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  • IIC
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2003
    • 14938!!!

    Let's boycott the LA TIMES...LOL

    GO BIG RED!!!

    T.J. Simers:
    Nebraska fans, lend him your ears -- and more

    Simers wants to experience the run-up to the USC game with Cornhuskers fans, if any are willing to show him what their lives are like.

    July 31, 2007

    I am writing this now to give the overland stage time to get it there.

    USC will be playing in Nebraska on Sept. 15, and I will be joining the greatest football team ever assembled as they strike out into the wilderness.

    If possible, I'd like to spend time boarding with some corn cobs, maybe getting a smell of what it's like to be around livestock — then leaving Lincoln to move around the state and spend a few days here and there.

    A stop in Wahoo at the Wigwam Café is probably a good start, but I was thinking it'd be interesting to stay with a real-live-boring Cornhuskers family somewhere out on the prairie so I can feel what it's like to have nothing to look forward to in my life other than a Saturday afternoon football game.

    I'll be going to Nebraska early in the football week, and while I'm not sure what corn cob hospitality is like, I'd like to remind folks that when they came to L.A., I tried to help.

    Remember when the Cornhuskers came to the big city to lose in the Rose Bowl? Everyone here knows there are no individual seats — just long benches for the skinny people who live here.

    I was looking out for the corn-fed porkers, of course, including all their big-butted women, when I told them that if everyone sat down after the anthem, there were going to be people falling atop each other at the end of each row.

    A number of corn cobs e-mailed to say they were unhappy with Page 2 but thrilled now to have their very own Internet machines.

    They also wanted to tell me about their wonderful lives, kids and the modern facilities being built right down there by the creek. Well, there's nothing like a Wal-Mart coming to town to excite the locals, so I was thrilled for them. But for some reason that didn't come across in our correspondence, and there might still be some hard feelings.

    I got to thinking last summer, though, as I drove the family-that-I-used-to-love across Nebraska in a RV what it must be like to actually live there most every day of your life.

    I can't remember for sure if it was Nebraska or Kansas where I saw a tree, but it just seemed as if there wasn't much there.

    That's why the corn cobs love their football. It's all they have, everyone wearing red, and sitting there like plump, ripe tomatoes with corncobs stuck to their heads, singing, "There is no place like Nebraska."

    Hard to argue. There's not a 7-Eleven in the entire state, thousands of people never once tasting a Slurpee, which got me wondering whether I could live that way for a whole week.

    I know there aren't a whole lot of cities in Nebraska, but I'm willing to spend a few days out yonder with a family if someone would like to show me what it's like to live without DirecTV and not ask me to kill a chicken for dinner.

    I can play checkers if forced, though, or make a run to the Feed Store. Right now I'm willing to go wherever the corn cobs tell me to go, and while several have already done that, I'd like to see for myself they're not talking about some place in Nebraska
    "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

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  • riverbabe
    Senior Member
    • May 2005
    • 3373

    Doug, you are suicidal. P.S. I'm a former Sooner (another Big Red - Oklahoma - the Nebraska nemesis!).


    • MEA_1956
      Senior Member
      • Oct 2003
      • 655

      Go Big Red

      Doug, Don't know what to say to this passive ///// AGRESSIVE artical that you have posted. If I were him I think I would look somewhere else for a fight, for here in CORN COUNTRY we are lovers not fighters. Size matters only on the football field and then we try to have speed as its partner. The only time this dude has to worry about choking a chicken is when the tar pot is boiling becuse frankly his demeaner makes me think he just might be leaving the state with a big N tared & feathered on his ass. Marlin
      GO BIG RED!!!!!


      • IIC
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2003
        • 14938

        Originally posted by MEA_1956 View Post
        Doug, Don't know what to say to this passive ///// AGRESSIVE artical that you have posted. If I were him I think I would look somewhere else for a fight, for here in CORN COUNTRY we are lovers not fighters. Size matters only on the football field and then we try to have speed as its partner. The only time this dude has to worry about choking a chicken is when the tar pot is boiling becuse frankly his demeaner makes me think he just might be leaving the state with a big N tared & feathered on his ass. Marlin
        Well...there are quite a few Big red fans out here...I can hardly wait to see the letters to the editor this weekend
        "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

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        • MEA_1956
          Senior Member
          • Oct 2003
          • 655

          Money down

          My day comes to an end and that dude's comments are still rolling in my brain. I'm going to have to send him a thank you card, sure got a lot of work done today. At the rate that he is going he will retire early in life, for I feel they payed him handsomely to type this article. I shall now leave this topic with a few departing comments.

          1. Here in NE we open and hold all doors for women. ( BIG, small, large or tall)

          2.You my drive a $60,000 Lexus but my uncle drives a $240,000 combine. (He only drives it three weeks a year.)

          3. So what if everybody who drives a pickup waves, grasp the concept, there are a lot of freindly neighbors in this state.

          4.Ya we eat perch and bass, if you want sushi & caviar it is sold at the corner bait shack.

          5. No, there's no vegetarain special here, we eat steak, and lots of it.

          6. You bring coke to our house it better be brown, wet, and served over ice.

          7. College and high school sports are as important here as the Lakers & Dodgers, more fun to watch also.

          8. Our state has a man living on the space station at the present time, and he graduated from my little town.

          9. Hastings NE (is where I'm from) it just got voted most green town in the U S by Stick that in your little black pipe and smoke it.

          10. Here in NE we are real people, with real wrinkles and dimples, not $20,000 stretch marks that make us look like a wantabe.

          11. In our state we have a love for GOD & country, not bigotry or xenophobically.

          12. One Nation Under God, for Christs sake its only a game, not a HATEFEST.

          That should do it,I think I got it out of my system now.

          Yo Doug it only took 45 min, to sell out the Volley Ball Teams season tickets today. I wonder if the are any fat ass on the team this year. NNNOOOTTT!!!!

          Later Marlin GO BIG RED
          GO BIG RED!!!!!


          • IIC
            Senior Member
            • Nov 2003
            • 14938

            Well...I learned a new word today: xenophobically

            I really have no idea why TJ wrote that article...The LA Times has really gone downhill the last few years w/ all the internal chaos and the Buyout...Sellout...Unfortunately, there is no other paper in town anymore
            "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

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            • MEA_1956
              Senior Member
              • Oct 2003
              • 655

              Thats my wifes word, pretty good aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Marlin
              GO BIG RED!!!!!


              • IIC
                Senior Member
                • Nov 2003
                • 14938

                Originally posted by MEA_1956 View Post
                Thats my wifes word, pretty good aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Marlin

                Well...thx to I figured it out
                "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

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                • MEA_1956
                  Senior Member
                  • Oct 2003
                  • 655

                  She loves word games, Plays on comp. all the time. Crossword puzzle are also a time killer for here. Marlin
                  GO BIG RED!!!!!


                  • IIC
                    Senior Member
                    • Nov 2003
                    • 14938

                    Originally posted by MEA_1956 View Post
                    She loves word games, Plays on comp. all the time. Crossword puzzle are also a time killer for here. Marlin

                    Do you play Pitch?...It was a card game I learned back in NE early 70's...10pt, 13pt...For the life of me I cannot remember how to play...But I do remember it was fun
                    "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

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                    • MEA_1956
                      Senior Member
                      • Oct 2003
                      • 655

                      O So Well

                      Four point is my fav. High, Low, Jack, Game.
                      10 Point- scores are High Low, Jack, Jick, Jocker, Jocker, Game, And the Three is worth three.
                      Don't recall the pointers for 13 point.
                      At our family reunions there is always a couple of games going. Some times we have a terny. Two buck entry, winner taks all, Marlin
                      GO BIG RED!!!!!


                      • MEA_1956
                        Senior Member
                        • Oct 2003
                        • 655

                        I IS A Proud Corn HEAD

                        My task at lunch was to shuck sweet corn.

                        My tasks after work
                        1. Beer Run & stop at the store& pickup freezer bags.
                        2. Take out corn cobs to thrash.
                        3. Stir the pot.
                        4.Open & hold bags
                        5. Close bags
                        6. Put bags in freezer

                        Squirreled away 42 12oz. bags of Honey & Cream Sweet Corn.

                        Will taste grate with my Neberaska Beef. Marlin
                        GO BIG RED!!!!!


                        • billyjoe
                          Senior Member
                          • Nov 2003
                          • 9014

                          Sounds like a normal day to me. How about you, Doug?



                          • riverbabe
                            Senior Member
                            • May 2005
                            • 3373

                            MEA, you know any people up there name of TIMM? They are bound to be relatives of mine! Riverbabe


                            • IIC
                              Senior Member
                              • Nov 2003
                              • 14938

                              Originally posted by billyjoe View Post
                              Sounds like a normal day to me. How about you, Doug?


                              Pretty close.

                              One thing I always wondered though is why Nebraska is called the Cornhusker State?...Seems that would be more applicable to Iowa.

                              Here is a history of the NE Nicknames:

                              THE NICKNAMES:
                              The Cornhusker State: (Official) "The Cornhusker State" officially replaced "The Tree Planters State" in 1945 in recognition of The University of Nebraska football team, the Cornhuskers. It is now more generally associated with all University of Nebraska athletics. It is also said that this nickname refers to the corn that supports Nebraska beef cattle and another state nickname; "The Beef State." "Cornhusker State" appeared on Nebraska license plates from 1969 to 1975.

                              The Tree Planters State: Officially designated by an act of the Nebraska legislature on April 4, 1895, "The Tree Planters State" nickname was offered as a more fitting representation of the state than others that were in use at the time. This name refers to the millions of trees planted by early Nebraska settlers as windbreaks, orchards and fuel woodlots. Arbor Day was founded in 1872 by J. Sterling Morton of Nebraska City and Nebraska's U.S. Senator Phineas W. Hitchcock introduced the Timber Culture Act in 1873. "The Tree Planters State" was officially replaced by "The Cornhusker State" in 1945.

                              The Beef State: This nickname is in reference to one of Nebraska's main industries; beef. With about 2 million head of beef cows, it's easy to understand why Nebraska is sometimes referred to as "The Beef State." "The Beef State" was carried on Nebraska license plates from the mid-1950s to the mid-1960s.

                              The Antelope State: This nickname was given to Nebraska, around 1870, to honor the abundant antelope that graced the state's prairies.

                              The Bug-eating State: An interesting name to say the least. It's said that this reference is to the abundance of bull bats that gobble up insects in the state. These bats are called "bug-eaters" by some Nebraskans.

                              The Blackwater State: Nebraska was sometimes called "The Blackwater State" because of the rich black Nebraska soil that darkened the streams.
                              "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

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