Greetings Everyone !
I'm taking over the Pick of the Year contest from John Henry so he can continue his studies. However, I wasn't planning on changing too much unless others would prefer. I've listed the rules below, so bring on the picks or rule critiquing ! And thank you John Henry and Jiesen for your POTY contributions !!
If I missed any rule, please let me know. I've listed the scoreboard below my name as POTY Scoreboard. Please use that link or bookmark it for the current status of the contest. I will also be posting an update each week in this thread.
I'm taking over the Pick of the Year contest from John Henry so he can continue his studies. However, I wasn't planning on changing too much unless others would prefer. I've listed the rules below, so bring on the picks or rule critiquing ! And thank you John Henry and Jiesen for your POTY contributions !!
- Entries can be made anytime between now and February 1st at 11:59pm.
- Short and long entries are allowed
- You cannot pick the same stock as someone else
- Open prices on February 2nd will be used as your entry price for the year.
- You can change your pick any number of times between now and January 31s
- Only stocks listed on Google Finance will be allowed
If I missed any rule, please let me know. I've listed the scoreboard below my name as POTY Scoreboard. Please use that link or bookmark it for the current status of the contest. I will also be posting an update each week in this thread.