Riverbabe was feeling EXTREMELY SATISFIED with herself. On top again by a narrow margin over NewBornBaby she felt the power rising inside her. On top again for the 2nd day in a row she had only to last another day to claim the win this week. It gave her chills. She could get used to this and just loved it. In fact she needed it. She savored the taste of satifaction knowing that she was again the best, but then she always knew that. NewBornBaby on the other hand knew he had to come up with something to overcome her by the close on Friday. The wheels were turning and churning in his mind. He would need "A Divine Intervention" to pull this off. And he began to pray. Jiesen sat comfortably in 3rd but he could feel the chilling closeness of "the Iceman" coming up behind him and knew only to well how fast the worm can turn. What's 8 or 9 percentage points to make up in one day. No problem he thought. IceMan could only think of how good he would look closing the gap like Citation overtaking Whirlwind in the Derby. We all have our dreams and Riverbabe lapsed into hers thinking how she loved being on top. She thought these boys were doo doo heads and that she would show them who's the best. The rest of us and our picks had been down so long it was beginning to look like up. Thursday and one day left to pull off a miracle kiddoes. And the scorecard please:
