Pete's Money Makers

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  • Peter Hansen
    • Jul 2005
    • 3968

    6 for 9/2/09

    These six have nice charts, some are at 52 Week Highs and in an up market should do well.....NATURALLY if the markets take a HUGE DUMP these will not fare well either! Wait to buy after 10AM ....the market os unsettled at 9:30 AM !

    1. APT LONG
    2. CRMT LONG
    3. RDEA LONG
    4. STEC LONG 10 % DROP yestrday , but chart still good
    5. SVA LONG Pharma ws UP 8% Yesterday
    6. VLTR LONG

    Wll excercise care ......the waters are rough out there. Good Luck, God Bless......and have a beautiful day!


    • Peter Hansen
      • Jul 2005
      • 3968

      Lucky 7 FOR 9/3/09

      Futures and OIL are UP as I write, so here are my "Lucky Seven" for today!

      1. AVOE LONG OTCBB stock pumped by a promoter ....but the chart looks good!
      2. CSGH LONG A chinese solar play
      3. IVN LONG Small Goldminer
      4. MIC LONG Infrastructure company
      5. NTGR LONG
      6. RBY LONG Gold Play
      7. TRE LONG Exploration Company

      Good luck God bless ....... and have a beautiful day!


      • Larry
        Junior Member
        • Jun 2009
        • 29

        Pete, I have been following one of your picks car. At the time it was a sweet chart, but since then it has gone south. Still following to see what it does, anyway just letting you know a few of us read your posts.


        • g92069
          • Jun 2009
          • 63

          Pete, I also read your posts and appreciate the daily information. Looked at CSGH today (actually read about in the Sunday paper last week)...FYI, I have found some good picks by reading the newspaper and news magazines. Anyway...

          Bought CHIO @ .99 I'm also in:
          RINO in @ 14.21(took a big slide but up over 15% today)
          C in @ 3.97
          TRTN in @ .95 (holding steady...looking for at least 100%)
          PWAV in @ 1.24

          But again, thanks for the info Pete! GLTA



          • Peter Hansen
            • Jul 2005
            • 3968

            Larry Thanks

            Originally posted by Larry View Post
            Pete, I have been following one of your picks car. At the time it was a sweet chart, but since then it has gone south. Still following to see what it does, anyway just letting you know a few of us read your posts.
            Larry many of my picks are momentum stocks that have reached 52 week highs .....they should be trailed up with rising stops .....and when they should still have a profit . Once a stock hits my stop ....I am out of there!


            • Peter Hansen
              • Jul 2005
              • 3968


              Originally posted by g92069 View Post
              Pete, I also read your posts and appreciate the daily information. Looked at CSGH today (actually read about in the Sunday paper last week)...FYI, I have found some good picks by reading the newspaper and news magazines. Anyway...

              Bought CHIO @ .99 I'm also in:
              RINO in @ 14.21(took a big slide but up over 15% today)
              C in @ 3.97
              TRTN in @ .95 (holding steady...looking for at least 100%)
              PWAV in @ 1.24

              But again, thanks for the info Pete! GLTA

              GLTA THANX ....Yes one never can learn too much ,and it seems like I learn something new each day , Basically stocks with good fundamentals and good charts sloping up make great picks!


              • Peter Hansen
                • Jul 2005
                • 3968

                10 For 9/4/09

                Futures are all up this AM as I write , but the jobless numbers will rule. Hopefully they will not be too bad, because they will set the tone of the market!
                Nevertheless GOLD is HOT , and if the market keeps its uptrend, all of the picks should do well. Once again ....NEVER MARRY any stock and always set your stops up as the stocks advance!

                1. ANV LONG GOLD stock
                2. APT LONG
                3. CRY LONG Medical stock
                4. IAG LONG Another GOLD rocket
                5. JADE LONG Luxury Chinese jewelry
                6. MCZ LONG A 39 Cent Firecracker on the AMEX
                7. MIC LONG Watch this one Looks as if it is blasting off 7 DAY MOVING AVERAGE
                8. MV LONG Technology at 52 week high
                9. RBY LONG Gold stock
                10. SVA LONG UNBELIEVABLE Biotech stock ......still HOT!

                TGIF Well there ya have it ,Good Luck God bless .....and as always have a beautiful weekend. Oh yes , before I go let me leave you with this sweet, dreamy song ,"Wild Horses" by the Sundays ...the young vocalist needless to say.... very pretty!


                • Peter Hansen
                  • Jul 2005
                  • 3968

                  Small Six For Tuesday 9/8/09

                  Happy Labor Day All......I assume the markets will close for Labor day here are the picks for Tuesday! I call them the small SIX because all of the stocks are priced below $9.00.

                  1. FSII LONG Microeclectronics manufacturer
                  2. GAXC LONG A Jacksonville Fl small cap which makes ATM and DVD machines. Some quick facts:
                  a. Owns and operates 4,300 ATMs across the country
                  b. Earnings UP for 9 quarters
                  c. GAXC has nearly DOUBLED net profit margin in only one year.
                  d. GAXC stock has gone up 513.% since January 1, 09.
                  e. Vector Vest say it is UNDERVALUED and a BUY > Current price 98CENTS but Worth $1.54. If you buy Vector Vest recommends a stop of 66 CENTS or about 32 CENTS below your buy price ...I would recommend a Trailing Stop of 32%!
                  3. MIC LONG Infrastructure Business
                  4. RBY LONG Gold Miner
                  5. TSEM LONG Semiconductor which seems to be starting an upmove
                  6. TXIC LONG A Mr Market Top 5 Pick Company makes truck body metal in china

                  Well Good Luck God Bless.....and have a beautiful Holiday!

                  Since it is September and with the Fall rapidly approaching ...this song may bring back memories ....Turn Up The Speakers Chill Out and Enjoy!

                  Last edited by Peter Hansen; 09-06-2009, 11:03 AM.


                  • Peter Hansen
                    • Jul 2005
                    • 3968

                    LPIH OTCBB Stock

                    Oh yeah ....LPIH, LONGWEI PETROLEUM INVESTMENT HOLDING COMPANY, a small OTHBB stock This CHINESE Petroleum stock selling for around $1.34 a share ...has a NICE Chart with Relative Strength About 50, and has made a small base, and appears ready to POP! Truck sales are UP Bigtime in China , and with diesel fuel sales increasing .....LPHI should rise accordingly.......also there are rumors on the web of LPIH either being bought , or merged. Either should make this baby move.
                    Financials are hard to ascertain because of the OTCBB status....but if the rumors materialize ......more than CHUMP change can be made!
                    Last edited by Peter Hansen; 09-08-2009, 08:18 PM.


                    • Peter Hansen
                      • Jul 2005
                      • 3968

                      Lucky 7 for 9/9/09

                      Futures are slightly DOWN.....GOLD is DOWN today could be a tricky day. Gold And Oil appear to be tightly controlled by some entity, and hence making money in any one is difficult. ALWAYS diversify! The 7 below are loczted in various industries, and should do well PROVIDED the markets do not take a swan dive!

                      1. APT LONG WOW WOW what a super nice chart , had a 14% POP yesterday , but appears to be advancing nicely on huge volume of 1.3 million shares, which is HIGH for an AMEX stock!
                      2. LPIH LONG A Chinese oil distributor that is a sleeper ....but RUMOR has it that a merger or acquisition may be in the works. For more info click on this site! "3rd quarter fiscal year 2009 results for the 3-monthand 9-month periods,ended March 31, 2009: Revenue increased 53% to $49.7 million; Earnings increased 32% to $6.7 Million " Click on site here
                      3. LZ LONG Lubrizol 52 week high, nice chart and has been reaching 52 week highs for quite a while!
                      4. MIC LONG Wow If ya bought when first recommended you should have a few coins in your pocke!
                      5. SLAB LONG 52 wek high and a super performer
                      6. TSEM LONG Seems to be bouncing off its 30 day EMA.
                      7. VLTR LONG A 52 Week High Semiconductor

                      Well Good Luck God Bless ......and have a beautiful day!


                      • wooish
                        Senior Member
                        • Dec 2008
                        • 499

                        Bought some TSEM today. Looks like it's consolidating; will see how it does in a few days.

                        BTW, I also bought SFI looks like it's at the bottom and it's about to move back up.


                        • Peter Hansen
                          • Jul 2005
                          • 3968


                          Originally posted by wooish View Post
                          Bought some TSEM today. Looks like it's consolidating; will see how it does in a few days.

                          BTW, I also bought SFI looks like it's at the bottom and it's about to move back up.
                          Woosh I think TSEM is the better of the 2 ......but lately its performance is lackluster. Thursday I will post some new picks .....that will have better potential!


                          • wooish
                            Senior Member
                            • Dec 2008
                            • 499

                            From today's action, TSEM doesn't look so good. As long as it doesn't fall below the .90 mark, I'll probably be holding it for 4 to 6 weeks and buy more to average down.

                            I expect SFI to rise to $2.7 to $3 within 4 weeks. BTW, I'm still holding TRLG and becoming very impatient with it.

                            As always, thanks for the good pick.


                            • Peter Hansen
                              • Jul 2005
                              • 3968

                              Woosh I Try

                              Originally posted by wooish View Post
                              From today's action, TSEM doesn't look so good. As long as it doesn't fall below the .90 mark, I'll probably be holding it for 4 to 6 weeks and buy more to average down.

                              I expect SFI to rise to $2.7 to $3 within 4 weeks. BTW, I'm still holding TRLG and becoming very impatient with it.

                              As always, thanks for the good pick.
                              Woosh no matter how much I look at the charts.....I still slip up once in awhile .... striving for perfection is a continuous goal ! Thank You!


                              • Peter Hansen
                                • Jul 2005
                                • 3968

                                12 For 9/10/09

                                Today we have the "Golden Dozen" 12 stock chart beauties .....that should put some gold in your pocket over the next few days!

                                1. APT LONG A tech stock at a 52 week high
                                2. CAR LONG This avis car thing just keeps on ticking
                                3. CBRX LONG THis pharma stock appears to be busting out!
                                4. CGCA LONG an OTCBB $1.11 stock with breaking out chart
                                5. EGI LONG Low priced Gold stock
                                6. FSII LONG WOW WOW This semiconductor is going gangbusters
                                7. GYMB LONG A thoroughly researched Mr MArket #1 pick!
                                8. HILL LONG A microcap computer hardware
                                9. KSU LONG A moe conservative Kansas city Southern railroad pick
                                10. LPIH LONG An OTCBB Chinese petroleum distributor
                                11. MIC LONG An Infrastructure stock
                                12. TXIC Another Mr M Pick and a chinese auto parts maker

                                Well if the markets hold up ....and the cards go our way .....BIG $$$$$ can be made with these picks.
                                As always Good luck ,God Bless, and have a beautiful day

