Phoenix7's Stock Sizzlers

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  • Phoenix7
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2011
    • 3663

    End of the world picks!

    Folks according to the Mayan calendar Friday 12/21/12 should be the end of the world.....and the day when we all cash in our chips. While getting a hair cut and chatting with my Italian barber , his opinion on that matter was expressed in 2 words ,"Bah Fungul " Needless to say he did not have much faith in the end of the world prediction.
    Oh well here are 2 picks for today !

    RFP Heavy Insider buying should send RFP Higher! RFP Chart:

    Check out this recent article on RFP The "VALUE" Stock!

    AMRI Albany Molecular Research I like this chart looks like some coin can be made from this point on,stock&ty=c&ta=1&p=d

    "JUST LOOKING" at ALJ Chart looks good
    Could be a breakout ......any comments?
    Last edited by Phoenix7; 12-21-2012, 01:33 PM.


    • Phoenix7
      Senior Member
      • Nov 2011
      • 3663

      Stocks for monday 12/24/25

      Well Christmas is almost upon us , and maybe the following stocks will put some good cheer in your Christmas stockings.

      1. AMRI Albany Molecular Research
      2. ALJ Alon Usa Energy This one came up on one of my scans
      3. HW Headwaters
      4. RFP Resolute Forest Products "HEAVY" insider buying should boost this one higher .....RFP was UP 2.88% On Friday which was a lousy day in the markets!
      5. SNTS Santarus Pharmaceuticals

      Sidenote: Some here celebrate Christmas by placing a few lights on a few trees outside, and of course you really think you did a great job...but check out this guy's display....... "UNBELIEVABLE"
      To ALL have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
      DON'T MISS THIS 1.5 minute Video clip!
      Amazing Christmas display with 176 channels and 45,000 lights! The show is so popular that it requires a crew of 3 people to manage the traffic.


      • billyjoe
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2003
        • 9014

        Phoenix, Do you usually use limit orders or market orders when buying the sizzlers? Also do you aim for a certain return and place a sell order in advance? How about stops ? Just curious. You list so many good picks it's hard to determine a plan for them and we couldn't buy them all even if we wanted to. Haven't back checked lately but when I did very few actually tanked, maybe 1 in 5 and a much higher % really did well. Keep up the good work. Happy holidays to you and yours.



        • billyjoe
          Senior Member
          • Nov 2003
          • 9014

          duplicate message deleted
          Last edited by billyjoe; 12-22-2012, 05:28 PM. Reason: duplicate post


          • Phoenix7
            Senior Member
            • Nov 2011
            • 3663

            Billie Good Questions

            Originally posted by billyjoe View Post
            Phoenix, Do you usually use limit orders or market orders when buying the sizzlers? Also do you aim for a certain return and place a sell order in advance? How about stops ? Just curious. You list so many good picks it's hard to determine a plan for them and we couldn't buy them all even if we wanted to. Haven't back checked lately but when I did very few actually tanked, maybe 1 in 5 and a much higher % really did well. Keep up the good work. Happy holidays to you and yours.

            When buying, especially the lower priced stocks, I do use a "BUY LIMIT" order, and as for stops I do tend to use , they provide stops for just about any stock you wish to buy.
            I have just subscribed to a Service for $99 per year called Market Trend Signal......It seems to give a lot of value for the money ..they actually have a buy, hold and sell issued for each particular stock ......and you can back test their signals . They also feature a very easy to use screening tool which looks super!
            I will try to select better stocks going forward with the help of these tools!
            Billie have a Beautiful weekend, a Very Merry Christmas and healthy and prosperous New Year .......P7!


            • Phoenix7
              Senior Member
              • Nov 2011
              • 3663

              TVL New Stock

              Originally posted by Phoenix7 View Post
              Well Christmas is almost upon us , and maybe the following stocks will put some good cheer in your Christmas stockings.

              1. AMRI Albany Molecular Research
              2. ALJ Alon Usa Energy This one came up on one of my scans
              3. HW Headwaters
              4. RFP Resolute Forest Products "HEAVY" insider buying should boost this one higher .....RFP was UP 2.88% On Friday which was a lousy day in the markets!
              5. SNTS Santarus Pharmaceuticals

              Sidenote: Some here celebrate Christmas by placing a few lights on a few trees outside, and of course you really think you did a great job...but check out this guy's display....... "UNBELIEVABLE"
              To ALL have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
              DON'T MISS THIS 1.5 minute Video clip!
              Just turned up TVL with a Screen From The Market Trend Signal service I started using!


              • Phoenix7
                Senior Member
                • Nov 2011
                • 3663

                Cere an enigma!

                A mentor of mine emailed me a suggestion that I look into a stock called Ceres Inc. CERE.
                I quickly looked at a chart of CERE and was not pleased by what I saw , Look Here at the CERE Chart:

                After an initial IPO price of about $13 early this year, CERE shot up , but has steadily DROPPED to around 4 bucks per share.......My first thought , "Who in their right mind would buy this CERE POS?"
                Well folks here is where it gets interesting . Ceres CERE , On Nov 26, 2012 , begins an association with Syngenta SYN is a much larger company on the NYSE! Both have similar interests. Look Here;
                Perhaps what is most interesting is the fact that Ambergate Trust files a Sec 4 SEC Form confirming their purchase of 98,090 shares for a grand total of $381,250 on 2 dates 12/19/ and 12/20 2012. The SEC Form is filed "AFTER" the market close at 6:35 PM on 12/21/12!
                Look Here:
                The questions that come quickly to mind are : Why does Ambergate Trust buy shares of CERE a supposedly "Dead" stock?
                What do they know that you and I do not know?
                Bottomline will CERE go HIGHER from here?

                Is CERE really a gift from the fat guy in the red suit?


                • Phoenix7
                  Senior Member
                  • Nov 2011
                  • 3663

                  Best stocks for 2013

                  Folks I would like to get together a list of stocks for 2013 . All stocks would be BUY AND HOLD for the 2013 year. ! will be using the closing price on 1/2/13 to be my start point!

                  Here are some of my picks to start things off.....PLEASE Submit your best stock idea for the year on or before 12/31/12 .....all picks will be considered.

                  1. AAPL
                  2. DDD Check this out Travis at stockgumshoe , GUESSES, from the clues given that DDD is the stock!
                  3. GOOG
                  4. O
                  5. PM


                  • billyjoe
                    Senior Member
                    • Nov 2003
                    • 9014

                    ULTA is the one I think.



                    • Phoenix7
                      Senior Member
                      • Nov 2011
                      • 3663

                      Billie Thank You

                      Originally posted by billyjoe View Post
                      ULTA is the one I think.

                      Billie thanx that makes number 6 !


                      • riverbabe
                        Senior Member
                        • May 2005
                        • 3373

                        VRNG, without question. Are we looking for THE BEST PICK at 12/31/2013? How much cash is the prize? Happy New Year Phoenix!


                        • Phoenix7
                          Senior Member
                          • Nov 2011
                          • 3663

                          River Thank You For VRNG

                          Originally posted by riverbabe View Post
                          VRNG, without question. Are we looking for THE BEST PICK at 12/31/2013? How much cash is the prize? Happy New Year Phoenix!
                          River unfortunately no prize .....but hopefully we will see a HUGE winner in 2013. I getting the list together and will publish MONTHLY results . I Will START with 12/31/12 CLOSE of all picks and then look at the results on 12/31/13!
                          I am curious myself to see which stock works out best....the LARGEST Percentage gain will be the WINNER of the group!
                          River Have a Happy New year!


                          • Phoenix7
                            Senior Member
                            • Nov 2011
                            • 3663

                            The 2013 List Is Complete!

                            The List will be called ,"The Sweet 16 For 2013"

                            Here are the picks for the year.

                            1. AAPl
                            2. ARMH
                            3. CRAY
                            4. DDD
                            5. GOOG
                            6. HOV
                            7. O
                            8. PCYC
                            9. PKG
                            10. PM
                            11. SBUX
                            12. TQNT
                            13 ULTA
                            14. V
                            15. VRNG
                            16. ZIXI


                            • noshadyldy
                              Senior Member
                              • Sep 2003
                              • 539

                              Sweet 16

                              Thanks Phoenix. Do you have a fav in that, a first buy type of fav? I'm already in HOV and loving the ride.
                              "Whatever you can do or dream you can , begin it. Boldness has genius,power and magic in it." Goethe


                              • Phoenix7
                                Senior Member
                                • Nov 2011
                                • 3663


                                Originally posted by noshadyldy View Post
                                Thanks Phoenix. Do you have a fav in that, a first buy type of fav? I'm already in HOV and loving the ride.
                                NSL From The List I like AAPL and PM for safety LONG Term stocks.....As for possible Doublers for the year , we have ARMH, HOV, VRNG and TQNT....but don't take my word as gospel!

