Pete's Money Makers

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  • Peter Hansen
    • Jul 2005
    • 3968

    9 for 6/24/11

    TGIF and wow another crazy week . FCSMF.PK one of yesterday's picks ws up a huge 14.13% to close at $1.018 probably due to mention in a newsletter. Looking at the chart it may go higher today and could possibly reach a high of $1.12 -$1.18 but who really knows? Once the publicity subsides on FCSMF it will be headed for a fall. CAUTION IS ADVISED!
    Today's picks are more conventional and no pinks or OTCBB stocks.

    1. CROX Who ever thought this one would ever make a comeback?
    2. FOSL fashion accessories
    3. JVA Coffee
    4. LULU A former Mr Market Pick
    5. PRM Publishers of apartment guide and other such periodicals
    6. TSCO A Mr Market Pick
    7. ULTA Beauty supplies
    8. LULU Athletic apparel
    9. ZAGG A plastic covering wonder

    Good luck , God Bless and have a beautiful weekend.

    MOBI Is on many screens making a move UP ......check it out!
    Last edited by Peter Hansen; 06-24-2011, 10:20 AM. Reason: Addition


    • Peter Hansen
      • Jul 2005
      • 3968

      10 stox for 6/26/11

      Well the new week should prove to be interesting. Many reports like new housing starts and others could affect the markets adversely , also quantatative easing will end on June 30 . We must think positive, but proceed with caution. I sold FCSMF stock for a miniscule profit , because I felt it was a dead horse and not going anywhere anytime soon. Please excercise caution and perhaps wait until 12-1 PM Eastern Time before making any trades to see how the markets are playing out

      1. ANAD A beaten down tech stock with an interesting story author seems to feel this baby is good for 200% gain over time here is the link:

      2. BGZ An ETF which actually shorts the Big Cap stocks
      3. HANS Power beverage drinks
      4. HCKT Advisory and technology consulting
      5. **JBII High risk plastic to oil stock
      6. LQDT Operates an on line auction company selling all kinds of stuff
      7. PRM Media company
      8. SDOW Ultra shorts the Dow 30 If ya feel the dow 30 stocks will dive for the week .....this one is for you
      9. SQQQ ETF which ultra shorts the QQQQ
      10. UGL AN ETF which bets GOLD to go UP! STUDY the following chart NOTE how in AUGUST 2009 , and AUGUST 2010 UGL made a big run ......will 2011 hold true for the trend? .....I think it will

      Good Luck, God Bless and have a beautiful week!


      • Peter Hansen
        • Jul 2005
        • 3968

        4 stox for 6/29/11

        "Rip it up" should be the Greek theme it shows you what happens when politcians propose to cut back on social benefits. Hopefully we do not have a similar situation here. After 2 HUGE updays I would be reluctant to initiate large buys until the Greek Budget vote passes. A failure to pass the cuts could have dire consequences. The following 4 are momentum plays perhaps good for a few days.

        1. ANX BIOPHARMA Read this YAHOO Post on ANX and several others. "CLSN, AIS, ALXA and ANX: All great buys

        CLSN, AIS, ALXA and ANX: all four biotechs present at
        least 300%+ upside potential in 6 months which is a great return in choppy market. Please do your own research and invest for a great return."
        2. NANO Semi conductor technology
        3. ONTY Bio Pharma Verrrrrrry Interesting .BUT is it the "Perfect Storm" as suggested by one Yahoo poster?
        " Perfect Storm !!!! 26-Jun-11 10:26 am

        I would say ANTICIPATION of The Perfect Storm .
        Oncothyreon (NasdaqGM:ONTY): Option volume 699 percent above average.
        Volume -Out Of This World .
        Mad Money Godfather Cramer Blessed ONTY with The Buy ,Let See "Al Pacino " at his best !!
        Institutions Must Own ONTY Before Phase 3 Start Results .
        Shorts Have To Cover .
        Everyone Wants To Own Next ( Even Better ) Dendreon .
        Wedbush Keeps Changing Target Price Higher and Higher
        More Upgrades Are Coming
        And Perfect Storm Is :
        Full Enrollment Start Trial -Any Day
        A Phase II Study of PX-866 in Patients With Recurrent or Metastatic Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer -Any Day
        LICC: L-BLP25 in patients with colorectal carcinoma after curative resection of hepatic metastases—A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicenter, multinational, phase II trial - Any Day In Q3 2011
        Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group -ARMADA -Ready To Go .More Then 100 centers .A Phase II Study of L-BLP25 and Bevacizumab in Unresectable Stage IIIA and IIIB Non-Squamous Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer After Definitive Chemoradiation
        World Vaccine Congress - 2011.DAY THREE - Wednesday 12th October 2011 Morning plenar

        Advances and challenges in the development of novel cancer vaccines which may include data on the Stimuvax development
        Second Interim Look Start Trial -Second Half Of 2011
        Study With Stimuvax (L-BLP25) in Subjects With Either Chemotherapy-naïve, Slowly Progressive, Asymptomatic Multiple Myeloma or With Stage II/III Multiple Myeloma in Stable Response/Plateau Phase Following Anti-tumor Therapy -News ???
        ONT-10 -Ace For ONTY, Nightmare For Merck -Potential Buyout By Merck .
        Perfect Storm Is Coming, Anticipation Is Here . Look On ONTY PARABOLIC CHART !!!!!! One In Thousand Stock Has Chart Like That .That's Why You See Huge Volume !!!!It Got Noticed By Everyone . What Happened Next ???
        BIO77 "
        So any comments on ONTY?
        4. SCLN Another Biopharma for your edification.

        Good Luck , God Bless and have a beautiful and profitable day!

        BONUS PICK SOLR Solar energy .
        Ever wonder what some of the best pros have in their portfolios? Here have a look:
        Last edited by Peter Hansen; 06-29-2011, 07:21 AM. Reason: Addition


        • Peter Hansen
          • Jul 2005
          • 3968

          4 JEWELS In The Crown For 6/30/11

          Many say that betting on penny stocks is a losing proposition , and for the most part I do agree. I have had my share of penny stock losses , but sometimes after the rain has fallen a rainbow appears. If we could find penny stocks with reasonable balance sheets, interesting businesses, listed on major exchanges, that are not paid "pumps" , perhaps we could have some winners.
          I think the following 4 picks may just be the Jewels in the crown we are looking for:

          1. GPK Graphic Packaging a holding company that manufactures attractive packaging for major brands. Revenues are increasing, expansion is spreading, and supposedly revenues are predicted to surge 16% annualy for the next 5 years.

          2. ADAT Authenticate holdings, a previous pick of mine that provides software for medical agencies. The VA is a customer and has recently signed a contract with University of Utah to provide medical management is the link . ADAT has NO DEBT, current assets of 2X Liabilities, however the company its yet to be profitable. This $1.19 NASDAQ stock appears to be on the rise.

          3. COSI Cosi restuarants have over 100 locations located on the East Coast and in the Mid West. They provide healthier meals, breakfast menus are being added, and they are in the process of entering the catering market. Here is the COSI "Life Should Be Delicious" Link Balance sheets look good , ZERO DEBT , and sitting on a 10 MILLION pile of cash . Trading once at over $1.60 COSI is sitting at 93 Cents today. Remember Panera PNRA way back when had the chance to buy cheap .....did ya take it? COSI is your 2nd chance.

          4. ENTR Entropic Communications makes semiconductors and chips. revenues are exploding, income is rising, while ENTR sits on millions in cash. , with ZERO debt, and trading at 9.5 times earnings.

          Yes they are all penny stocks ,scary to many, and remember as such are subject to losses. There are NO SURE safe stocks all have their ups and downs.

          Good Luck , God Bless and any comments you may have would be appreciated. Have a beautiful day

          BONUS BONUS BONUS Late Addition:

          PZZI Pizza Inn appears to be an interesting concept .....check it out here.

          Here is link to financials ......not bad

          Here is their chart.

          Performance for PZZI is as follows:

          1 Week 19.2%
          1 Month 29.5%
          3 Months 45.4%
          6 Months 56%

          Perhaps this is a better bet than COSI mentioned above
          Last edited by Peter Hansen; 06-30-2011, 01:39 PM. Reason: Addition


          • Peter Hansen
            • Jul 2005
            • 3968

            4 stox for 7/1/11

            How long will this rally last before the wagging heads begin to say , "Too Far Too Fast" ? Metal stocks and miners could be good choices right here.

            1. ANV Allied Nevada gold
            2. LNG Cheniere Energy Liquified Natural Gas Recently acquired permit to export natural gas from the government . According to one pundit , Chenniere is good for 200% within 18 months.
            3. SNDXF Higher Risk Gold Miner Interesting article on Nolan Watson CEO of Sandstorm Metals and Energy .....Mr Watson appears to be quite a competent CEO Watch the short 2 minute video clip as Mr Watson CA, CFA speaks ......most impressive. His goal for SNDXF is "My goal as an entrepreneur is to turn Sandstorm into the largest, most profitable and best-managed commodity finance company in the world" IMHO I think he is well on his way!

            4. SLV More conservative Silver stock

            Good Luck , God Bless and have a happy 4th of July.


            How about some Fire Works for the 4th of July? Well Hooper Holmes
            HH on the AMEX is EXPLODING .They provide outside risk management for the healtcare industry. Verrrrrrrry Interesting here is the chart
            and yumping yupiter .......LOOK at those finances
            Last edited by Peter Hansen; 07-01-2011, 09:00 AM.


            • Peter Hansen
              • Jul 2005
              • 3968

              8 stox for 7/5/11

              According to an article in this week's Barrons oil could go to $150 per barrel by next Spring. Is this possible ? Who really knows , but if it were the case oil companies would go ballistic. Barron's is a good paper with some interesting articles.....but ya wonder , when they portray a stock in a positive light on the weekend........are there any guarantees that the information had not been leaked out prior to the publication date?

              1. CCIX Here is a link to an interesting article on Coleman Cable

              2. EGHT Check this link for more info on EGHT
              3. HH Life and Health Insurance Industries Risk Assesment
              4. ONTY Bio Pharma
              5. PZZI A pizza stock with some new concepts check out this previously posted links
              PZZI Pizza Inn appears to be an interesting concept .....check it out here.

              Here is link to financials ......not bad

              Here is their chart.

              Performance for PZZI is as follows:

              1 Week 19.2%
              1 Month 29.5%
              3 Months 45.4%
              6 Months 56%

              6. SOLR Cloud Computing This link has more information

              7. TRCR A Mr Market Pick financially sound with good chart
              8. XRX Xerox still may rise from here.

              How do these 8 stocks look over a 2yr period? Glad you asked because here is the chart

              BONUS PICK

              CMG Chipotle Mexican Grill One pundit is saying an easy 20% can be made from here.
              Here is a 2YR Chart!

              On closer inspection of a 6 month chart CMG is right on the top of the Bollinger Bands, usually indicating a pullback......well I guess Tuesday will tell us for sure ........Here is link to the chart
              Good Luck , God Bless and have a safe and happy 4th of July!

              LATE ADDITION :

              XG Extorre Gold Mines on the AMEX ....financials fair, and super chart but at this point a bit overextended. Ya may wish to wait for a pullback.
              LINK to Chart

              One YAHOO poster is HOT for XG , but remember Never marry any stock caution is always advised Here is what that Yahoo poster had to say about XG "XG is a FREE money printing press 3-Jun-11 10:38 am
              I have NEVER seen a more superior stock in my life than XG, it climbs upward 90% of the time, with only very rare tiny dips that are quickly erased, usually within a single day.

              Most importantly, unlike pure crap like JAG, the much superior XG is a GOOD NEWS generator, with one piece of great news after another, and I can NOT remember a single piece of negative news ever issued by XG, period.

              If that does not make XG an effective RISK FREE long play, then I do not know anything....except my market experience is such that I do know MORE than the average guy, and certainly a lot more than so many of these so called phony industry "experts," most of whom would not recognize a genuine bull market stock like XG if it slapped them in the face LOL "
              Last edited by Peter Hansen; 07-05-2011, 09:21 AM.


              • Peter Hansen
                • Jul 2005
                • 3968

                10 money makers for 7/7/11

                Wow 7-7-11......could be a another lucky day for us .

                1. CMG Chipotle Mexican Grill .Wow maybe this stock will crank out 20% on the top end as predicted by one pundit.
                2. JVA This company makes , packages and distributes various coffees.
                3. LULU Apparently one yahoo poster is impressed......athletes seem to prefer this brand over others....can't explain it .....but it has cache' Here is the poster's comment: " LULU will meet $ 150 , you will see $150 by month's end......powerful Chart !!!" Who knows this chap may be correct.
                4. PZZI Need I say more, creative pizza at its best.
                5. SNDXF Interesting Gold Stock on the move!
                6. SODA Apparently you can make your own custom flavored soda at home cheaper than store bought. When I first heard this on a national radio talk show
                , I thought to myself .."What kind of BS is this" then I looked at the financials :
                then I looked at the chart "
                All of a sudden Bullshit was lookin good. Hey I missed wheelies, crox, priceline and Netfix ......yes this is a momentum stock and could drop hard....but I think coin can still be made.
                7. SUG If ya need something done with natural gas Southern Union, SUG can do it for you!
                8. TZOO Travel business
                9. VHC Huge growth on tap for this internet software company
                10. XG Extorre Gold Another Gold stock burning up the charts.

                Good Luck, God Bless and make some coin on Thursday.


                FCFS Fast Cash Services Revenues are exploding ....many more stores projected for 2011....basically FCFS provides "FAST CASH" via pawn shops and outright loans . The customer is required to sign a contract for the loan and interest rates and penalties are large.......but when you are tapped out and on the balls of your A** ......what else can ya do?
                Of course you can try to eliminate unnecessary purchases , but try to tell that to a customer who needs fast cash so she can buy a Big screen TV to watch the Casey Anthony show and Jerry Springer ......but that would be like blowing a flute in front of a water buffalo.
                Last edited by Peter Hansen; 07-07-2011, 09:04 AM.


                • Peter Hansen
                  • Jul 2005
                  • 3968

                  1 stock for fast friday!

                  SCLN A Biotech Stock may be added to the Nasdaq Biotech Index.....Look Here at this Yahoo Post, "You may want to consider playing scln's inclusion in the Nasdaq Biotech index. If scln's market cap is $200 million or more at the end of September then it will be added to the Biotech index on the third Friday of November"
                  The chart and financials are not bad !

                  ON THE FLY ADDITION PCYC

                  Indicators are Flashing a Signal Here

                  Look for higher prices from here on PCYC


                  AS well as BULLISH DOJI DAY BEFORE
                  Last edited by Peter Hansen; 07-08-2011, 01:08 PM.


                  • Peter Hansen
                    • Jul 2005
                    • 3968

                    Become a gold stock millionaire!

                    According to this analysis by stockgumshoedotcom AVION Gold AVGCF could be the gold stock that makes you a millionaire it here!


                    • buffett
                      Junior Member
                      • Jun 2011
                      • 3

                      been following your picks for while, noticed i had the top 4 in my watchlist, charting growth, you have some great ideas, have a couple to share. wanna see what ya think. HNSN healthcrare, CRM tech, FARO tech, ACOM tech, LAVA tech,. and dangerous one JCOF.PK for the coffee bull market.

                      also, XG, PZZI, SODA seem very intriguing to me. owned TZOO in the past, volatle one, but still on the backburner

                      any feedback is helpul, thanks


                      • Peter Hansen
                        • Jul 2005
                        • 3968


                        Originally posted by buffett View Post
                        been following your picks for while, noticed i had the top 4 in my watchlist, charting growth, you have some great ideas, have a couple to share. wanna see what ya think. HNSN healthcrare, CRM tech, FARO tech, ACOM tech, LAVA tech,. and dangerous one JCOF.PK for the coffee bull market.

                        also, XG, PZZI, SODA seem very intriguing to me. owned TZOO in the past, volatle one, but still on the backburner

                        any feedback is helpul, thanks
                        Gee I wonder... any relation to Warren Buffet? Well I guess if you were related you would not be on this site. LOL Your picks are interesting , but I still need more time for research ......The chart looks good for the "dangerous" one JCOF on the pinksheets. The site looks interesting and earnings will be released on Monday July 11th at 4:15 PM Eastern Time ....that is tricky because if they don't come in good the stock will tank! We shall see what happens.


                        • Peter Hansen
                          • Jul 2005
                          • 3968

                          Is it time to buy gold stocks?

                          One pundit has an interesting analysis of gold miners using The Gold Miners Bullish Percent Index $BPGDM . According to him GOLD Miners are not quite in the oversold range , BUT they have a BUY signal at the current time .

                          Here is the article , and I must say it is interesting .Also scroll down and read about the stock PM , one stock to tuck away into that Roth Ira Portfolio! Here is the link

                          Now here is the UPDATED $BPGDM Chart .Note that we are at about 33, but still in the BUY zone
                $BPGDM&p=D&yr=2&mn=0&dy=0&id=t90233979705&r=1 47&cmd=print


                          • Peter Hansen
                            • Jul 2005
                            • 3968

                            A baker's dozen for 7/11/11

                            Well as the gangsters down in Washington D.C. debate the debt ceiling, people ae hurting. Thousands of graduates pouring out of colleges looking for jobs , and the only jobs to be had are those where ya have to wear a funny hat and say ," Do you want fries with that order?"
                            I also see the newspapers flooded with ads for the sharks out there willing to buy your gold for next to nothing.
                            All indicators are flashing buy signals for gold and since the gold miners got whacked , I beleive that they will come back with a vengance. My picks today have a few of those miners.
                            Stay focused , stay tough and never ever, ever GIVE UP!

                            1. AVGCF Avon Gold Corp According to a writeup in Stockgumshoe.This little gild miner could make you a millionaire it here
                            2. BPAX Biosante Pharmaceuticals A Yahoo Poster had this technical
                            analysis of the stock, "If you take a look at the chart for BioSante, you'll see that this stock has been forming a very bullish pattern of higher lows and higher highs for the past four months. I highlight this type of chart pattern often because this is exactly the type of action you see in a stock that wants to trade higher and that is in strong demand by large institutional traders.
                            What's even more bullish now for BioSante is that the stock has started to break out above some past overhead resistance at around $3.20 a share. This breakout is a major move because the upside volume flowing into the stock today is very strong. Volume today is already over 3.4 million shares which is well above the three-month average volume of 2.2 million shares.
                            One could be a buyer of this stock on any weakness and simply stop out of the trade if you see it move back below the breakout level of $3.20 a share on big selling volume. The next significant resistance level on this stock will come into play at $4 to $5 a share, so if BioSante wants to run from here, there's plenty of upside" Here is a BPAX Chart
                            The above chart can be used with the other symbols ...simply slip in the box your letters.
                            3. JVA Explosive coffee stock
                            4, PCYC Another biopharma with bust out chart.
                            5. PZZI Pizza INN a pizza chain spreading like a virus
                            6. SCLN Scicione Pharmaceuticals
                            7. SNDXF Yes a PINK SHEET gold miner but I am making some coin in this one. Read this interesting article from stockgumshoe on how you can put one million ounces of pure gold in your name.
                            8. SODA HAd a pullback but this stock is long and strong
                            9. TNAV Telenav
                            10 VHC Virnet Holding Corp
                            11. WNR Western refining
                            12. XG Extorre Gold
                            13. JCOF A coffee stock brought to my attention by Mr Market member Buffet. Yes it is a pink sheet and caution is advised . But before ya head for the hills check this out . Tickerspy had this performance record for the stock :

                            1 WEEK Change 14.8% 1 MONTH Change 49% 3 Month Change 610% and get the digitalis Maude an astounding 6 month change of 1,320%
                            Geez now even a blind man can see the stock is smokin' hot.
                            Digging a bit deeper I found that they are merging tomorrow with another health company type stock.
                            Also WalMart has an association with them .....and to top it off their coffees will be carried shortly by AMAZON. Can ya see a future here? Here is a link to some info on JCOF . Also read about tomorrows's merger.
                            It is a pinksheet , speculative not for pregnant nuns , orphans and children but if ya have some gambling money this 78 Cent stock may be for you! TESTIMONIALS For JCOF: Hey what good is a new coffee it it tastes like horse piss and nothing else . Read these testimonials .can you believe one lady lost 25 Lbs in 7 weeks by drink the coffee ...I can hear the ladies now ..... running like pachyderms, making a bee line for this coffee. Here is the testimononial link!
                            Good Luck , God Bless and have a glorious weekend.
                            Last edited by Peter Hansen; 07-10-2011, 02:51 PM.


                            • Peter Hansen
                              • Jul 2005
                              • 3968

                              Originally posted by Peter Hansen View Post
                              Well as the gangsters down in Washington D.C. debate the debt ceiling, people ae hurting. Thousands of graduates pouring out of colleges looking for jobs , and the only jobs to be had are those where ya have to wear a funny hat and say ," Do you want fries with that order?"
                              I also see the newspapers flooded with ads for the sharks out there willing to buy your gold for next to nothing.
                              All indicators are flashing buy signals for gold and since the gold miners got whacked , I beleive that they will come back with a vengance. My picks today have a few of those miners.
                              Stay focused , stay tough and never ever, ever GIVE UP!

                              1. AVGCF Avon Gold Corp According to a writeup in Stockgumshoe.This little gild miner could make you a millionaire it here
                              2. BPAX Biosante Pharmaceuticals A Yahoo Poster had this technical
                              analysis of the stock, "If you take a look at the chart for BioSante, you'll see that this stock has been forming a very bullish pattern of higher lows and higher highs for the past four months. I highlight this type of chart pattern often because this is exactly the type of action you see in a stock that wants to trade higher and that is in strong demand by large institutional traders.
                              What's even more bullish now for BioSante is that the stock has started to break out above some past overhead resistance at around $3.20 a share. This breakout is a major move because the upside volume flowing into the stock today is very strong. Volume today is already over 3.4 million shares which is well above the three-month average volume of 2.2 million shares.
                              One could be a buyer of this stock on any weakness and simply stop out of the trade if you see it move back below the breakout level of $3.20 a share on big selling volume. The next significant resistance level on this stock will come into play at $4 to $5 a share, so if BioSante wants to run from here, there's plenty of upside" Here is a BPAX Chart
                              The above chart can be used with the other symbols ...simply slip in the box your letters.
                              3. JVA Explosive coffee stock
                              4, PCYC Another biopharma with bust out chart.
                              5. PZZI Pizza INN a pizza chain spreading like a virus
                              6. SCLN Scicione Pharmaceuticals
                              7. SNDXF Yes a PINK SHEET gold miner but I am making some coin in this one. Read this interesting article from stockgumshoe on how you can put one million ounces of pure gold in your name.
                              8. SODA HAd a pullback but this stock is long and strong
                              9. TNAV Telenav
                              10 VHC Virnet Holding Corp
                              11. WNR Western refining
                              12. XG Extorre Gold
                              13. JCOF A coffee stock brought to my attention by Mr Market member Buffet. Yes it is a pink sheet and caution is advised . But before ya head for the hills check this out . Tickerspy had this performance record for the stock :

                              1 WEEK Change 14.8% 1 MONTH Change 49% 3 Month Change 610% and get the digitalis Maude an astounding 6 month change of 1,320%
                              Geez now even a blind man can see the stock is smokin' hot.
                              Digging a bit deeper I found that they are merging tomorrow with another health company type stock.
                              Also WalMart has an association with them .....and to top it off their coffees will be carried shortly by AMAZON. Can ya see a future here? Here is a link to some info on JCOF . Also read about tomorrows's merger.
                              It is a pinksheet , speculative not for pregnant nuns , orphans and children but if ya have some gambling money this 78 Cent stock may be for you! TESTIMONIALS For JCOF: Hey what good is a new coffee it it tastes like horse piss and nothing else . Read these testimonials .Can you believe one lady lost 25 Lbs in 7 weeks by drinking the coffee whci curtailed her appetite ...I can hear the ladies now ..... running like pachyderms, making a bee line for this coffee. Here is the testimononial link!
                              Good Luck , God Bless and have a glorious weekend.
                              Read the above testimonials for JCOF.... Incredible ...remember HANS and how that fitness drink went through the roof!


                              • edward
                                Senior Member
                                • Jun 2009
                                • 124

                                I started playing around with the Williams Pro-Go Indicator the other day. It seems to be a fairly conservative indicator and often shows a sell signal before the game is over. Sometimes though it is right in sync with MACD, CMF, etc and I'm wondering if those turn out to be particularly good trades. Right now, Pro-Go lines up really nicely for Sandstorm and Javalution. Do you pay any attention to that indicator or how about anyone else? Always something new to learn!

