1998 all over again?

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  • 1998 all over again?

    uncanny how financials are leading the way down at the same time they did in 1998....Back then it was long term capital management.....Then the situation was a foot wide and a mile deep....Today its CDOs and subprime and shaky LBOs.....this time it's a mile wide and we just don't know how deep yet....in 1998, the broker dealer index lost half its value before bottoming....companies like LEH lost 75% of their value before bottoming....Goldman Sachs is a quality company but if they can't do LBOs, where does their profits come from? This is no time to be a hero.

  • #2
    Let me answer my own post

    yes, it seems this is 1998 all over again......Back then it was just Long Term Capital Management.....Now its many hedge funds in trouble.....I expect brokers to trade down to book value.....all are great shorts......banks too....
    I expect the S&P to drop to 1220.....


    • IIC
      Senior Member
      • Nov 2003
      • 14938

      Originally posted by Jim Smith View Post
      yes, it seems this is 1998 all over again......Back then it was just Long Term Capital Management.....Now its many hedge funds in trouble.....I expect brokers to trade down to book value.....all are great shorts......banks too....
      I expect the S&P to drop to 1220.....

      Any projection on how low the Naz 100 might go?...I'm thinking perhaps 1700ish
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      • Websman
        Senior Member
        • Apr 2004
        • 5545

        I pity the fool who places his whole retirement in the market....


        • #5
          I even sold mutual funds into monday's bounce

          I think the Russell could lose another 25%.....I am long the SDS which is the double beta bear play on the S&P 500.....I am long puts on LEH and UNH....UNH broke a huge bear flag support which, believe it or not, points to a target of $28.....That might not be so ridiculous if a democrat takes the white house.....my SDS target is $75 by Labor Day....I expect the S&P to lose 15%+ in August. This is 1998 all over again, only worse....I hear Bear Stearns has a third hedge fund nearly worthless.....I am looking to short all brokers and banks down to 1x book value.

          A guy I know who trades milk futures who subscribes or has money invested with Robert Rubin's investment company told me a week ago that Rubin said we're headed for a three year bear market.....no target given.


          • sisterwin2

            You think three yrs?? That would be terrible for us a-bit-over 50 folks. Right now I am putting 25% of my check in my 401k....

            any suggestion on how I should delgate the monies too? Sounds like I should play it as safely as possible.

            I am too close to retirement to not play it safe right now...


            • billyjoe
              Senior Member
              • Nov 2003
              • 9014

              I was down 40% by 2001 and am up approx. 400% from that point. After 3 years you'll still be a few years from retirement and the appreciation could be fantastic when the bull resumes. I know it's hard to think that way when your statements show you going down down down. I panicked after the Oct. '87 crash and sold out. Although looking back it wasn't that much, to me at the time it was a good chunk of my net worth. Had I held on, it would have made a tremendous difference in my current finances.

              Last edited by billyjoe; 08-01-2007, 09:07 PM.


              • #8
                Looking for SPX 1220 by Labor day

                the 1998 scenario looks good with brokers getting clocked....watch for LEH to trade down to $21......


                • ninner
                  Senior Member
                  • Dec 2004
                  • 524


                  hey jimmy, where do u think MER will go.


                  • #10
                    MER could drop to $40

                    this is ugly


                    • ninner
                      Senior Member
                      • Dec 2004
                      • 524

                      its very ugly

                      my puts are looking sweet !!!


                      • riverbabe
                        Senior Member
                        • May 2005
                        • 3373

                        Originally posted by ninner View Post
                        my puts are looking sweet !!!
                        My short from 74.10 is looking sweet also. River


                        • ninner
                          Senior Member
                          • Dec 2004
                          • 524

                          good job river babe

                          good job on your short...next step is the 64 swing point which we should blow by based on how MER went up compared to how we are coming back down....Also , look at buying some QID...i believe they are going up too 58...a good tool in this market.



                          • IIC
                            Senior Member
                            • Nov 2003
                            • 14938

                            Originally posted by ninner View Post
                            good job on your short...next step is the 64 swing point which we should blow by based on how MER went up compared to how we are coming back down....Also , look at buying some QID...i believe they are going up too 58...a good tool in this market.

                            I hope you are right about QID.

                            On the short side these are the INDEX ULTRA ones I watch:

                            SDS MZZ QID DXD SDD TWM

                            SDD doesn't get much volume but TWM has been picking up on volume...Both were up over 7.5% today...Of course, when one thinks that the market will turn up, their counterparts could be pretty good.

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                            • MEA_1956
                              Senior Member
                              • Oct 2003
                              • 655

                              Any thoughts on FBR. Penney land their next stop or is this as close to their bottom as they will travel. Marlin
                              GO BIG RED!!!!!

