I am not black but I tan very well.
What do you think of Sonia Sotomayor's nomination to the Supreme Court??
Hey ski...first of all. I like reading your posts about stocks & we all have something in common here. We want to make some money in the market. Politics is another story. I wasn't really planning on getting into it but hey it's just a discussion I suppose.
This probably says alot about me. Not to side track but I think this is relative. Let's go to some other chapters in history for a minute:
Clinton/Lewinsky. I'm guessing you say Clinton lied & basically should have been prosecuted, etc. etc Right? I say I'm glad he lied & I think it's ridiculous they even questioned him about that stuff, it was none of their business & again just so there's no confusion, I was glad he basically told them to stuff it.
Chapter 2: Gore won, the stacked Supreme Court handed it to Bush. No doubt you don't feel that way.
So this says something about me & probably about you also. We just come from different ends of the spectrum.
I appreciate your service to the country. The Viet Nam War ended when I was in High School.
i am also curious to know if you are black.
i would like to know how you feel about him and what he is doing these first 4 months in office.
I believe in our political voting and electoral system
but i dont want to hear it from this guy or anyone else about holding back on criticism when it is our right to speak our minds about him or anyone else.
I liked Bush...I'd like to have a beer with him. I'd never vote for him for president however. After 9/11 I was with him & his philosopy though....somebody over there is going to pay, even if it's the wrong guy. I admit it, I just wanted him to go kick somebody's ass. Okay that didn't quite work out although there's a few less "Evil Doers" in the world.
Anyway....what did C close at today?
When the heck are the impeachment proceedings gonna start???"Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"
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Belizean Grove...Hell, I'm more Belizean than Sonia...My wife was Belizean before she became Naturalized...My wife also happens to be a British Creole who gets all sorts of crap from the Republican party since she did volunteer work a number of times.
Anyway...I doubt that there are a whole bunch of Belizeans in Sonia's Social Club in NYC...From what I have heard so far she is one of the most racist people in the public sector...She must be stupid too if she thinks she can get away with it...And sorry Pete...I think she is homely at best.
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For nearly 200 years it was an unwritten rule. You had to be a white male to be a Supreme Court judge. Think of the misqualifications some of those guys got away with. Maybe 200 years of non white non males only would start to get things back to even in this country. I've got nothing against Sonia Sotomayor and I don't know any more about her than I did about any of her predecessors.
maybe the muslim countries should apologize for 9-11. i didnt vote for him and i dont like him or his wife at all. you're right this isnt the place to discuss politics because it just never comes out right or gets interpreted incorrectly. no big, we're all entitled to our opinions.Last edited by skiracer; 06-06-2009, 09:20 AM.THE SKIRACER'S EDGE: MAKE THE EDGE IN YOUR FAVOR
Originally posted by billyjoe View PostFor nearly 200 years it was an unwritten rule. You had to be a white male to be a Supreme Court judge. Think of the misqualifications some of those guys got away with. Maybe 200 years of non white non males only would start to get things back to even in this country. I've got nothing against Sonia Sotomayor and I don't know any more about her than I did about any of her predecessors.
If you want to get rid of racism/discrimination/etc, people need to stop being recognized for their differences. This country had a massive drunken orgy when Obama got elected, simply because he was black. Call me stupid, but isn't the problem the fact that we acknowledge he is black and call that a reason to celebrate? Also, he is just as much white as he is black. People thought they voted for change and they got the 44th white President in a row.
My big question about this administration is, who are they going to exploit for tax dollars when all the rich people move away? Someone has to bankroll all these enabling social programs and it's either going to be the middle class or my unborn grandchildren who already have a negative credit score. What's it going to be?Bring me your finest produce and diet products.
My big question about this administration is, who are they going to exploit for tax dollars when all the rich people move away? Someone has to bankroll all these enabling social programs and it's either going to be the middle class or my unborn grandchildren who already have a negative credit score. What's it going to be?
read Ayn Rand's book " Fountainhead". when people with real brains and initiative take their intellect and their resourses out of the loop here in the USA they are going to be left with themselves and the people with their hands out. you'll see how fast the affluent far left liberal democrats distance themselves from the rolls of entitlement programs and the handouts then but i think it is going to be to late. the politicians and the entitlement programs and the country are going to run out of funds to keep this up.
when the capitalists with the brains, initiative, and the money have gone there will be nothing left. does that seem to far fetched to happen here in America? it is already happening. the rich corporate interests and the people that run them are already on the move.THE SKIRACER'S EDGE: MAKE THE EDGE IN YOUR FAVOR
Originally posted by LemonButt View PostI agree with you completely here that there were some judges in the past that probably weren't up to snuff. However, if Obama is hellbent on having a minority confirmed to the Supreme Court, how depressing is it that Sotomayer is the best we have in this country? Also, what does it say about Democrats and how they view minorities and what they think of their intellect if by simply picking a hispanic for the Supreme court that they think they can get more votes?
If you want to get rid of racism/discrimination/etc, people need to stop being recognized for their differences. This country had a massive drunken orgy when Obama got elected, simply because he was black. Call me stupid, but isn't the problem the fact that we acknowledge he is black and call that a reason to celebrate? Also, he is just as much white as he is black. People thought they voted for change and they got the 44th white President in a row.
My big question about this administration is, who are they going to exploit for tax dollars when all the rich people move away? Someone has to bankroll all these enabling social programs and it's either going to be the middle class or my unborn grandchildren who already have a negative credit score. What's it going to be?
Why don't you tell us exactly what qualifications you'd seek in a Supreme Court justice. Obama is wrong if he picks anyone of color or if he picks a white man. He can't win. On the other hand Republican Fat Boy commentator and his Pretty Boy cohert would have praised Sotomayor or anybody else Bush would have nominated. Imagine the uproar had a Democrat nominated Clarence Thomas. The sh*# would still be coming off the fan and you've got to admit that's true. This fabricated controversy is all because of the party in charge. Get over it Bush and his policies have been rejected by the populous. The Sotomayor nomination isn't on my worry list.
Originally posted by billyjoe View PostLemon,
Why don't you tell us exactly what qualifications you'd seek in a Supreme Court justice. Obama is wrong if he picks anyone of color or if he picks a white man. He can't win. On the other hand Republican Fat Boy commentator and his Pretty Boy cohert would have praised Sotomayor or anybody else Bush would have nominated. Imagine the uproar had a Democrat nominated Clarence Thomas. The sh*# would still be coming off the fan and you've got to admit that's true. This fabricated controversy is all because of the party in charge. Get over it Bush and his policies have been rejected by the populous. The Sotomayor nomination isn't on my worry list.
When someone is having their rights infringed upon, they should be protected by the judicial system. The fact is, the white firefighters who scored high on the exam for a promotion are having their rights infringed upon. Instead of rewarding hard work, they are condemning them because minorities in the system did not work as hard or simply don't want to be firefighters. Why is this okay?
When you infringe upon someone elses rights, you immediately lose yours without exception. I was watching Anderson Cooper 360 a few weeks ago and there was a police chase where a cop laying down a spike strip in the highway was hit by the fleeing driver. The driver proceeded to flip his van and was ejected and wasn't moving on the ground. The officers attacked the man and beat him for a few seconds to make sure he was incapacitated (it was 5 officers or so and it lasted less than 5 seconds when they backed off), but there was a huge uproar of police brutality, when the fact is this guy attempted to take the life of a police officer and therefore loses any rights he has to keeping his own life. It would be different if it were a chance mistake or an accident, but you don't run from the cops on accident. There is no place for empathy in court.
The government has been infringing upon the rights of business and citizens for as long as I can remember. In general, Democrats will defend a woman's right to choose as it's their body and they should do whatever they want, yet they turn around and want to tax soda because it leads to obesity. Apparently destroying a fetus is acceptable, but drinking Pepsi is a big no-no. Republicans are just as guilty. In general, Republicans will say abortion is wrong and that we should protect life, but are for the death penalty. Personally, I think everyone should own a handgun and have a concealed carry permit to dispense some instant justice when they are victimized. The only people who are afraid of armed citizens are criminals and tyrants. If a criminal knew everyone had a deadly weapon on their hip, do you think he's going to mug you in the park? Hell no. And the excuse about accidental killings is a joke--there are over 80 million gunowners in America and somehow we aren't killing off millions a year in accidental shootings. To quote a Philadelphia police officer, "I'd rather be tried by 12 than carried by 6."
Is it so hard to just leave people alone and let them live their lives and conduct business without having the government babysit us? As long as you aren't infringing upon the rights of others, you should be able to do whatever you want which means carrying a handgun, growing pot in your backyard, or getting an abortion. I do believe abortion is wrong and I would never promote getting an abortion, but I am pro-choice and believe women can do whatever they want to their bodies and they can answer to whatever god they do or don't believe in. In the end, who the hell am I to determine what someone else can or can't do when they aren't infringing upon the rights of others?
With all that being said, welfare, social security, medicare, government subsidies, tax breaks for anyone, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, non-profit organization status, unemployment insurance, food stamps, bailouts, and progressive income taxes are all immoral and therefore wrong because they infringe upon my rights. My rights as a citizen are being infringed upon because my money is being taken from me forcible in the form of taxes to pay for the welfare and well being of someone else. Why is acceptable that almost 50% of all workers in America have zero tax liability, yet they get to vote on what we get to do with our tax dollars in elections? Americans, like myself, who pay taxes are almost a minority in this country now. Why do you think we're in a housing crisis? Governement stepped in and subsidized a bunch of mortgages (with my money) through Freddie and Fannie which gave money to people who in the private sector never would have qualified. As a result, normal banks have to offer loans to subprime customers as well just to stay competitive and found a way to unload their not-so-great loans in the form of derivitives and minimize their risk. In the end, money was taken from me in the form of taxes to subsidize someone with a bad credit score who in turn is now defaulting and getting foreclosed on which in turn lowers the value of my home due to simply supply/demand. I've been kicked in the balls twice here.
Now tax dollars that go towards things individuals would not be able to provide for themselves for the good of a community, such as roads, schools, military, and law enforcement are justifiable taxes that are neccessary, but if welfare disappeared today, private charities would still be helping the homeless. If social security disappeared today, people would still have a retirement account. People are in an uproar about Madoff's $50 billion pyramid scheme, but hardly anyone is saying anything baout the $4 trillion pyramid scheme that is social security.
I don't care if you're white, black, green, magenta, native american, handicap, Jewish, or Mother Teresa. The fact is the government has setup a system of legalized theft in this country and it seems that no one is doing anything about it. If the founding fathers were alive today, I'd bet a kidney that there would have been more tea parties and organized resistance, not only during Obama's administration, but Clinton's as well as Bush I and II. The Supreme Court is supposed to protect the citizens of our country, not be in collusion with the other branches of government for their own interests.
The fact is that 18 firefighters are not getting a promotion when they should be since they are the best at what they do. Due to the color of their skin, they are being held back, and since we do not have the best 18 firefighters available being promoted, communities are at risk. If your house was burning down, would you like to have your accountant come over and put it out, or do you want the best damn firefighters available?
Hopefully Sotomayor gets rejected and we get someone who judges based on the principles of freedom, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness instead of their gender and race (gasp!).
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