I don't want to spoil anyones thread, so here goes.
I did not think that discussions could get any more polarized than the discussions about using stops with $$$Mr. Market$$$'s stock picks, but the new US Health Care Reform (HCR) is a strong contender. As an outsider, and a biased outsider, I am hardly qualified to comment. I would like to shout, but will instead whisper: "Welcome to the civilized world", and I might even be wrong. How to get more clarity and (hopefully) less bias? Perhaps I could start with some questions.
Quantitative arguments preferred. That something, according to you, is "socialist" might be an excellent indication that you will never accept it, but it is rather light on nice hard facts that can be discussed.
I would like to add that HC insurance is inherently "socialist", as Americans would call it (not with any reference to historical or social socialism, but as an over my dead body swear word). After all a group of people pools money in the hope that the other guy or gal benefits from it. For who would be the sucker that gets ill, just to receive the benefits?
I did not think that discussions could get any more polarized than the discussions about using stops with $$$Mr. Market$$$'s stock picks, but the new US Health Care Reform (HCR) is a strong contender. As an outsider, and a biased outsider, I am hardly qualified to comment. I would like to shout, but will instead whisper: "Welcome to the civilized world", and I might even be wrong. How to get more clarity and (hopefully) less bias? Perhaps I could start with some questions.
- How to view the current system? From a return on investment perspective it seems to be a wet mess. Or is it, in spite of that, still the best of all possible health care systems?
- How important is health? I would say very important. Everybody should be able to live a healthy life or to get essential care when necessary and the cost should not be a barrier to entry. Or should it? What are the limits of essential care and where does excessive expense start? What to do when people take or have taken exceptional risks?
- What would be good alternatives to the current system of the new HCR?
Quantitative arguments preferred. That something, according to you, is "socialist" might be an excellent indication that you will never accept it, but it is rather light on nice hard facts that can be discussed.
I would like to add that HC insurance is inherently "socialist", as Americans would call it (not with any reference to historical or social socialism, but as an over my dead body swear word). After all a group of people pools money in the hope that the other guy or gal benefits from it. For who would be the sucker that gets ill, just to receive the benefits?