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  • Mergers

    FedEx is expected to join its major compeitor, UPS, and become: FedUP

    Fairchild Electronics and Honeywell Computers will become: Fairwell Honeychild

    Polygram Records, Warner Bros., and Zesta Crackers join forces and become: Poly, Warner Crackers.

    Grey Poupon and Docker pants are expected to become: Poupon Pants

    Knotts Berry Farm and National Organization of Women will become: Knott NOW!
  • MEA_1956
    Senior Member
    • Oct 2003
    • 655

    Re: Mergers

    Originally posted by flymike
    FedEx is expected to join its major compeitor, UPS, and become: FedUP

    Fairchild Electronics and Honeywell Computers will become: Fairwell Honeychild

    Polygram Records, Warner Bros., and Zesta Crackers join forces and become: Poly, Warner Crackers.

    Grey Poupon and Docker pants are expected to become: Poupon Pants

    Knotts Berry Farm and National Organization of Women will become: Knott NOW!
    Don't know why just thought this would be a good place to post this...

    The brain does amazing things, doesen't it?????

    Inatructions::: Just read the sentance stright through...

    Acocdring to an elgnish unverstiy sutdy the oderer of letetrs in a wrod doesn't mttaer, the olny tinhg thtas iopmrantt is taht the frist and lsat ltteres of eevery wrod is in the crrecot ptoisions. The rset can be all Jmbuild up and one is sltil able to raed the txet wiohtut dilflfcuity.
    GO BIG RED!!!!!


    • #3
      You guys familiar with East Coast food chains forgot one of my favorites.........Stop & Shop is going to merge with A & P. There will be a vote tomorrow on the new name. Current frontrunner: Stop & P.


      • billyjoe
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2003
        • 9014


        Why did they put restrooms in the supermarket? So everyone could go to the A&P! Where do bees go to the bathroom? At the BP station. Sorry, Billyjoe


        • #5
          A couple more mergers

          Hale Business Systems, Mary Kay Cosmetics, Fuller Brush and W. R. Grace Co. will merge and become: Hale, Mary, Fuller, Grace.

          3M will merge with Goodyear and issue forth as: MMMGood.

          Zippo Manufacturing, Audi Motors, Dofasco, and Dakota Mining will merge and become: ZipAudiDoDa

