Phoenix7's Stock Sizzlers

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  • Phoenix7
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2011
    • 3663

    Originally posted by billyjoe View Post

    VOCS does not look to me like a coiled snake. It looks like one I ran over with the lawnmower. This looks like a coiled snake! How about a friendly bet as to which one rises 10% first?

    Bilie OK friendly bet GAMBLING on the Mr Market Site LOL! You keep score! P7


    • billyjoe
      Senior Member
      • Nov 2003
      • 9014

      Originally posted by Phoenix7 View Post
      Bilie OK friendly bet GAMBLING on the Mr Market Site LOL! You keep score! P7

      On this day, May 19th, 2013, VOCS is at 8.43 and III is at 1.96. If VOCS reaches 9.27 before III reaches 2.16, I, billy, will declare P7 to be the 2nd greatest stock picker (only behind Mr.Market) in the stock picking universe.



      • Phoenix7
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2011
        • 3663


        Originally posted by billyjoe View Post
        On this day, May 19th, 2013, VOCS is at 8.43 and III is at 1.96. If VOCS reaches 9.27 before III reaches 2.16, I, billy, will declare P7 to be the 2nd greatest stock picker (only behind Mr.Market) in the stock picking universe.

        Billie sounds like a plan to me ......GOOD LUCK to us both!


        • Phoenix7
          Senior Member
          • Nov 2011
          • 3663

          Originally posted by Phoenix7 View Post
          Thinking back to my college days , and after a hard school week, on Friday in a quiet corner of the student lounge a group consisting of myself and a few of my Science buddies gathered for a game of "Acey Deucy" . For those interested here are the rules :
          Discover hacks, tips and tricks to help you solve any problem in your home, repurpose used items and more.

          Anyway we played for a 25 cent ante, because no one had any money in those days, but nevertheless the pots could get quite large
          I still remember when the cards were ready to be thrown down....the call "Down and Dirty" was given and the cards went down. There was always a mild rush as the cards dropped to the table and the hands were examined to see who won! Needless to say , I did have my share of both wins and losses.
          Now for the matter at hand are the stocks , that hopefully will make us all winners ......"Down And Dirty Folks!
          Some stocks are previous picks and a few are new! More information will be added as time progresses.

          1. DGLD As gold drops DGLD goes UP!

          2. DUST As Gold Miners drop DUST goes UP!

          3. EPGL Folks EPGL is a HIGH SPECULATION OTCBB stock and for GAMBLERS only .i.e. The down and dirty crowd!

          4. HNSN Hansen Medical Seeking Alpha gave me the heads up on HNSN .....I especially took note of the HUGE INSIDER buying. Read Here Chart: 2nd Chart could a move up to 3 Bucks be in the cards for HNSN.......I think so!

          5. NBG National Bank Of Greece

          6. NOW Service now

          7. ODP Office Depot

          8. RDN Radian Group

          9. RVLT Revolution Lighting

          10. VOCS Vocus Inc. Like a coiled snake ready to strike

          As in cards, sometimes the stocks do not perform as one would hope , but that is the name of the game.
          NBG for example took a huge slide this morning.........fortunately for me I never bought that one . I put gold stocks in here because with gold falling the INVERSE ETFs tend to perform well ......but as my son had told me .....those ETFs sometimes do not mirror the real market , and are never long term holds.
          I did buy HNSN this AM for $1.63 .........Heavy Insider Buying is a usually a good sign.
          I do own RVLT, VOCS and NOW.
          I am watching SPWR ........I like this breakout right here!
          Note How The RSI Relative Strength Index is quite high around 82 ......if it falls closer to 50 SPWR could be a BUY

          Folks VOCS Director just "HAPPENED" to pick up more shares on 5/20/13
          Why would the good director sink another $212,000 into VOCS by buying 25,000 shares?
          Gee ya don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out he probably suspects that VOCS will rise further.
          Here is the report!

          Folks the HEAVY Insider buying of VOCS is analogous to Tony and "The Boys" dropping dimes on some broken down nag, long shot, Nellie Bell in the 5th to win the race. You can almost take it to the bank that "The Boys" know that the horse has been "Juiced" and will easily give the "The Boys" a huge payday!
          Last edited by Phoenix7; 05-22-2013, 10:01 AM.


          • blaz3
            • Apr 2013
            • 49


            Folks VOCS Director just "HAPPENED" to pick up more shares on 5/20/13
            Why would the good director sink another $212,000 into VOCS by buying 25,000 shares?
            Gee ya don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out he probably suspects that VOCS will rise further.
            Here is the report!
            Looks like VOCS is on the move this morning! Good call Ph7
            [ Blaz3 a.K.a HAWKEYES ]


            • Phoenix7
              Senior Member
              • Nov 2011
              • 3663


              I mentioned MNKD back on April 9, 2013 .......MNKD IS UP HUGE today
              " MNKD
              Look how MNKD Shot through the upper trend line!"

              Folks take out a few seconds to look at this chart of MNKD. TAKE NOTICE that in early Nov 2012 how the PPO lines and ADX lines appear to almost touch and then go away in opposite directions . This my friends is a scary good indicator of a Stock's Future success. Note how MNKD took off and never looked back!

              Now let us examine a current pick of mine ...HNSN Look at its chart

              Carefully notice how around May 20 2013 how the PPO and ADX almost touch and then begin to separate ....Could HNSN be like MNKD? ...begin to rise and never look back. Who knows, but we shall see! Other good indicators on the chart are the rising RSI on top of the chart, and the blue rectangular bars on the PPO graph are currently slightly negative at -4.99 , but WHEN they swing up into positive territory , that should surely mark the beginning of a powerful rise!
              Last edited by Phoenix7; 05-22-2013, 02:14 PM.


              • Websman
                Senior Member
                • Apr 2004
                • 5545

                Originally posted by blaz3 View Post
                Looks like VOCS is on the move this morning! Good call Ph7
                I'm certainly enjoying watching my VOCS share go up.


                • billyjoe
                  Senior Member
                  • Nov 2003
                  • 9014

                  Originally posted by billyjoe View Post
                  On this day, May 19th, 2013, VOCS is at 8.43 and III is at 1.96. If VOCS reaches 9.27 before III reaches 2.16, I, billy, will declare P7 to be the 2nd greatest stock picker (only behind Mr.Market) in the stock picking universe.

                  Phoenix, You are the 2nd greatest stock picker in the stock picking universe. Well done !



                  • Phoenix7
                    Senior Member
                    • Nov 2011
                    • 3663

                    Billy Joe Thanx

                    Billy thanx for monitoring the score card . VOCS did "REACH" the 10% Today, but unfortunately fell back going into the close.
                    Billie originally you had said about VOCS , " VOCS does not look to me like a coiled snake. It looks like one I ran over with the lawnmower. This looks like a coiled snake! How about a friendly bet as to which one rises 10% first?"
                    Billy the moral of this story is quite simple, when mowing your lawn, don't try to run over a snake with a lawnmower, it may just jump up and bite you in the ass. LOL Just joking !


                    • Phoenix7
                      Senior Member
                      • Nov 2011
                      • 3663

                      VOCS Looking Sweet!

                      Folks the VOCS chart appears to be playing out to perfection.
                      Just look here
                      Note how PPO and ADX lines begin to separate.....Note the RSI Chart above the graph turning up and heading back to 50 ( The Mid Horizontal Line ) , IMHO I believe that a move to 13 BUCKS could be "El Rapido"
                      Will this pan out as planned? ....well the only things certain in life are death and taxes. Basically ya puts your money down and takes your chances!

                      BONUS BONUS CETV popped Up on A Screen I utilize....I don't own it but will be watching tomorrow. LOOK HERE The pattern looks familiar

                      CAUTION CAUTION CAUTION
                      After the speech by Helicopter Ben , the markets headed South . He hinted on curtailing the government's purchase of ts own securities. What would happen when he finally puts the brakes on all of the government buying of these securities? My guess is that Gold and metals will shoot through the roof , and the stock markets will take a huge hit.
                      Keeping all that in mind , ZLC may be a good stock to buy after after the selling is over?
                      ZLC look here.
                      Another ZLC Chart
                      Last edited by Phoenix7; 05-23-2013, 03:08 PM.


                      • Phoenix7
                        Senior Member
                        • Nov 2011
                        • 3663

                        MXWL Moving UP!

                        One of my picks from a previous post is MXWL , appears to break out here , Look especially at 2 of my favorite indicators, The PPO and ADX Lines below the chart. Note how around April 8, 2013 how the 2 lines almost touch , and then begin to separate and move in opposite directions. This my friends could indicate a powerful move to around 10!
                        Folks here is my post from 5/5/13 I now own both MXWL and RVLT!
                        I will probably buy this afternoon both MXWL
                        and RVLT because of its superior lighting products and expert management
                        I like MXWL because at this juncture it has room to rise up quickly!

                        EVC an old favorite looks like it's set to shoot out the lights again........I like this one, bought and sold a few times Look Here
                        Another chart look here

                        CETV Came up on a scan I use CETV Could prove profitable

                        CETV Finances leave much to be desired , but this chart looks good

                        Just WATCHING for now!
                        Last edited by Phoenix7; 05-24-2013, 07:33 AM.


                        • Phoenix7
                          Senior Member
                          • Nov 2011
                          • 3663

                          Coming Sunday

                          Folks coming Sunday some new goodies and current picks will be featured,
                          I am LOOKING at a new company that sells for 50 Cents, and it could be a HUGE money maker.........but since it is OTCBB HIGH RISK is involved.
                          I know you will not want to miss these picks.........have a beautiful weekend!


                          • TPMIV
                            • Jul 2009
                            • 45


                            Hi Phoenix7, You don't know me because I never post but do like to read others post. I saw your mention of CETV and checked it out a little. I saw Time Warner bought about 29,000,000 shares last week so I jumped in 1,000 at 3.50. My largest holding is JOEZ.


                            • Phoenix7
                              Senior Member
                              • Nov 2011
                              • 3663


                              Originally posted by TPMIV View Post
                              Hi Phoenix7, You don't know me because I never post but do like to read others post. I saw your mention of CETV and checked it out a little. I saw Time Warner bought about 29,000,000 shares last week so I jumped in 1,000 at 3.50. My largest holding is JOEZ.
                              That is Ok I sure many never post ....I had JOEZ awhile back and sold for a small profit.....I am still looking at CETV
                              TP Mr Market is a great site , and my wish here is for all to make some money ....Remember there are no guarantees and as all in life there is inherent risk.
                              Show me a person who never took chances ......and I will show you a person who has never lived. You only go around in life one time .....but if you do it right one time is enough!


                              • billyjoe
                                Senior Member
                                • Nov 2003
                                • 9014

                                Originally posted by Phoenix7 View Post
                                That is Ok I sure many never post ....I had JOEZ awhile back and sold for a small profit.....I am still looking at CETV
                                TP Mr Market is a great site , and my wish here is for all to make some money ....Remember there are no guarantees and as all in life there is inherent risk.
                                Show me a person who never took chances ......and I will show you a person who has never lived. You only go around in life one time .....but if you do it right one time is enough!

                                Phoenix, Talk about taking chances, in my early, trusting others as expert days, I had one or 2 five figure screwups, but thanks to this site and continued research, those days are in the past, the $$ has been more than recovered, and the screwups keep getting smaller and the winners larger. I know a few that never take risks, they also rarely achieve great victories. Carry on, Phoenix, we're always reading.


