Portfolio of the week - 2008

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  • skiracer
    Senior Member
    • Dec 2004
    • 6314

    Originally posted by Karel View Post
    Don't worry, it's OK. And better readable than the previous one, which is a good thing, too. We don't all have 20/20 vision on this board.


    Ok, then it's a go Houston!


    • jae16
      • Jan 2008
      • 86

      So can a new guy get in on the portfolio of the week? And if so how does it work?


      • New-born baby
        Senior Member
        • Apr 2004
        • 6095

        Originally posted by jae16 View Post
        So can a new guy get in on the portfolio of the week? And if so how does it work?
        Sure you can get in. Skiracer is keeping score, so he'll explain things to you I am sure. But to make a long story short, just post in this thread that you want to play this week. You can either pick a stock, or else say "I'll start in CA$$$H money." Ski will then know you are in the contest. Whenever you wish, post your pick and Ski will buy it for you. And you are in!

        Glad to have you on board. Good luck!
        pivot calculator *current oil price*My stock picking method*Charting Lesson of the Week:BEAR FLAG PATTERN


        • jae16
          • Jan 2008
          • 86

          Originally posted by New-born baby View Post
          Sure you can get in. Skiracer is keeping score, so he'll explain things to you I am sure. But to make a long story short, just post in this thread that you want to play this week. You can either pick a stock, or else say "I'll start in CA$$$H money." Ski will then know you are in the contest. Whenever you wish, post your pick and Ski will buy it for you. And you are in!

          Glad to have you on board. Good luck!
          Do we just get 1 pick per week and is there any buy/selling that can be done during the week?


          • skiracer
            Senior Member
            • Dec 2004
            • 6314

            Originally posted by jae16 View Post
            Do we just get 1 pick per week and is there any buy/selling that can be done during the week?
            We have had a change in the scorekeepers and the rules governing the entries and trades per week. Go back a few pages, about 3 or 4 a, and you will find the post that I made with the changes to the rules. You can enter anytime you want this week without any penalty for first time players such as yourself. Glad to have you aboard. Feel free to post anything you have to say about stocks or anything. Everyone here is into helping you with solid advice or whatever you need.


            • Peter Hansen
              • Jul 2005
              • 3968

              SATC Long

              Ski SATC Long it closed friday at $2.02 .......so I think it will be OK ......if Not put me in SOLF LONG .......Both should be winners over the next few days!


              • skiracer
                Senior Member
                • Dec 2004
                • 6314

                Pete takes the top spot in convincing fashion. Peanuts and Billjoe take 2nd and 3rd respectively. They all were very nice plays. Congratulations to each of them especially Pete for the 1st win of 2008. Lots of red this week including myself. Looking forward to the new posters to jump in and enter a pick in the POTW. Don't worry about making mistakes, someone will correct you if you do. Before you know it you'll be seasoned POTW pros. Any questions at all just ask. And the scorecard:



                • Rob
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2003
                  • 3194

                  C'mon, Chowderheads

                  Alright! I came in twelfth out sixteen! Whoopie! Wow, what a crummy, crummy week it was to start off the new year.

                  If I liked IMCL at 44, you know I'm gonna like it at 40½! My entry for next week is IMCL long!

                  Hey, chowderheads, there's no law that says you can only enter one contest! Don't forget about the insanely magnificent "Pick O' The Week" contest hosted by yours truly. With daily nuggets from the news and right handsome ladies to frame it all in an attractive package, in the words of the late, great John Lennon, "a splendid time is guaranteed for all."


                  • skiracer
                    Senior Member
                    • Dec 2004
                    • 6314

                    Originally posted by Peter Hansen View Post
                    Ski SATC Long it closed friday at $2.02 .......so I think it will be OK ......if Not put me in SOLF LONG .......Both should be winners over the next few days!
                    I would think that it would have to open at or above $2 Monday at the opening trade to be eligible. No big, lets wait and see what happens at the open Monday. For the time being you have SATC so no one else will get it.


                    • jae16
                      • Jan 2008
                      • 86

                      Ok well, I am not sure if this is how this goes, but I select MLAB for this week... looks like it is at 25.74. Let me know if this is the incorrect way to do this! Thanks.



                      • jae16
                        • Jan 2008
                        • 86

                        Originally posted by jae16 View Post
                        Ok well, I am not sure if this is how this goes, but I select MLAB for this week... looks like it is at 25.74. Let me know if this is the incorrect way to do this! Thanks.

                        btw I am Long on MLAB


                        • mimo_100
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2003
                          • 1784

                          Originally posted by mimo_100 View Post
                          Start me up in CA$H please.

                          I posted CA$H at 12:30 pm ON MONDAY -- WHY AM I BEING PENALIZED?
                          Tim - Retired Problem Solver


                          • skiracer
                            Senior Member
                            • Dec 2004
                            • 6314

                            Originally posted by mimo_100 View Post

                            I posted CA$H at 12:30 pm ON MONDAY -- WHY AM I BEING PENALIZED?
                            I posted these before I started the game this week. When you, River, and Stky each selected cash I posted again regarding what changes were being made to CA$H as a selection. I wanted to eliminate it by penalizing for staying in it. Apparently you didn't see or read my posts. I tried to make it as clear and give everyone the same fair start. Now a perplexing situation has arisen regarding you, Stky, and the penalty. I did make it clear and posted on it several times. What do you think I should do regarding this?

                            Regarding the POTW. I'll take the reins for awhile just so it doesn't go by the wayside. I'm going to make some changes to the way we play it and this is basically what they are. I'm going to loosen it up a bit. So put your entries in whenever you want to during the week.
                            If you are not in on time by the close on Mondays there will be a penalty adjustment to your final score on Friday. Some % for each day just to take up some of the advantage of having to hold a stock for less than the whole week. I'd like to put a bar at $2 for the cheapest stock pick. I would also allow you one stock trade a day if you want to. The two trade rule for the week will be the standard but if you want to go over that you may have 5 a week but only one sell and one buy per day. So if you sell or exit a trade in the morning you may buy another stock that day but only one. For each trade over the two trade standard there will be a penalty. I haven't given the penalties much thought yet but I think that 1% for the 1st late day which would be Tuesday. You get Monday for free. 3% for the 2nd late day which would be Wednesday. 4 % for the 3rd late day which would be Thursday. 5% for the 4th late day which would be Friday. So you could enter any day during the week but would be penalized as per the above.

                            Regarding the trades. Two trades per week for everyone. Each additional trade over two would cost you 2% for the 1st one. 3% for the 2nd one. 4 % for the 4th one. The amount of trades would be dependent on when your initial entry or 1st pick was put in for the week as to how many you would have remaining at one per day.
                            Regarding the time of entry and exits. I am going to use Stockcharts as the rule. Their opening prices are what I am going to use for each day. Their 1 min. chart for intraday prices as close as I can get to the correct price. If someone wants to debate the calls they may without any problem. They will have to substantiate the disputed price with their own proof. Anyone may dispute their's with stronger proof. But lets not let this become a big deal. It is only a game and at least you are still going to be in action here at MM's with the POTW.

                            So the POTW will continue as always here tomorrow morning. As always all are welcome to come and play. As far as I'm concerned you may curse, swear, argue, and do anything else that you want to do to make an ass out of yourself in any fashion you want or need. That's Karel's and Ernie's problem and not mine. Anyone that cannot stomach who and what we are doesn't have to play. I am willing to bet my life that Karel and Ernie will not let it get out of hand before they step in and either call you on it or ban you.

                            Any suggestions or thoughts regarding the penalties for placing late entries or the trade limits please open your mouths and post them. We can then all debate the issues and come up with an equitable solution. I hope everyone continues on with the game and enjoys some the the new changes to open it up some.

                            I will also keep a record of each weeks scorecard and the percentages for the week in an Excel or Google Doc file and hopefully everyone will have a place where it will be easy for each of you to look up your standing. Every now and then I will try to post the standing for the year to date. Everything else remains the same I guess. I don't even know what the other rules are.

                            Regarding cash as your position. A cash position is free in the 1st day. No entry or pick means no penalty on Monday. At the close of day on Monday at 4 pm the free ride ends and the charges/penalties begin at a 1% charge for Tuesday, the 1st day and each successive day without a pick increases the penalties as per the my earlier post. In review of the penalties I was thinking that the way I worded it could be confusing. I did not mean 1% + 3 % + 4 % + 5 % for a total of 10 %. That would be 7% higher than what we have now and excessive in my mind. I meant that if you sat out Monday without making a pick there would be no penalty. If you came in sometime on Tuesday the penalty for the week would be 1%. If you sat out Monday and Tuesday and came in on Wednesday with a pick the penalty would be 3%. And Thursday would be 4% and Friday 5%. So the additional penalties for coming in late would adjust the lessening risk of holding any pick less than the whole week. If you sat out all week without playing the penalty would remain the same at 3% for the week. The penalties during the week allow you to stay out of the game to a point where you think a stock will accelerate and affords a better entry point at a charge of the penalties accrued to the day of entry. I would rather see everyone play everyday or all week but I thought the options would enliven the game.

                            I thought that by providing the option to make 5 trades per week instead of 2 would make it more advantageous to stay in the game from Monday thru Friday. The penalties are just to make one pay for the chance and opportunity to enhance their positions over the week. Any questions or thoughts are always welcome.

                            I had said that nothing else had changed but the cash position had. I was also thinking to stimulate play there should be a credit for those that play every week or enough successive weeks where they should be rewarded for that because it is definitely harder to play everyweek all week than to pick and choose and play less than all week. Any thoughts on that?

                            Please read my post on some of the rule changes regarding the use of CASH, entries, and number of trades. Go back two or three pages please. I think it's fair to give everyone a break for at least one day this week since there has been a change in scorekeepers and some of the rules.
                            I will have the scorecard done tomorrow morning. Tonight big annual shindig at my house for my oldest friends. I hope they maintain some assemblence of order and don't resort to shooting up the place. My wife will be walking on eggshells for the entire evening. Wishing everyone a safe and Happy New Years.
                            Wishing everyone a safe and Happy New Year.

                            This is specifically for StkyTreat and Mimo. Please read and if you have any questions just ask for a clarification. But you both have a free one for one more day this week as we have just started with these changes. Please get a pick in by tomorrows close or you're in a penalty situation.
                            Last edited by skiracer; 01-06-2008, 10:42 AM.
                            THE SKIRACER'S EDGE: MAKE THE EDGE IN YOUR FAVOR


                            • skiracer
                              Senior Member
                              • Dec 2004
                              • 6314

                              Originally posted by jae16 View Post
                              Ok well, I am not sure if this is how this goes, but I select MLAB for this week... looks like it is at 25.74. Let me know if this is the incorrect way to do this! Thanks.

                              You would just say, "I would like MLAB - long", and you could end with a please or not and if you wanted to short it you would say I want MLAB - short. If you post a selection anytime after the close and end of the contest that week on Friday or before Monday mornings opening bell you get the opening price. For the latest revised rules on entries and number of trades here it is again below:

                              Regarding the POTW. I'll take the reins for awhile just so it doesn't go by the wayside. I'm going to make some changes to the way we play it and this is basically what they are. I'm going to loosen it up a bit. So put your entries in whenever you want to during the week.
                              If you are not in on time by the close on Mondays there will be a penalty adjustment to your final score on Friday. Some % for each day just to take up some of the advantage of having to hold a stock for less than the whole week. I'd like to put a bar at $2 for the cheapest stock pick. I would also allow you one stock trade a day if you want to. The two trade rule for the week will be the standard but if you want to go over that you may have 5 a week but only one sell and one buy per day. So if you sell or exit a trade in the morning you may buy another stock that day but only one. For each trade over the two trade standard there will be a penalty. I haven't given the penalties much thought yet but I think that 1% for the 1st late day which would be Tuesday. You get Monday for free. 3% for the 2nd late day which would be Wednesday. 4 % for the 3rd late day which would be Thursday. 5% for the 4th late day which would be Friday. So you could enter any day during the week but would be penalized as per the above.

                              Regarding the trades. Two trades per week for everyone. Each additional trade over two would cost you 2% for the 1st one. 3% for the 2nd one. 4 % for the 4th one. The amount of trades would be dependent on when your initial entry or 1st pick was put in for the week as to how many you would have remaining at one per day.
                              Regarding the time of entry and exits. I am going to use Stockcharts as the rule. Their opening prices are what I am going to use for each day. Their 1 min. chart for intraday prices as close as I can get to the correct price. If someone wants to debate the calls they may without any problem. They will have to substantiate the disputed price with their own proof. Anyone may dispute their's with stronger proof. But lets not let this become a big deal. It is only a game and at least you are still going to be in action here at MM's with the POTW.

                              So the POTW will continue as always here tomorrow morning. As always all are welcome to come and play. As far as I'm concerned you may curse, swear, argue, and do anything else that you want to do to make an ass out of yourself in any fashion you want or need. That's Karel's and Ernie's problem and not mine. Anyone that cannot stomach who and what we are doesn't have to play. I am willing to bet my life that Karel and Ernie will not let it get out of hand before they step in and either call you on it or ban you.

                              Any suggestions or thoughts regarding the penalties for placing late entries or the trade limits please open your mouths and post them. We can then all debate the issues and come up with an equitable solution. I hope everyone continues on with the game and enjoys some the the new changes to open it up some.

                              I will also keep a record of each weeks scorecard and the percentages for the week in an Excel or Google Doc file and hopefully everyone will have a place where it will be easy for each of you to look up your standing. Every now and then I will try to post the standing for the year to date. Everything else remains the same I guess. I don't even know what the other rules are.

                              and this clarifies it even further, so please if you have any other questions just ask.

                              Regarding cash as your position. A cash position is free in the 1st day. No entry or pick means no penalty on Monday. At the close of day on Monday at 4 pm the free ride ends and the charges/penalties begin at a 1% charge for Tuesday, the 1st day and each successive day without a pick increases the penalties as per the my earlier post. In review of the penalties I was thinking that the way I worded it could be confusing. I did not mean 1% + 3 % + 4 % + 5 % for a total of 10 %. That would be 7% higher than what we have now and excessive in my mind. I meant that if you sat out Monday without making a pick there would be no penalty. If you came in sometime on Tuesday the penalty for the week would be 1%. If you sat out Monday and Tuesday and came in on Wednesday with a pick the penalty would be 3%. And Thursday would be 4% and Friday 5%. So the additional penalties for coming in late would adjust the lessening risk of holding any pick less than the whole week. If you sat out all week without playing the penalty would remain the same at 3% for the week. The penalties during the week allow you to stay out of the game to a point where you think a stock will accelerate and affords a better entry point at a charge of the penalties accrued to the day of entry. I would rather see everyone play everyday or all week but I thought the options would enliven the game.

                              I thought that by providing the option to make 5 trades per week instead of 2 would make it more advantageous to stay in the game from Monday thru Friday. The penalties are just to make one pay for the chance and opportunity to enhance their positions over the week. Any questions or thoughts are always welcome.

                              I had said that nothing else had changed but the cash position had. I was also thinking to stimulate play there should be a credit for those that play every week or enough successive weeks where they should be rewarded for that because it is definitely harder to play everyweek all week than to pick and choose and play less than all week. Any thoughts on that?

                              Last edited by skiracer; 01-06-2008, 10:41 AM.
                              THE SKIRACER'S EDGE: MAKE THE EDGE IN YOUR FAVOR


                              • peanuts
                                Senior Member
                                • Feb 2006
                                • 3365

                                Yo, Edski

                                As a suggestion for the rules: maybe you can provide a link to them within your signature. Also, break up your sentences, and add some spacing between paragraphs. Sometimes, it messes with my eyes so much when I read your posts that I just give up and move to the next post. I'm probably missing out on some really great thoughts. But it's not worth it for me to try to decipher your posts.

                                oh yeah, congrats to Peter and Billyjoe!!!

                                and another oh yeah, VIP short
                                Hide not your talents.
                                They for use were made.
                                What's a sundial in the shade?

                                - Benjamin Franklin

