Pete's Money Makers

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  • Peter Hansen
    • Jul 2005
    • 3968

    Lucky 7 For 2/12/09

    One SHORT and six LONGS for today !

    1. ARNA LONG
    2. CEDU LONG
    3. UXG LONG
    5. IAG LONG
    6. MFN LONG
    7. BHS SHORT

    These are volatile stocks sure to set Trailing Stops to protect those profits!


    • Peter Hansen
      • Jul 2005
      • 3968

      LUCKY 7 For 2/17/09

      Obama signs the huge "PORKULUS" bill today ......and God knows what will happen . Today 5 SHORTS and 2 LONGS!

      1. PVTB SHORT
      2. IBOC SHORT
      3. SIGI SHORT
      4. BBT SHORT
      5. HRC SHORT
      6. SKF LONG
      7. DGP LONG

      Good Luck To All !


      • Peter Hansen
        • Jul 2005
        • 3968

        10 Winners for 2/19/09

        Well happy Birthday to me today ........YIKES I hate these birthdays ! Well anyway my birthday gift to you are the following 10 positions. Don't let yourself get into the "Woe is me ,.....times are tough" syndrome . President Obama continuously preaches gloom and doom ......I wish he would be more positive , and I am sure that would reflect back on the people . Negative thoughts never solve anything .....MONEY can be made in this market .....and I plan to make it !

        1. EQR SHORT
        2. IX SHORT
        3. EPR SHORT
        4. IBOC SHORT
        5. FSCI SHORT
        6. LB SHORT
        7. PEGA LONG
        8. MOT LONG
        9. TIS LONG
        10. ZN LONG

        Good Luck God Bless ......and have a beautiful day!


        • Peter Hansen
          • Jul 2005
          • 3968

          4 For 2/20/09

          Well the "Stimulus Plan" ain't stimulating the markets........THAT IS FOR SURE ! KISS Keep it simple stupid! Well Today I am Bullish on GOLD and Short the markets .......I am going after Mr Bear with Triple O Buck ...The LONGS are really ETFs Triple Shorts ! The UGL is a GOLD Double LONG

          1. BGZ LONG
          2. TZA LONG
          3. FAZ LONG
          4. UGL LONG

          Good Luck, Set TightTrailing Stops , God Bless And MAY We all Make Tons OF Money in this Falling MArket ! Have a beautiful Weekend!


          • Peter Hansen
            • Jul 2005
            • 3968

            7 for 2/23/09

            Markets appear to be headed higher ......but all the problems are far from over . Today 5 LONG and 2 SHORTS

            1. IAG LONG
            2. AGQ LONG
            3. UGL LONG
            4. ZN LONG
            5. UXG LONG
            6. TMK SHORT
            7. WTW SHORT


            • Peter Hansen
              • Jul 2005
              • 3968

              Lucky 11 for 2/24/09

              Tricky day futures appear to be up .but who knows.

              1. LVS SHORT
              2. LB SHORT
              3. XEC SHORT
              4. X SHORT
              5. DAI SHORT
              6. VMC SHORT
              7. TKK SHORT
              8. KBW SHORT
              9. GIII SHORT
              10 ZN LONG
              11. EGO LONG


              • Peter Hansen
                • Jul 2005
                • 3968

                Typo above tkk should be tmk sorry

                Please note TKK should be TMK SORRY


                • Peter Hansen
                  • Jul 2005
                  • 3968

                  8 For 2/25/09

                  Well it is ASH Wednesday today for all the Catholics .....and the beginning of Lent! Hopefully We can all become better as each day passes, and give something back for all the blessings we have !
                  Anyway ...3 LONGS and 5 SHORTS for today . These should do well despite what the markets do !

                  1. ZN LONG
                  2. CECO LONG
                  3. AIPC LONG
                  4. LB SHORT
                  5. SPTN SHORT
                  6. EPR SHORT
                  7. SM SHORT
                  8. AVTR SHORT

                  Good Luck, Think Positive and Beautiful Days will Lie Ahead!


                  • Peter Hansen
                    • Jul 2005
                    • 3968

                    10 for 2/26/09

                    The Budget comes out today ....job losses are still high .....I wonder why the futures are still positive?

                    1. SXCI LONG
                    2. ORLY LONG
                    3. AIPC LONG
                    4. TIS LONG
                    5. HLF SHORT
                    6. FO SHORT
                    7. MHK SHORT
                    8. KBW SHORT
                    9. LB SHORT
                    10. REFR SHORT

                    It may be wise to hold off buying today until the budget comes out ....that could tank the market!
                    Good Luck and ALWAYS set those stops!


                    • Peter Hansen
                      • Jul 2005
                      • 3968

                      7 For 2/27/09

                      Market Futures are down on lousy news from most areas ......SHORTS will be the order of the day !

                      1. EPR SHORT
                      2. X Short
                      3. EQR SHORT
                      4. CAE SHORT
                      5. EMN SHORT
                      6. ZOLL SHORT
                      7. DWSN SHORT

                      As the market TANKS ....the SHORTS should do well !


                      • Peter Hansen
                        • Jul 2005
                        • 3968

                        Stock Picks For 3/2/09

                        "Change .....ALL Your Change" is the caption from the NY Sunday Post News. It shows a cowering Tax Payer in the corner clutching his Piggy Bank , and Obama, with a hammer, along with Pelosi and Reed all standing menancingly in the shadows LOL
                        Warren Buffet says 2008 was his worst year in his 44yr history , and also intimates that the 2009 economy will be in SHAMBLES for the rest of the year. Does that instill confidence LOL!
                        My Advice GO SHORT....think positive and make money.
                        Below is a list of shorts I have placed into an AOL portfolio. 25 K ws divided equally among the 10 SHORT Positions. If you cant go short simply buy the ETFs DXB , which double shorts the Dow, and SKF which double shorts the financials .
                        Good Luck , Stay Calm, Think Green and before us is the opportunity to make some of the best money in a lifetime .

                        1. DXD LONG
                        2. SKF LONG

                        In the Portfolio below ALL SHORTS !

                        3/2-3/6/09 MY SHT PORT
                        Value: Gain/Loss [Since Purchase]: Gain/Loss [Today]:
                        Symbol Shares Last/NAV Net Change Pur. Price Gain/Loss Value
                        ABCO 167.5603 14.92 -0.31 14.92 0.00 2,500.00
                        EMN 121.7137 20.54 -0.76 20.54 0.00 2,500.00
                        EQR 142.0455 17.60 -0.50 17.60 0.00 2,500.00
                        GMT 136.8363 18.27 -0.84 18.27 0.00 2,500.00
                        MTX 83.5561 29.92 -0.63 29.92 0.00 2,500.00
                        PVA 180.5054 13.85 -0.5937 13.85 0.00 2,500.00
                        RGA 91.9118 27.20 -1.03 27.20 0.00 2,500.00
                        TMK 121.3592 20.60 -2.90 20.60 0.00 2,500.00
                        TUP 176.3047 14.18 -0.54 14.16 3.53 2,500.00
                        WYNN 119.3317 20.95 -1.33 20.95 0.00 2,500.00
                        Last Updated: 5:29 AM on 03/02/09
                        Last edited by Peter Hansen; 03-04-2009, 08:01 PM.


                        • Peter Hansen
                          • Jul 2005
                          • 3968

                          The Dirty Dozen For 3/3/09

                          Well as I write the futures are up, but this is expected after the terrific pounding the markets took yesterday. Below are 12 , ahem....."SHOVEL READY" Shorts ! I would not SHORT these stocks immediately, but perhaps after 10AM. The Truck and car sales reports along with housing should be out today ....that should be fun LOL!

                          1. MATK SHORT
                          2. ZOLL SHORT
                          3. WYNN SHORT
                          4. GMT SHORT
                          5. MTX SHORT
                          6. L SHORT
                          7. EPR SHORT
                          8. EMN SHORT
                          9. DVN SHORT
                          10 EQR SHORT
                          11 TCO SHORT
                          12 BRE SHORT

                          Remeber if you can't go short ....simply use the following ETFs , which Double Short the various markets for you!

                          1. QID Ultrashort QQQQ
                          2. DXD Ultrashort DOW 30
                          3. SDS Ultrashort S&P 500
                          4. TWM Ultrashort Russell 2000
                          5. SKF Ultrashort Financials

                          Good luck God Bless and have a profitable , beautiful day!
                          Last edited by Peter Hansen; 03-04-2009, 08:01 PM.


                          • steelman
                            Senior Member
                            • Jun 2008
                            • 648


                            I think I understand. When you short a stock you are hoping it goes down right? The order would be to "sell short" and then "buy to cover" later. Now, when you say to use the ETF's, I would want to "buy" right?? So, would I want the ETF's to go up then?? Right now SKF is up a litter over 2%. Am I close here?
                            It's time to Grab the Bull by the Horns!


                            • Peter Hansen
                              • Jul 2005
                              • 3968

                              Steel U are right

                              Originally posted by steelman View Post

                              I think I understand. When you short a stock you are hoping it goes down right? The order would be to "sell short" and then "buy to cover" later. Now, when you say to use the ETF's, I would want to "buy" right?? So, would I want the ETF's to go up then?? Right now SKF is up a litter over 2%. Am I close here?

                              Short means you HOPE the Stock Tanks. Yes "SELL SHORT" would be your brokerage order I Happen to use Td ameritrade 7 Dollars per trade!
                              The ETFS I usually list are simply bought Long ,just as any other stock, but in reality they bet the index they represent to go DOWN!
                              I would use trailing stops, or at least have a stop to protect you from violent moves up or down!
                              Shorts mean that you place the stop, or buy to cover ABOVE , the current price . Long stops are placed below the current price .

                              Hope this helps. Good Luck!


                              • steelman
                                Senior Member
                                • Jun 2008
                                • 648

                                It does, a lot. Thank you. Just one last thing for clarification, When I "buy" an ETF, do I want the price to go up or down? Right now, SKF is up over 4%. Would I be happy?

                                I am gaining knowledge here, filling my quiver.
                                It's time to Grab the Bull by the Horns!

