Just thought I would be the one to bring Helen back from the(Forgotten Zone) She has a Webcast Jan. 13 and then a MM Clouser on the 23 ( lets hope). This is the time to close our eyes and pay thanks and say to ourself no more double downs. $$MM$$ is our leader and we shall follow. 15% 0r bust is what I'M going to paint on my wagon. This time around would you or could you pick a filley with a little quicker step. I sure would like to pay off my tad at K Swiss. ( No Just B. Sn.) Lets go Helen. ===> MEA
She is a Good Old Gal
I have really been suprised they have not come out with more info or projections regarding the Brut aquisition. If they have good numbers from Brut, and come out with a plan to divest themselves from Tactica, we should have a good CC and maybe run up some. At the very least they will have a bunch of items to talk about...
Re: She is a Good Old Gal
Originally posted by MEA_1956Just thought I would be the one to bring Helen back from the(Forgotten Zone) She has a Webcast Jan. 13 and then a MM Clouser on the 23 ( lets hope). This is the time to close our eyes and pay thanks and say to ourself no more double downs. $$MM$$ is our leader and we shall follow. 15% 0r bust is what I'M going to paint on my wagon. This time around would you or could you pick a filley with a little quicker step. I sure would like to pay off my tad at K Swiss. ( No Just B. Sn.) Lets go Helen. ===> MEAGO BIG RED!!!!!