Portfolio of the Week 2010

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  • steelman
    Senior Member
    • Jun 2008
    • 648

    I will take PBH long this week. Thank you. Congratulations Rob, Karel and Wooish! Well done.
    It's time to Grab the Bull by the Horns!


    • wooish
      Senior Member
      • Dec 2008
      • 499


      Please long HPJ 3.05. Thanks.


      • Rob
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2003
        • 3194

        Shelley Says ...

        Shelley Fabares says: "Rob, you're awesome!
        I hope your ZIXI long pick works as well for you
        this week as it did in the Pick of the Year this year!"
        and she continues:
        "Odysseus, you're a real Johnny Angel
        for running the contest this year."


        • Odysseus
          Senior Member
          • Oct 2007
          • 493

          POTW Winners: Wooish, Odysseus, and Rob !

          lol Thanks Rob

          Wooish is still going strong on the 2nd to last week of the contest, managing double digit gains on HPJ. The trading is strong in this one. And to top it all off, he received his twelfth Gold medal, double the amount of Gold medals of his closest rivals. Well done sir !
          Hong Kong Highpower Technology, Inc. operates through its 00%-owned subsidiary Hong Kong Highpower Technology Company Limited (HKHT) and its wholly owned subsidiaries Shenzhen Highpower Technology Co., Ltd. (Shenzhen Highpower), HZ Highpower Technology Co., Ltd. (HZ Highpower) and Springpower Technology (Shenzhen) Company Limited (Springpower). Through Shenzhen Highpower, the Company manufactures Nickel Metal Hydride (Ni-MH) rechargeable batteries for both consumer and industrial applications.

          I took a chance with my earnings method on a well known stock, NKE, shorting it and made some more profit (~5%). Received my 8th Silver medal, and now I have the most Silver medals of all of us, just beating out Peter Hansen, the previous holder.
          NIKE, Inc. (NIKE) is engaged in design, development and marketing of footwear, apparel, equipment and accessory products. It is a seller of athletic footwear and athletic apparel in the world. It sells its products to retail accounts, through NIKE-owned retail, including stores and Internet sales, and through a mix of independent distributors and licensees, in over 170 countries around the world.

          Rob followed in 3rd grabbing his 10th Bronze medal, and a nice +4% on STWD. He is also the leader of the Bronze medals, with only Peanuts behind him with 6. As well, he is now over the 10k threshold. Nice job sir !
          Starwood Property Trust, Inc. is focused primarily on originating, investing in, financing and managing commercial mortgage loans and other commercial real estate debt investments, commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS), and other commercial real estate-related debt investments. It also invests in residential mortgage loans and residential mortgage-backed securities (RMBS). The Company invests in target assets secured primarily by United States collateral.

          Alas, we come to the last week, and I haven't received any pings about taking over the contest. I would hate to see it end here, as I would still like to play when I can. If anyone is interested, let me know

          I was planning on continuing the POTY and if Billy supplies the Celebrities, I can maintain the Celebrity POTY as well. Not as time consuming and I'd hate to drop all 3 so suddenly.

          So please, if anyone is interested, it doesn't have to start Day 1 of 2011 (but that would be nice )
          Stock Pick ~ POTW ~ POTY ~ Rules ~ POTW Summary


          • Karel
            • Sep 2003
            • 2199

            Long APKT

            Congratulations, Wooish!

            And I have taken another dose of APKT long...


            My Investopedia portfolio
            (You need to have a (free) Investopedia or Facebook login, sorry!)


            • steelman
              Senior Member
              • Jun 2008
              • 648

              I will take MHR long for the week. Thank you.
              It's time to Grab the Bull by the Horns!


              • wooish
                Senior Member
                • Dec 2008
                • 499


                Please long ASTM 2.69. Thanks.


                • Odysseus
                  Senior Member
                  • Oct 2007
                  • 493

                  Not to keep you in suspense, but I will be posting last weeks winners and the final results of the year as soon as possible. Sorry for the delay, but would rather get it nice and square than to send it off without more done.

                  Thanks for your patience !
                  Stock Pick ~ POTW ~ POTY ~ Rules ~ POTW Summary


                  • Odysseus
                    Senior Member
                    • Oct 2007
                    • 493

                    Last Weeks winners:

                    Congratulations to Wooish for winning the 2010 Portfolio of the Week !

                    There were 3 categories that anyone could win in, and they were ROI, Total Medals, Most Gold Medals

                    1. Wooish made an incredible $44,251.11 from a $10,000 investment ! He crushed IIC’s (our winner last year) 131.19% by more than doubling it ! Quit your day job

                    2. Peanuts came in 2nd, with a very impressive $21,531.46 from $10,000, more than doubling his investment, congrats and well done !

                    3. Gary611 is our 3rd place winner in the ROI department, ending the year with $12,648.29, easily beating out the major indices. Very nice trading sir !

                    Most Gold Medals

                    1.Wooish came in first with an amazing 12 Gold medals, truly defining the Portfolio of the Week motto of who can pick the best of the week most often. Congrats !

                    2-3-4. Following up was a 3-way tie for 2nd, going to Peanuts, JohnHenry, and Steelman. Well done to all 3 of you, not an easy task to pick the best stock over everyone else and Wooish did not make it easy for anyone

                    Most Medals

                    1. Wooish once again comes in 1st with 23 medals ! That means almost half the year he places 1st, 2nd or 3rd, an incredible amount of showmanship. Congrats sir !

                    2. Rob follows up in 2nd place with an amazing talent of picking 18 stocks that made it into the top 3 positions. Rob and Wooish are the only ones this year to get double digit types of medals, Rob getting 11 Bronze medals and Wooish getting 12. Well done sir !

                    3. Peanuts comes in 3rd place with 17 medals and an ROI showing the benefit of his great stock picking. Nice trading !

                    As I said in the rules, “if anyone can attain all 3 awards, I'll send you a check for $100 with Mr. Market's approval of course” I will check with Mr. Market and Karel because amazingly enough, Wooish did win all 3 awards. Congrats again Wooish for the amazing run of trades and winning the contest !!

                    Bonus Wins:


                    Math Expectancy: If it is positive than historically your system wins on average, if it is negative then you better look for another strategy.
                    Kelly %: Percentage of capital to risk per trade for maximum gains.

                    Highest Math Expectancies:

                    1. Wooish: 2.30
                    2. Houstongo: 1.82
                    3. Deaddog: 1.43

                    As Spikefader once pointed out, anyone with a Math Expectancy over 0.42 has a good system you should pay attention to. Any tips from the winners?

                    Highest Kelly %’s:
                    1 & 2: Wooish and Deaddog: 0.34
                    3 Peanuts: 0.29

                    And basically this means you can risk that much of your Portfolio on their trading systems for Maximum gains. Well done guys !

                    And here are some other statistics that were interesting from the year:
                    Most Gold Medalst: Wooish
                    Most Silver Medals: Odysseus
                    Most Bronze Medals: Rob
                    Best Pick of the Year: Wooish AAU +26.7% Week 35
                    Worst Pick of the Year: Peter Hansen RNN -43.23% Week 15

                    Again, congrats to all our winners ! Sorry I was unable to run this year’s contest. I really enjoy running it and playing it with everyone here but am getting to spread out on the home front. Hopefully someone will pick up the mantle as I would enjoy at the very least competing against you all, as well as learning. Hope I did ok, can never beat Rob’s write-ups though
                    Congrats and good luck, I’ll be seeing you around the thread as I can.

                    I’ve posted links to these charts as I think I would take up too much space on the board, so here they are. Well done everyone ! The majority of us made some green this year.
                    4th Quarter Chart
                    Final 52 Week Chart
                    Final Leaderboard
                    Stock Pick ~ POTW ~ POTY ~ Rules ~ POTW Summary


                    • wooish
                      Senior Member
                      • Dec 2008
                      • 499


                      Thanks for keeping the score and contest. It's been a pleasure participating in this forum and contest. As some of you probably already knew, my strategy was to pick small caps coming from the bottom. These stocks usually runs a couple of days then retrace which is perfect for holding the stock for one week as a swing trade.

                      It's an honor winning the contest and I think it's 70% luck and 30% timing. As for the $100 reward, if you don't mind I would like to donate it to Mr. Market's charity of choice. I hope you win some $$$ playing my picks. Thank you and good luck!


                      • steelman
                        Senior Member
                        • Jun 2008
                        • 648

                        Great Job Wooish!! Do you do the same thing in your personal portfolio? I know about half of my picks in the contest were consistent with what I had real money in. Some of the contest picks, I would grab a stock quickly to enter it and not fully evaluate it.

                        That's outstanding about the donations as well. Good for you. All the best this year in 2011
                        It's time to Grab the Bull by the Horns!


                        • Gary611
                          Senior Member
                          • Jan 2005
                          • 316

                          Thank you!!

                          Ody, this stooge is grateful for all your work! It was more fun than oyster soup or selling Brite-o, NYUK,NYUK!!
                          99 percent of Politicians give the rest a bad name.


                          • Karel
                            • Sep 2003
                            • 2199

                            Go APKT

                            Originally posted by Karel View Post
                            Congratulations, Wooish!

                            And I have taken another dose of APKT long...


                            Ahem. Go APKT!!!!!!!


                            My Investopedia portfolio
                            (You need to have a (free) Investopedia or Facebook login, sorry!)


                            • Rob
                              Senior Member
                              • Sep 2003
                              • 3194

                              Sea of Tranquility

                              I sure miss the weekly stock-picking contest.

