American Exceptionalism

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  • mimo_100
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2003
    • 1784

    American Exceptionalism

    At least someone in Washington responded to "Puken's" remarks.

    Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, reacted to Russian President Vladamir Putin's New York Times op-ed published Thursday cautioning Americans against believing in American exceptionalism.

    Cruz explained Thursday night on Fox News that perhaps Putin was right to be afraid of Americans standing up for their beliefs.

    "Autocrats have reason to fear when Americans focus on our principles and focus on exceptionalism --- because it's been American exceptionalism that stood up to the Nazis and stopped the murder from the Nazis, and it was American exceptionalism that stood up to the Soviet Union and freed hundreds of millions from behind the Iron Curtain," Cruz said during an interview with Sean Hannity. "So Putin is right to be concerned about American exceptionalism."

    Tim - Retired Problem Solver
  • Louetta
    Senior Member
    • Oct 2003
    • 2331

    I didn't read Putin's remarks but America's treatment of Native Americans and Blacks, at least those generations before mine, might give one reason to pause before thinking we are always morally superior to everyone else.


    • mimo_100
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2003
      • 1784

      Originally posted by Louetta View Post
      I didn't read Putin's remarks but America's treatment of Native Americans and Blacks, at least those generations before mine, might give one reason to pause before thinking we are always morally superior to everyone else.
      I agree Louetta. It seems one can go back into the history of most countries and find the same thing. It wasn't until the 1920's or so that the USA surpassed England as the leading world power. With that comes a sobering responsibility as well as many privileges. We have had the luxury of petrodollars and English for a long time. We can debate ad absurdum these responsibilities and privileges. I often shudder to consider China surpassing us in the world. Have you considered their moral record?
      Tim - Retired Problem Solver


      • Duniyo
        Senior Member
        • Oct 2010
        • 199

        "Great" super power is a misnomer. If you look back in history, every super power was built on the misery and despair of countless people. People of power like to dehumanize others in order to justify their hostility and avarice. US is better than most super powers, not because we are scrupulous people, but rather the times we live. Think of Vietnam war circa - US killed millions of people in South Eat Asia in the name of "democracy". Many citizens saw the horror and atrocities we were committing; therefore stand up. While I believe US makes better super power, I doubt China would be that bad.


        • antioch6
          Senior Member
          • Apr 2013
          • 411

          Every country has exceptional people. America is huge(HUGE), so it has a large pool to draw from. You can't make a blanket statement about all Americans, like all are exceptional, or all are fat and stupid. This line of thinking is taking me off the deep end (woah), so I'll leave it at that.


          • Phoenix7
            Senior Member
            • Nov 2011
            • 3663

            General "Mad Dog Mattis" is my kind of man , unfortunately the good General was not on the same page as OBAMA, and as a consequence was pressured into retirement! This Gentleman is the pinnacle of Exceptionalism! Read This about the Good General !

            For those so inclined here is more info on the good general

