Buying the Best of 2013

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  • billyjoe
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2003
    • 9014

    Just found this nifty free stock rating system.

    Great prices on a large selection of domains. Find the pefect domain for your new startup.



    • NCcoach
      Junior Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 26

      Originally posted by billyjoe View Post
      Just found this nifty free stock rating system.

      Great prices on a large selection of domains. Find the pefect domain for your new startup.

      Thanks for posting that...looks interesting.

      I am watching for your final picks in this thread with great interest.


      • billyjoe
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2003
        • 9014

        I've got most of the list set, in fact 2 are already purchased. Have got the final pick narrowed down to 3 . They've all got great earnings and potential.
        They are DORM,COST,KORS. Remember these are long term choices, probably a year minimum. Any thoughts?



        • billyjoe
          Senior Member
          • Nov 2003
          • 9014

          7 of the 10 on my list have been purchased. 2 of the final 3 keep reaching new highs as I've been waiting for them to pull back. Will give report next week with my final picks.



          • Phoenix7
            Senior Member
            • Nov 2011
            • 3663

            3 of the "SAFEST" Stocks

            One pundit said that for absolute safety cannot beat these 3.

            1. KO Coca-Cola has raised dividends for "50" years in a row, and has a 5 yr dividend growth rate of 8.5% per year
            2. MCD McDonalds has raise dividends 35 years in a row, and has a 5 yr dividend growth rate of 13.3% per year
            3. PG Proctor & Gamble Has raised dividends for 55 years in a row and has sa 5 year dividend growth rate of 10.2% per year.


            • billyjoe
              Senior Member
              • Nov 2003
              • 9014

              Phoenix, It's always a dilemma. Pick the safe sure thing or the speculative stock that could soar off the charts. For the most part I've gone with the stocks that show me the chance to make greater gains than normally expected. Just 1 of the picks is conservative in my book. It looks as if my final total won't be 10. A couple of the picks just were too lame upon further review and a couple were too speculative, crap shoots that maybe were more like sure losers than sure winners. I've got big plans for the money left over. The swing trading portfolio should supply a nice spring of funds although for the present contains an unusually high number of stocks (11). The number will decrease over the next 30 days.



              • mimo_100
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2003
                • 1784

                Originally posted by billyjoe View Post
                I've got most of the list set, in fact 2 are already purchased. Have got the final pick narrowed down to 3 . They've all got great earnings and potential.
                They are DORM,COST,KORS. Remember these are long term choices, probably a year minimum. Any thoughts?

                I am late to the game with this post, but I see you are still picking stocks.

                DORM - It looks like the former resistance at 33.5-34.5 has now become a support level. If you have not BOT this yet, you may be able to get it at 34.

                COST - This one is off to the races as long as the market stays positive now. If it does pull back, it looks like 99-100 is support. I would take a position now if you like it.

                KORS - closed at 54.48 near the high of 54.70 - getting lots of resistance near 55. Looks like it could take off as RSI and Slope are both positive. I would not wait long.
                Tim - Retired Problem Solver


                • billyjoe
                  Senior Member
                  • Nov 2003
                  • 9014

                  Here are my 9 picks for 2013 and the price paid for each.

                  1. DDD 65.44---scary so many like it earnings 67.48%/27.64%/5yr.21%
                  touted by Phoenix, Zacks, Motley Fool, IBD, IIC fun 50

                  2. ULTA 93.95---earnings 2012 63.85%/2013 27.82%/5 yr. 26.08%
                  Motley Fool Roundtable, Louis Navellier, Investor Place

                  3. KORS 52.51---earnings 2012 161.65%/2013 31.41%/5 yr. 29.60%
                  ROI 41.59% liked by KenShreve Benzinga, Zacks, IBD 50, IIC 100

                  4. DHR 59.55---9.49%/2013 10%/ 5yr. 13.32% Daily Finance 10 best, The Street, Al Gore ?, David Blood (Generation Investment Management)

                  5. SYK 61.24--steadily increasing earnings, low forward PE, concerns about insider trading is one granddaughter selling nearly 1/2 mil. in shares daily. She is billionnaire giving away $$ to charity, Yachtman Focus Fund, Motley Fool, eWallstreeter. I've got a Stryker replacement knee

                  6. LNKD 112.80--eps 247%/ 2013 78%/ 5 yr. 67% social network for professionals with only 25% revenue tied to advertising, Cabot Investing, Best Fundamentals IBD, Best Internet Stocks Motley Fool

                  7 CTGX 18.60--eps 36.99%/2013 18.89%/5yr. 22% PEG ratio .98
                  Leigh Drogen Seeking Alpha, The Street 5 best Tech 2013

                  8. FF 12.12--brokers strong buy 1.0, forward PE 12.34/ eps 35.91/ 2013 13.64 Seeking Alpha John McCoy, Forbes, Dividend Channel, Hillary Kramer Game Changers

                  9. EGHT 7.81--PEG .50, eps 901%/ 2013 40%, ROE 84.7%, Profit Margin 77.5%, brokers rec. 1.50, Cloud based communication channels will benefit from Hurricane Sandy

                  DDD,DHR,CTGX,EGHT have all reached all time highs within the last 10 trading days.



                  • riverbabe
                    Senior Member
                    • May 2005
                    • 3373

                    Just off the wire on the remote chance you want #10:

                    "Deutsche Bank's David Bianco lists his 30 favorite big-cap stocks, each with a P-E ratio on 2013 EPS below 18 and EPS growth above 5%: DD, APD, MSFT, INTC, IBM, ACN, GOOG, APH, EMC, AAPL, QCOM, ITW, ROK, UTX, HON, GD, ALL, C, USB, PNC, SLB, HAL, CAM, BHI, LYB, DIS, VIAB, NWSA, CBS, MCD."


                    • billyjoe
                      Senior Member
                      • Nov 2003
                      • 9014

                      So far 8 of the 9 are up, but EGHT just dropped 10% today, crap!



                      • billyjoe
                        Senior Member
                        • Nov 2003
                        • 9014

                        I've decided to list my 9 stock picks for 2013 with a running total week by week taken directly from the unrealized gains page of my online broker. These stocks were all bought in January but not all on the same day. This will be performance to date.

                        Week of January 21-25


                        LNKD--+ 9.54

                        ULTA--+ 6.64

                        DDD---+ 5.32

                        FF-----+ 3.83

                        SYK----+ 3.44

                        CTGX--+ 2.42

                        DHR----+ 1.47

                        EGHT-- - 9.50 I don't know what they mean by stock downgraded not to miss
               but if this article is right EGHT should recover



                        • billyjoe
                          Senior Member
                          • Nov 2003
                          • 9014

                          Update as of Feb. 1st. I've decided not to have a strict hold all year policy, therefore some will be stopped out and others sold during the year.

                          1. LNKD--sold +8.39% was also part of swing trading port, still bullish long term

                          2. FF---+7.29% looking good

                          3. KORS--+5.91%

                          4. CTGX--+4.29%

                          5. ULTA--+3.60%

                          6. SYK---+2.61%

                          7. DHR--+1.36%

                          8. EGHT- -10.33%--might be gone shortly

                          9. DDD---10.74%--same as above, can't drag down port with 2 stinkers.



                          • noshadyldy
                            Senior Member
                            • Sep 2003
                            • 539

                            BillyJoe, I think you're great for posting what your in. It gives us easy pickings to consider and you seem to be doing very well.

                            Let me throw out two that I've mentioned and have been in for a couple of months. They're boring but look at the results.

                            FVE - bought 11/13, up 20%

                            This one has had a little pullback and may be going higher soon. It's Long term care facilities, a growing needed, I'm sad to say.

                            MNTX - bought 11/27, up 34%.
                            (Industrial equipment)

                            MNTX might be in for a little pullback after fabulous Friday but Forbes has it listed as one of the best small companies in America.

                            seemed like slow movers at first but it sure did add up.

                            One of the other's I'm in is AUNFF. It's a stinker at the moment and I'm down about 20%. But when I look at the EPS for 2013 it's 450% It's a PM mining company that's gettings it's ducks in a row for some heavy profitable production this year. It could very well be a multi bagger over a couple of years. (Finviz has no chart for it. The yearly chart doesn't give much direction but the three year one does. Also, if you check, you will see that this past year it has provided great opportunity for rolling it a few times. It's because I caught a couple of them that I can afford to sit on this for now.)
                            "Whatever you can do or dream you can , begin it. Boldness has genius,power and magic in it." Goethe


                            • billyjoe
                              Senior Member
                              • Nov 2003
                              • 9014

                              noshady, I've had many stocks that were thoroughly researched and initially tanked. Nothing had changed that could account for the drop, I held and in the long run did well. I've been suspicious of DDD ever since the controversy about how they calculate earnings, have made good money twice off it so far having bought initially in the 20's. Am still debating whether to sell or hold. DDD has so much positive going for it . Three years from now we'll either say it was a couldn't miss no brainer or a Minnie Pearl Fried Chicken, one of the first stocks I ever bought over 40 years ago.

                              Ski has a really good point in that even if it recovers I could turn that money over 3 X or more and have a great return in a shorter time period swing trading.



                              • noshadyldy
                                Senior Member
                                • Sep 2003
                                • 539


                                I think the industry is going to be revolutionary! In no way is it a fad, or a flash in the pan. I think it will make alot of savvy investors wealthy. 3D printing! Are you kidding me?! How fantastic is that! Especially the much manipulated ONVO with it's bio printing! But as we know timing is important, in the short run anyway. Right now I think it's going to be pulling back to the low to mid forties. I checked stockcharts and they have it as retracing to $42 and Barcharts presently only has it as an 8% buy. I think now is not the time, in MVHO. But honest to heaven, I think there's gold in them thar hills and I mean to be a part of it at a better price.
                                "Whatever you can do or dream you can , begin it. Boldness has genius,power and magic in it." Goethe

