Marl Stock Robot= Scam!!

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  • Karel
    • Sep 2003
    • 2199

    Originally posted by Peter Hansen View Post
    Here is another nail in the empty coffin of the Marl scam . All I can say is that the scammers must have one big pair of Brass Balls!

    Anonymous has left a new comment on the post "Doubling Stocks -- Marl the Magical Robot":

    I downloaded marl (which can be done free at: ), and decompiled it. It does *absolutely* NO analysis whatsoever. None. Nada. Zero. It looks up one stock in there database, which is predetermined.

    Make no mistake -- it's a pump & dump game. However, someone mentioned shorting the pick -- interesting idea.

    /Olias Sunhillow
    For those not already bored to tears by the obvious, a more extensive discussion of this, plus another possible way to make money with Marl, follows this comment.

    Now two things:
    1. You'll note that I gave a link to the site with the original content, instead of doing a cut-and-paste job. Although hardly observed these degenerate days, that is the polite way to do such things. The Internet has these wonderful things called links, you know. No need to copy content; respect the source.
    2. I would say that anyone with only half a brain can make up his/her/its brain by now about Marl. What about dropping this discussion?


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