRPT LONG BAllistic and Blast resistant vehicles Another Mr M Top 5
          5. FUQI LONG Chinese Jewelry Manufacturer Mr M Top 5
          6. NTES LONG Chinese Internet gaming
          7. SPAR LONG Custom Motor Vehicles Mr M Top 5
          8. SYMX LONG Coal gassification systems
          9. UTA LONG Chinese Travel agencies
          10. ZAGG LONG An OTC BB stock makes protective invisible shields for Ipods etc. Selling in Best Buy and recently added Target . COULD BE HUGE Insiders BUYING AND NOT SELLING! A Mr M Top 5 Pick!

          Well these stocks should ROCK your portfolio if the markets power higher ! Good Luck , God Bless ......and have a beautiful week!


          • Peter Hansen
            • Jul 2005
            • 3968

            Zagg: And the beat goes on !

            ZAGG announced that its Invisible Shield will now be sold in over 1,000 TARGET stores ....SWEET . Can you see how this will efect the bottom line ?

            Here is the news article


            • Peter Hansen
              • Jul 2005
              • 3968

              ZAGG Enters Mobile Communications

              More good news for ZAGG......they are now venturing into Mobile communications . Read This .......

              I could be wrong .....but I think ZAGG could be HUGE. As the money train leaves the station ......don't let it leave without you!


              • Peter Hansen
                • Jul 2005
                • 3968

                "LUCKY" 7 For 6/9/09

                7 has always been a lucky number for me ....and I am CONFIDENT that LADY LUCK will put some coin into your account with these 7 CHART BEAUTIES! Some of the old favorites are here from the chart above in previous post!

                1. BWY LONG Packaging
                2. KGN LONG Small African Gold Miner
                3. FUQI LONG Luxury Jewelry In China
                4. SAFM LONG FARMS
                5. MRM LONG HOT Electronics Stock
                6. UTA LONG AMAZING CHART Chinese Travel
                7. CHLN LONG Chinese Housing development

                Good luck God Bless , and have a beautiful and profitable day!


                • Peter Hansen
                  • Jul 2005
                  • 3968

                  Zagg "many great things to come!"

                  "Entering the mobile application world is a strategic expansion for ZAGG, and I believe it will be a significant part of our business in the future," said Robert G. Pedersen II, ZAGG's President and CEO. " is an entirely new approach to app discovery, and it promises to become an indispensable tool for both mobile app users and app developers."

                  ZAGG also introduced a new mobile application for Apple's iPhone platform; a fast-paced strategy game called "Trains." It is the first app developed and published directly by ZAGG.

                  "'Trains' has an appeal that is similar to some of the most popular iPhone games currently on Apple's App Store. If you enjoy 'Flight Control' from Firemint, we think you will love 'Trains,'" said Cameron Gibbs, ZAGG's Director of Apps. "This is the first of the many great things to come from ZAGG's apps."


                  • steelman
                    Senior Member
                    • Jun 2008
                    • 648



                    Not sure if you still like coffee but here's a link that CBOU is in.

                    The 3 month chart still looks great.

                    Best regards,
                    It's time to Grab the Bull by the Horns!


                    • Peter Hansen
                      • Jul 2005
                      • 3968

                      Steel I agree !

                      Originally posted by steelman View Post

                      Not sure if you still like coffee but here's a link that CBOU is in.

                      The 3 month chart still looks great.

                      Best regards,
                      Steel thanx I just sold my DDRX for a nice profit....ya cant be greedy! But I still have cbou!


                      • Peter Hansen
                        • Jul 2005
                        • 3968

                        Zagg & walmart..perfect together

                        This is just a RUMOR ....but ZAGG may acquire either Walmart Or Radio Shack as the next big box retailer.....To be honest ...I hope WALMART gets the nod! ZAGG is going GANGBUSTERS ....TARGET and BEST BUYS are already in their camp!
                        Vector Vest says that ZAGG is UNDERVALUED ,and that it should be valued NORTH of $7.00


                        • steelman
                          Senior Member
                          • Jun 2008
                          • 648

                          Originally posted by Peter Hansen View Post
                          Steel thanx I just sold my DDRX for a nice profit....ya cant be greedy! But I still have cbou!

                          Hopefully we can get a couple of green days this week. I did buy some CBOU at 6.98 about a week ago. I plan on selling about $8. That would be 15%!!
                          It's time to Grab the Bull by the Horns!


                          • Peter Hansen
                            • Jul 2005
                            • 3968

                            7 For 6/10/09

                            Wow the futures are up SHARPLY , and I feel that the wind is at our backs,and I see $$$$$$$ Today! You have to love this Mr Market Site . I feel that Mr Market is the "Godfather" or "Don" of this operation , and that we are all "soldiers" working together to make money in the stockmarket. Yes you could say we have our own......ahem "La Cosa Nostra" LOL
                            Oh well enough of that nonsense, and on to the picks.

                            1. FUQI LONG What can I say , another Mr M Winner!
                            2. RAX LONG Computer Memory Super Chart
                            3. CHLN LONG WOW WOW A chinese middle income housing developer
                            4. ANV LONG Just Reached 52 Wk High on AMEX Watch this one BUST OUT!
                            5. UTA LONG Chinese Travel Agencies....Slipped yesterday but still a fast horse!
                            6. STEC LONG Computer memory Very Nice Chart
                            7. ZAGG LONG A former Mr M Pick which I think has Mega Winner Prospects!

                            Below Is A Detailed Technical analysis of ZAGG doen by a Mr Darvis on Yahoo! Read it , pull up the chart and LEARN something.Yes ZAGG is extended but I think for the long term it will be a HUGE success!

                            ZAGG- Technical Analysis 14-May-09 11:35 pm Please have this link open:

                            Ok to start with. A growth stock usually has three stages in it according to elliot wave. In the figure you will find that zagg has already shown two steps and is on its way to the third. So the questions are
                            1) How big will be the move this time?
                            2) Where will it top?

                            To answer the first question notice that the price increase and volume increase has been roughly correlatable. With each successive wave the avg volume rise has been tremendous (notice the white,pink and red lines). This gives us a clue that we are in the midst of the most explosive wave. The other thing to keep in mind is that zagg has solid fundamentals with explosive earnings release. So we can be only underestimate the strength.

                            To know where it will top lets use Fibonacci. Notice the retractment levels. It went up from the 61 to 38 retractment levels indicating strength. To find the next top you could either use a 200% or 261% projection which will give you the values in the red oval. But I think Zagg, although has been following fibonacci very well it may shoot past it this time because of the tremendous growth prospects. I am betting that this stock will be in a frenzy in the next week (IF THE OVERALL MARKET REMAINS SLIGHTLY GREEN). But I would suggest to keep a keen eye out at the price points marked in the red oval. If it retracts from there then sell off and buy the dips again (at least as a swing trader that is what I do). But if you are a long time investor don't worry...ZAGG is the best stock you can own. Rating :
                            (No ratings)Rate it:
                            Last edited by Peter Hansen; 06-10-2009, 07:50 AM. Reason: Typo


                            • Peter Hansen
                              • Jul 2005
                              • 3968

                              9 for 6/11/09

                              Futures are Up slightly as I write ...but once again , can CRAMER or those guys , or ANYONE tell you if the market will be up or down for the day .....ABSOLUTELY NOT!
                              There are , however, certain stocks with powerful momentum that can rise over a period of 2-10 days with pretty good predictability. The Following stocks listed below ......I BELIEVE have that POWER!

                              1. ZAGG LONG My absolute favorite money maker! yes it is extended now,and is do for a correction ....but the long term view is UP AND AWAY!
                              2. ANV LONG Nevada Goldminer which appears to be accumulated
                              3. UTA LONG Chinese Travel The Money is pouring IN
                              4. VPRT LONG Printing
                              5. CLMT LONG Industrial hydrocarbon products , special greases, glues etc.
                              6. CFSG LONG Chinese Fire and Security
                              7. FUQI LONG A Mr Market TOP PICK ...LOOK AT THAT BABY GO!
                              8. RAX LONG An information Technology BEAUTY
                              9. CHLN LONG WOW WOW A Chinese moderate housing builder ...that is on FIRE!

                              There ya go ...lets ALL make some money here . Hey , never rely on the government for anything .....and REMEMBER THAT YOU.....are your BEST Stimulus Plan!
                              Good Luck , God Bless.......and have a BEAUTIFUL DAY!


                              • Peter Hansen
                                • Jul 2005
                                • 3968

                                8 for 6/12/09

                                Well futures are lower as I write ....but that does not mean we cannot make money . Thsese 8 picks below should do well over the next 2-10 days !

                                1, FUQI LONG A Mr M TOP pick Great fundamentals , sweet chart
                                2. CHLN LONG Chinese Low and Middle income housing SUPER!!
                                3. ICUI LONG Medical Being Accumulated
                                4. DDUP LONG Data Domain building a nice base ....ready for blast OFF
                                5. ANV LONG Gold Miner
                                6. VIT LONG Technology 6 updays in a row ...wait for pullback NICE CHART
                                7. UTA LONG WOW Chinese travel under HEAVY ACCUMULATION. Get on board NOW!
                                8. ZAGG LONG What can I say .....EXCELLENT management, great fundamentals , a SUPER chart ....ya gotta love it! Will present at an investors conference on 6/16/09 . Wow my son's Mike Birthday .....that HAS to be a LUCKY DAY!

                                Good Luck God Bless .......and.....HAVE A BEAUTIFUL WEEKEND!

