SOLD Another

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  • MEA_1956
    Senior Member
    • Oct 2003
    • 655

    SOLD Another

    On Nov. 17, $$ MM $$ posted the end of the soccer season top five. Since I've already purchased U R B N my pick went to A A C E . At the end of the day, 1-6-04, this pick has reached 15.04%. So at this time I shall part with yet another perfect pick from $$ MM $$ . Has any one ever seen such a web site, me I don't have time to go looking, to besygoing to town buying wheelbarrows to place my momies in so I can take then to the bank. Grate job "" EARNY "" you are the best. ===>MEA
    GO BIG RED!!!!!
  • MEA_1956
    Senior Member
    • Oct 2003
    • 655

    Re: SOLD Another

    Originally posted by MEA_1956
    On Nov. 17, $$ MM $$ posted the end of the soccer season top five. Since I've already purchased U R B N my pick went to A A C E . At the end of the day, 1-6-04, this pick has reached 15.04%. So at this time I shall part with yet another perfect pick from $$ MM $$ . Has any one ever seen such a web site, me I don't have time to go looking, to besygoing to town buying wheelbarrows to place my momies in so I can take then to the bank. Grate job "" EARNY "" you are the best. ===>MEA
    It hurts when you look back, the day after, to see the stock you just sold closed UUUPPP Another BUCK. O F W When you live in $$$ M M $$$ world, you do as you please, I please to follow his sell motto. When I place the order, at that point, is when I decide if it is going to be a MM pic or or if I will place it into my in & out port.
    I Read the other day that comp. were the stock of the 80's.
    Dot Com's were the stocks for the 90's
    Nano stocks are the stocks for the 00's
    Only a few have any EARNINGS thouht, Any one have any thoughts on this topic. ===> MEA
    GO BIG RED!!!!!


    • Michaelk005

      i would reply if i understood what your trying to say,words are a little scrambled for my viewing pleasure.


      • MEA_1956
        Senior Member
        • Oct 2003
        • 655

        Re: SOLD Another

        Originally posted by MEA_1956
        Originally posted by MEA_1956
        On Nov. 17, $$ MM $$ posted the end of the soccer season top five. Since I've already purchased U R B N my pick went to A A C E . At the end of the day, 1-6-04, this pick has reached 15.04%. So at this time I shall part with yet another perfect pick from $$ MM $$ . Has any one ever seen such a web site, me I don't have time to go looking, to besygoing to town buying wheelbarrows to place my momies in so I can take then to the bank. Grate job "" EARNY "" you are the best. ===>MEA
        It hurts when you look back, the day after, to see the stock you just sold closed UUUPPP Another BUCK. O F W When you live in $$$ M M $$$ world, you do as you please, I please to follow his sell motto. When I place the order, at that point, is when I decide if it is going to be a MM pic or or if I will place it into my in & out port.

        I Read the other day that comp. were the stock of the 80's.
        Dot Com's were the stocks for the 90's
        Nano stocks are the stocks for the 00's
        Only a few have any EARNINGS thouht, Any one have any thoughts on this topic. ===> MEA
        GO BIG RED!!!!!


        • MEA_1956
          Senior Member
          • Oct 2003
          • 655

          Clean up my post

          I use a three side approach to my investments

          #1 Long Veiw SYY KMI POG MESA NCEN are just a few. these stocks get very little att. from me, they will be held through thick and thin.

          #2 $$$ M M $$$ sell at 15 %

          #3 In & Out (IIC words) Here is where I place stocks that will be traded more frequently. TRIC TSO NCEB CWEI VLO these are stocks that I've traded and moved on with. CWEI is one that was transfered into my longs. This stock seems to do well in thick and thin, ( $2 mil. lose on P & A ) and was able to work its way back to even and am holding with a 92.34% profit at the present time. RDVN A few days ago this little penny stock had a 48.48% up swing. GIGN slipped by me and will hold this loss for now. When and if it reaches 50% loss side we will take another look @ it @ that time. $100.00 down we will let it ride.

          I Had A FEW BBEERRSS When I made the first half of this post so yes it was run togeather and I did ramble on. I Hope this helps clear the air a bit.

          Nano Stocks was stated somewhere in all the stories that I've read to be the hot stocks of the 2000's. My ? IS doese anyone have a list of nano stocks that have earnings. It just seems that the few that I have veiwed are not making any monies so is this how the DOT COM's started out in the 1990's. and the Computer Comp.started out in the 1980's. MM has stated that the dot com's P / E were high when they were flying back in the 1990's . Just trying to get a grasp on how a new trend reacts in the market place.

          GO BIG RED!!!!!

