Twenty Thirteen Two Baggers

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  • mimo_100
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2003
    • 1784

    Twenty Thirteen Two Baggers

    I would love to see a contest where we pick two stocks to double in 2013 - If there is enough interest I would track them with quarterly, maybe monthly updates - Starting deadline Sunday January 13 at noon - duplicates allowed - I will start a new thread " Twenty Thirteen Two Baggers" if anyone is interested.

    ( originally posted in "Not asking for much in 2012, help wanted")

    Latest Rules as of 11:36 am 1/2/13:

    Picks made by noon Eastern Time, Sunday, January 13. Duplicates of other entries are allowed.

    Stock price greater than 1.49 on January 13.

    Winner is largest percentage increase (or decrease) based upon closing price by close of regular business hours on the NYSE December 31, 2013.

    Specify if your opening transaction is LONG or SHORT. If you do not specify anything, I will assume you want to go LONG.

    Latest Picks:

    Phoenix7 - DDD. AEZS is my biopharma pick

    Louetta - ATRS and CORT. If CORT is not above the 1.49 cutoff on 1/13 (it's at 1.41 now) then substitute ATEC.

    River - Definitely VRNG. I'll also go out on a limb and say AMRN.

    Lucavia123 - I like NCT and STSA.

    billy - mimo, I'll go with an old one of Phoenix' ---ELLI. My 2nd pick is SHLD short.

    mimo - picking Vonage (VG) for one of mine. I flipped a coin and it came up BIOL. I flipped a coin again and this time it came up SIRI. Remove BIOL.

    noshadyldy - go out on limb with some speculative picks. First in [sic] ONVO. Ok. my second pick is GRPN.

    mrmarket - I will pick HOV and MTLK

    stocks54 - My picks are: ZIOP P
    Last edited by mimo_100; 01-13-2013, 07:20 AM.
    Tim - Retired Problem Solver
  • Phoenix7
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2011
    • 3663

    MIMO Great Idea

    Originally posted by mimo_100 View Post
    I would love to see a contest where we pick two stocks to double in 2013 - If there is enough interest I would track them with quarterly, maybe monthly updates - Starting deadline Sunday January 13 at noon - duplicates allowed - I will start a new thread " Twenty Thirteen Two Baggers" if anyone is interested.

    ( originally posted in "Not asking for much in 2012, help wanted")
    MR Market great idea .....I will be working on the 2 picks !
    MY 2 PICKS ARE DDD 3 D Printing appears to be the wave of the future!
    HOV Housing appears to have reached bottom ......and headed UP!
    Last edited by Phoenix7; 01-01-2013, 02:09 PM.


    • billyjoe
      Senior Member
      • Nov 2003
      • 9014

      mimo, That's going to be tough. I really doubt if anyone can pick 2 doublers but I'll try it after researching. Maybe you should specify a price range so a .001 pink sheeter isn't entered. Can we still win with a 70-95% if nobody gets a double ? I'll post my picks before the deadline. If 2013 is a great year for the market, the sky is the limit!



      • mimo_100
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2003
        • 1784

        Originally posted by billyjoe View Post
        mimo, That's going to be tough. I really doubt if anyone can pick 2 doublers but I'll try it after researching. Maybe you should specify a price range so a .001 pink sheeter isn't entered. Can we still win with a 70-95% if nobody gets a double ? I'll post my picks before the deadline. If 2013 is a great year for the market, the sky is the limit!


        Good points billy, you obviously have experience in this kind of thing.

        How about this:

        Stock price greater than 1.49 on January 13.

        Winner is largest percentage increase based upon closing price by close of regular business hours on the NYSE December 31, 2013.

        I wold love to see us put some real skin into this contest - perhaps vote on all of the stock picks and choose one - then each send in $$$$$$ to Ernie to invest in this stock- he keeps the money and any profits, if any, to go towards support of this website or whatever charity he wants.
        Tim - Retired Problem Solver


        • Louetta
          Senior Member
          • Oct 2003
          • 2331

          I'd like ATRS and CORT. If CORT is not above the 1.49 cutoff on 1/13 (it's at 1.41 now) then substitute ATEC.


          • imho
            Junior Member
            • Jan 2013
            • 5

            TARO will very likely be 2 bagger

            The above is the thesis written by Value investor pretty renowned in hedge fund circles


            • riverbabe
              Senior Member
              • May 2005
              • 3373

              Definitely VRNG. Have also entered this in P7's list. Happy New Year Mimo.


              • Lucavia123
                Senior Member
                • Oct 2011
                • 534

                I like NCT and STSA.


                • riverbabe
                  Senior Member
                  • May 2005
                  • 3373

                  Originally posted by riverbabe View Post
                  Definitely VRNG. Have also entered this in P7's list. Happy New Year Mimo.
                  I'll also go out on a limb and say AMRN.


                  • mimo_100
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2003
                    • 1784

                    I am posting everyone's picks in the #1 post of this thread until January 13th.

                    Happy New Year River and everyone.

                    I completely missed the "The Sweet 16 For 2013" list in P7's thread

                    For your enjoyment, here are the "The Sweet 16 For 2013", some of which may be doubles, according to P7

                    1. AAPl
                    2. ARMH
                    3. CRAY
                    4. DDD
                    5. GOOG
                    6. HOV
                    7. O
                    8. PCYC
                    9. PKG
                    10. PM
                    11. SBUX
                    12. TQNT
                    13 ULTA
                    14. V
                    15. VRNG
                    16. ZIXI

                    and 5 stocks that doubled in 2012 according to the Fool, some of which have already been chosen for this 2013 contest.

                    Last edited by mimo_100; 01-02-2013, 12:28 PM.
                    Tim - Retired Problem Solver


                    • skiracer
                      Senior Member
                      • Dec 2004
                      • 6314

                      I brought HOV here months ago and practically begged for everyone to take a good look at it while it was at $1/1.10 range. A couple of people actually bought it but Phoenix and 90% of everyone else never made mention of it. Now it has become a 7 bagger, that's right, up over 700 % to date, and Phoenix is now picking it as one of his two picks to double from this point. What's wrong with this picture? When I made the bold statement that it would go to $5 not a whisper. When it hit and went past $5 and I mentioned $10 not a whisper. Now it's going to be a double and hit $14 /$15. I am now up over $21,000 with the trade and Phoenix is picking it as one of his doubles and hasn't bought a share of it. I don't understand that logic. In fact it is beyond my comprehension!


                      • billyjoe
                        Senior Member
                        • Nov 2003
                        • 9014

                        mimo, I'll go with an old one of Phoenix' that I made $$ on earlier in 2012.
                        Maybe not a double but it should be a good one---ELLI



                        • billyjoe
                          Senior Member
                          • Nov 2003
                          • 9014

                          There are so many stocks mentioned here that several great ones go unnoticed. After buying several of your recommendations and watching those I didn't you've certainly proven yourself as a top stock picker. Your Morpheus endorsement led me to a 100% legit stock service (damn hard to find). So, thanks again, and I'm always listening....and I am back in HOV.



                          • skiracer
                            Senior Member
                            • Dec 2004
                            • 6314

                            Originally posted by billyjoe View Post
                            There are so many stocks mentioned here that several great ones go unnoticed. After buying several of your recommendations and watching those I didn't you've certainly proven yourself as a top stock picker. Your Morpheus endorsement led me to a 100% legit stock service (damn hard to find). So, thanks again, and I'm always listening....and I am back in HOV.

                            The last thing I am interested in is accolades or praise. I am just interested in making money and the thrill of beating the market at it's own game. I was just making an observation on a situation that I found somewhat illogical.
                            THE SKIRACER'S EDGE: MAKE THE EDGE IN YOUR FAVOR


                            • riverbabe
                              Senior Member
                              • May 2005
                              • 3373

                              Originally posted by skiracer11 View Post
                              I brought HOV here months ago and practically begged for everyone to take a good look at it while it was at $1/1.10 range. A couple of people actually bought it but Phoenix and 90% of everyone else never made mention of it. Now it has become a 7 bagger, that's right, up over 700 % to date, and Phoenix is now picking it as one of his two picks to double from this point. What's wrong with this picture? When I made the bold statement that it would go to $5 not a whisper. When it hit and went past $5 and I mentioned $10 not a whisper. Now it's going to be a double and hit $14 /$15. I am now up over $21,000 with the trade and Phoenix is picking it as one of his doubles and hasn't bought a share of it. I don't understand that logic. In fact it is beyond my comprehension!
                              So, have you bought in to VRNG yet? Billy did.

