I shorted FB this week, and would short TWTR too, but I don't think it's quite overpriced enough yet to be a safe bet. Maybe at 80 I'd short it. Both are going to $5 or under, imo.
Originally posted by billyjoe View Post
I'm going to roll my options out to December and later further if necessary. The results as of 9/30 and the subsequent move in TWTR and the size of the stake GSVC has in TWTR make me continue to believe the NAV is close to 16 right now if not a tad more. To quote Elvis ... fools rush in...
Originally posted by Louetta View PostI'm going to roll my options out to December and later further if necessary. The results as of 9/30 and the subsequent move in TWTR and the size of the stake GSVC has in TWTR make me continue to believe the NAV is close to 16 right now if not a tad more. To quote Elvis ... fools rush in...
That is probably why it is also down AH ($13.11, ouch)
I think there are some other IPO's on deck for 2014 as well, so even though I am down I will hold for now.
I like covered calls to reduce my cost as well.
From the GSV Capital SEC Filing on September 23, 2013.
GSVC owns 1,835,600 common shares of Twitter at a cost of $31,755,821. This is approximately 15% of the NAV of GSVC. This $17.30 per share.
TWTR is $42 as I write this. I am ignoring the preferred shares. The common shares are now worth approximately 1,835,600 times $42 = $77,095,200, an increase of $45,339,379.
Assuming all of the other holding of GSVC remain constant, the NAV is now
$290,634,907 divided by 20.3 million = $14.32 per share. The current price of $13 per share is approximately a 10% DISCOUNT to NAV. I do not know the discount/premium history of GSVC. Assuming it normally trades at par, we can expect the stock to move up about ten percent, all things staying the same.
I am going to buy some here - best time to buy is when the price is low.
There is a posting on the Yahoo GSVC message board. It says that SEC FORM N-2 FILED FOR $400 MILLION STOCK TO BE ISSUED BY GSVC. I searched the SEC website and could not find this filing. The current NAV of CVC is just under $300 million. It is pretty hard to believe that they would dilute the common stock by over 100%. I believe this is just someone ignorant of the facts trying to beat down the price of GSVC common. Perhaps they are short.Last edited by mimo_100; 11-12-2013, 02:20 PM.Tim - Retired Problem Solver
Originally posted by billyjoe View PostThe Good Lord was not with me. Although GSVC spiked over 14 shortly this morn, I'm out.