Portfolio of the week - 2008

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  • skiracer
    Senior Member
    • Dec 2004
    • 6314

    Riverbabe was feeling EXTREMELY SATISFIED with herself. On top again by a narrow margin over NewBornBaby she felt the power rising inside her. On top again for the 2nd day in a row she had only to last another day to claim the win this week. It gave her chills. She could get used to this and just loved it. In fact she needed it. She savored the taste of satifaction knowing that she was again the best, but then she always knew that. NewBornBaby on the other hand knew he had to come up with something to overcome her by the close on Friday. The wheels were turning and churning in his mind. He would need "A Divine Intervention" to pull this off. And he began to pray. Jiesen sat comfortably in 3rd but he could feel the chilling closeness of "the Iceman" coming up behind him and knew only to well how fast the worm can turn. What's 8 or 9 percentage points to make up in one day. No problem he thought. IceMan could only think of how good he would look closing the gap like Citation overtaking Whirlwind in the Derby. We all have our dreams and Riverbabe lapsed into hers thinking how she loved being on top. She thought these boys were doo doo heads and that she would show them who's the best. The rest of us and our picks had been down so long it was beginning to look like up. Thursday and one day left to pull off a miracle kiddoes. And the scorecard please:



    • jae16
      • Jan 2008
      • 86

      for monday... short FCX...


      • New-born baby
        Senior Member
        • Apr 2004
        • 6095

        I'm up 13% and River is still kicking me! UGH!!

        The only thing I can say is that when she enters a POTW, you ought to take that trade in your account where it really counts.
        pivot calculator *current oil price*My stock picking method*Charting Lesson of the Week:BEAR FLAG PATTERN


        • skiracer
          Senior Member
          • Dec 2004
          • 6314

          Originally posted by jae16 View Post
          for monday... short FCX...
          no picks for next week until after the close on Friday. That FCX short was the play for the week.


          • skiracer
            Senior Member
            • Dec 2004
            • 6314

            Originally posted by New-born baby View Post
            I'm up 13% and River is still kicking me! UGH!!

            The only thing I can say is that when she enters a POTW, you ought to take that trade in your account where it really counts.
            She's chewing us up and spitting us out like bait chum. Still one day left NB. I'm getting my rosary out. This calls for some good old Notre Dame last minute heroics and touchdown Jesus.


            • skiracer
              Senior Member
              • Dec 2004
              • 6314

              you really have to check out this site. fully equiped with everything from charts, predefined & customized scans and screens, to much to mention. www.chartfilter.com . you should take the 10 minutes it takes to download the STOCK TOOLS SOFTWARE. Just click on "stocktools" on the home page and it will download. follow the instructions. very very nice charts and screens and everything is for FREE. Definitely worthwhile.


              • jae16
                • Jan 2008
                • 86

                Originally posted by skiracer View Post
                no picks for next week until after the close on Friday. That FCX short was the play for the week.
                Lol well I'll be waiting near my computer to put FCX short on Friday at 4:00:01...

                Lol ohh well... taught me to stick to my stop losses huh?


                • jae16
                  • Jan 2008
                  • 86

                  Originally posted by jae16 View Post
                  Lol well I'll be waiting near my computer to put FCX short on Friday at 4:00:01...

                  Lol ohh well... taught me to stick to my stop losses huh?
                  Ok scrap that... I got a new play, I will post it tommorow after the close... its a real interesting one... that I might not normally do unless I had more experience... But we'll see...


                  • New-born baby
                    Senior Member
                    • Apr 2004
                    • 6095

                    Cover my short of C

                    Cover my C short at $24.71
                    pivot calculator *current oil price*My stock picking method*Charting Lesson of the Week:BEAR FLAG PATTERN


                    • skiracer
                      Senior Member
                      • Dec 2004
                      • 6314

                      Originally posted by New-born baby View Post
                      Cover my C short at $24.71
                      You're covered NB. I trust you implicitly but this could turn out to be a very close race between you and Pretty In Pink and I might need some verification of the time of sales on this trade at 9:33. Anyone that can back up NB's price of $24.71 at 9:33 a.m? Thank you.


                      • skiracer
                        Senior Member
                        • Dec 2004
                        • 6314

                        Originally posted by jae16 View Post
                        Lol well I'll be waiting near my computer to put FCX short on Friday at 4:00:01...

                        Lol ohh well... taught me to stick to my stop losses huh?
                        what you should give some thougt to is developing a style of trading that you want to do. Whether it solely technical or fundamental or some combo of both you have to decide what suits you best. Then learn about how to trade or invest in that style. If anyone were to ask you about how you trade what would your answer be. I think everyone that tries to make money by investing their money in some fashion has to have a style and then a plan. Alot depends on the style of investing or trading you do as to whether or not you must or don't have to use stops. Usually the technical based swing or intermediate term traders use stops. If you are in for the longer term or very long term then stops aren't a must and probablely shouldn't be used. If you are going to trade like I think you are headed and want to then you are going to have to develope a style of planned strategies with stops and targets and with a specific set of rules that you stick to. Along with that is emotional control. Enough to honor your stops and stick to your plan. Be able to walk away and rely on your style and plan to win at the next setup. If you cannot do that then you will not ever be successful at this type of trading and will be wasting your time and money. Not to say that other types of investing for longer periods of time will not suit you and make you money but the short term trading of 3 or 4 days to 3 - 5 wks. will not. Especially the emotional control.


                        • skiracer
                          Senior Member
                          • Dec 2004
                          • 6314

                          RiverBabe knew she wasn't going to get a chance to go online today or to look at any stock related issues either. She was hoping that SIRF would hold up but it wasn't in the cards. Not this week. She wasn't thinking stocks or the POTW this morning. She was thinking of getting things done and something that had taken place on Thursday morning which had made her day. She wanted the win but was pretty satisfied with the way her week had ended although in the back of her mind she was hoping SIRF would come thru. NB on the other hand had been up all night praying for some "Divine Intervention". His prayers were answered in the vision he saw of him exiting his short position in C in the a.m. His faith was so strong that he pulled the trigger first thing in the morning and sealed River's fate this week in an instant. Jiesen let his foot off the gas for a moment and the "IceMan" slipped in on the rail taking 3rd place. Slippery as "Ice" and just as smooth Jiesen never saw it coming.
                          Congrats to the winners this week. NB takes the top spot and 1st. RiverBabe, with her world upside down, still comes in 2nd handily and is more than satisfied with her week and the place position. She thought that none of them look as "pretty in pink" as she does and that grin on her face is hiding a BIG SECRET. All is well in Rocky River. Doug is thinking that he looks " as good in pink" as RiverBabe and has a pink boa to prove it. He is thinking that 3rd is not 1st and is planning his strategies for next week. Jiesen the only other player in the "green" this week will never trust Doug again for slipping thru on the rail the way he did to take the show spot. Next week is another chance to show just how good or bad you can be kids. And as an added positive factor this coming week week we have persuaded hisEMINENCE, RULER OF THE VULCAN UNIVERSE, & SITTING AT THE HEAD OF THE VULCAN TRIUMVERATE, WEBSMAN to again grace our lives with his presence and participation in the POTW. Lets all live up to it. Another thought if I may. I have noticed that the addition of the extra plays has not had the effect that I thought it would. Remember there are 4 picks available. Make use of them if you please. Those other regulars that are out there lost in space and spinning around aimlessly with no purpose in life. We are here waiting for your return and participation. HailBop is not as good as it looks. Don't let us down. This is the adjusted percentages for Jiesen's score last week. You can thank Riverbabe. She never lets me get away with anything. Sorry bud. And the scorecard:

                          Last edited by skiracer; 01-19-2008, 08:46 PM.


                          • jae16
                            • Jan 2008
                            • 86

                            I am short MBI please


                            • New-born baby
                              Senior Member
                              • Apr 2004
                              • 6095

                              I . . . I . . I can't believe it! I beat the Babe! WOW!
                              But next week, well now, what IS going to happen with this upside down market?

                              Congrats to the four greenies in this market. Ugly to say the least.
                              pivot calculator *current oil price*My stock picking method*Charting Lesson of the Week:BEAR FLAG PATTERN


                              • IIC
                                Senior Member
                                • Nov 2003
                                • 14938

                                Congrats to NB and River...Well at least I have the satisfaction of winning the Long contest portion...Doug(IIC)
                                "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

                                Find Tomorrow's Winners At SharpTraders.com

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