reply to earlier post
Iran may be a 5 years away from a full workable nuclear program. But considering Iran's holding a "there was no Holocaust" conference and also recently demanding that European countries send them documentation that the Holocaust occurred, it is in Israel's - or the rest of the world's - best interest to consider the consequences of a nuclear Iran today and raise the issue. There are many towns in the US that plan 5 or 10 years ahead for water and sewage treatment. The nuclear Iran issue could lead to a lot more pollution than some high part per million bacteria in water. And many people discuss start up companies on these boards that won't have a significant market for 3-5 years from now.
Implying that anyone who is concerned about a nuclear Iran today is not one of the "calmer heads" is wrong. In fact, it is just the opposite. A calmer head would consider what to do today rather than wait until the last minute in an actual or near-actual nuclear blackmail situation.
Iran may be a 5 years away from a full workable nuclear program. But considering Iran's holding a "there was no Holocaust" conference and also recently demanding that European countries send them documentation that the Holocaust occurred, it is in Israel's - or the rest of the world's - best interest to consider the consequences of a nuclear Iran today and raise the issue. There are many towns in the US that plan 5 or 10 years ahead for water and sewage treatment. The nuclear Iran issue could lead to a lot more pollution than some high part per million bacteria in water. And many people discuss start up companies on these boards that won't have a significant market for 3-5 years from now.
Implying that anyone who is concerned about a nuclear Iran today is not one of the "calmer heads" is wrong. In fact, it is just the opposite. A calmer head would consider what to do today rather than wait until the last minute in an actual or near-actual nuclear blackmail situation.