“I can’t believe that the index’s have fallen more than 20% in the last couple of weeks, it is absolute havoc. I was informed by a company seminar that I went to that this would happen and it has, have made a some decent money and will look for more insight, I think in these uncertain times we need our analysis to be married by more experience analyst to avoid losses”
I was informed
depression proof income....
Originally posted by arnold View Post“I can’t believe that the index’s have fallen more than 20% in the last couple of weeks, it is absolute havoc. I was informed by a company seminar that I went to that this would happen and it has, have made a some decent money and will look for more insight, I think in these uncertain times we need our analysis to be married by more experience analyst to avoid losses”
Get a job as a prison guard.... depression proof income.... plus you get to take out your anger at the stock market by smacking inmates over the head with a stick.
Ain't that right Webs?BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!
Originally posted by Lyehopper View PostHere's my analysis:
Get a job as a prison guard.... depression proof income.... plus you get to take out your anger at the stock market by smacking inmates over the head with a stick.
Ain't that right Webs?
Originally posted by Websman View PostYou got that right! Jejejeeeeeeeeeeejeje!!! You get to take out your anger on scumbags and get paid for it! And, think about it...As the economy goes down the tubes, more crimes are committed....which results in more job security.
Don't worry, I'll stay in the market,
Hi, you people seems very pessimistic. I think you did not start college at age five without going to Nursery school. I believe that trading is also a sort of study that you need to practice & if can take help form the successful traders that would be batter.
You know I am so determined that I will earn my bread from the share market that is why I am taking some professionals help & you know I am improving.
Originally posted by arnold View PostHi, you people seems very pessimistic. I think you did not start college at age five without going to Nursery school. I believe that trading is also a sort of study that you need to practice & if can take help form the successful traders that would be batter.
You know I am so determined that I will earn my bread from the share market that is why I am taking some professionals help & you know I am improving.BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!
Originally posted by Websman View PostThat's a perfectly fine tactic. it does no real physical harm, yet it is very effective.
I believe that trading is also a sort of study that you need to practice & if can take help form the successful traders that would be batter.
It's just like buying a car, A whole lot full of lemonds and you are looking for the cherry, be careful of what the car dealer has to say. What looks good on the surface is not always good under the hood. Need to produce a plan to trade with & then trade your plan.
Optionetics Commentary this week has some good advice,(Kaeppel's Corner: The Number One Biggest Mistake In All Of Trading), May lead you to a new sort of studies to practice on. MEA
Good Luck ArnoldGO BIG RED!!!!!
Originally posted by Websman View PostThat's a perfectly fine tactic. it does no real physical harm, yet it is very effective.
Let's start with Obama. I'd like to know what ties he really has--with the Muslim world,
Tony Rezco, Bill Ayers, and the rest of the assortment of friends that he says he doesn't know.
Originally posted by New-born baby View PostRight on, Webs!
Let's start with Obama. I'd like to know what ties he really has--with the Muslim world,
Tony Rezco, Bill Ayers, and the rest of the assortment of friends that he says he doesn't know.GO BIG RED!!!!!