Originally posted by peanuts
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I know that I do run on at times with my sentence length and thoughts. I will try to do make them shorter and more concise for everyone's ease of reading. One of the reason that I don't double space between paragraphs is to conserve on the length of the posts.
I've gone over the two posts above, both are somewhat lengthy and I personally don't see a problem with the spacing between breaks for paragraphs but for everyone's ease of reading I have gone back and double-spaced these last two posts and will continue to do so on all my posts from now on.
Your last sentence doesn't surprise me at all. Lacking the patience to read through any worthwhile information that could be significant
to your making money or education is not my problem and is something that you are going to have to work on within yourself. I cannot imagine where in your new position you won't have to deal with many people who write and speak with their own personal ideosynchrocies and styles. Not having the percerverance and determination to read and absorb their written thoughts, regardless of how they put them on down on paper or convey them in any other fashion, isn't going to help advance your career. I can imagine telling your superiors that you didn't have the patience to wade through their thoughts because of the way they presented themselves and that their thoughts ran on and on and it was hard for you to concentrate and stay with reading the material thru to the finish.
Having said that I will do my utmost to make the way I present anything written here in a clearer more precise manner, but I am not going to wipe anyone's ass if they cannot or will not put forth the effort to help themselves. As usual I always enjoy and learn from the feedback of anyone participating here and you can count on my spending the time to read all of it through and give each suggestion or thought 100% of my attention.