On one blog a theoretical physicist GC espouses his view on the "Al Gore" Global Warming Hysteria......I never bought into it either , nor did I see his movie. Perhaps I do march to the beat of a different drummer. All should be in balance ,and that includes protection for the enviroment, and drilling for oil aywhere on the globe. Here is the blog.
"Thanks for the interesting insight into Buffet and Munger. One thing that aggravates me though in all of these newsletters is that smart people keep pushing this complete nonsense called man made global warming and climate change.
"I am a PhD in Theoretical Physics. I retired at 52 having successfully run my own company for 20 years. I understand what goes into those ridiculously foolish equations propagated by that idiot Al Gore and his flunky scientists who like the money and the free trips if they even mention global warming.
"Your audience needs to realize this man made climate change is complete nonsense. There is NO scientist that has ever existed or will exist (!!) that can model the Earth's atmosphere and predict the weather one week out. CO2 is not a poison. Only ignorant fools can believe that.
"Maybe because our economy has been so foolishly handled by our political leaders that people are desperate for "religion" because it certainly is NOT science.
"So...my point... I worry when I see guys like Munger and Buffet actually believe in this complete idiocy. And they talk about "climate change" leadership... well OK if it read environmental leadership, that would be better BUT even the environmental religion has now gone overboard.
"We should be drilling for oil and mining natural resources everywhere we can..... I have no problem with being careful of the environment, I have to live here too...... but there needs to be BALANCE.
"Where is the balanced leadership in today's complex world particularly with these bogus issues being pushed by lobbies." – GC
"Thanks for the interesting insight into Buffet and Munger. One thing that aggravates me though in all of these newsletters is that smart people keep pushing this complete nonsense called man made global warming and climate change.
"I am a PhD in Theoretical Physics. I retired at 52 having successfully run my own company for 20 years. I understand what goes into those ridiculously foolish equations propagated by that idiot Al Gore and his flunky scientists who like the money and the free trips if they even mention global warming.
"Your audience needs to realize this man made climate change is complete nonsense. There is NO scientist that has ever existed or will exist (!!) that can model the Earth's atmosphere and predict the weather one week out. CO2 is not a poison. Only ignorant fools can believe that.
"Maybe because our economy has been so foolishly handled by our political leaders that people are desperate for "religion" because it certainly is NOT science.
"So...my point... I worry when I see guys like Munger and Buffet actually believe in this complete idiocy. And they talk about "climate change" leadership... well OK if it read environmental leadership, that would be better BUT even the environmental religion has now gone overboard.
"We should be drilling for oil and mining natural resources everywhere we can..... I have no problem with being careful of the environment, I have to live here too...... but there needs to be BALANCE.
"Where is the balanced leadership in today's complex world particularly with these bogus issues being pushed by lobbies." – GC