HCI Sold ==> 25 Winners in a row

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  • billyjoe
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2003
    • 9014

    tiedyed, Was just reading one traders opinion that diversification leads to mediocre results. He specifically mentioned airline stocks and the wisdom of overloading in the leading industries. I'm also in DAL and believe the airlines have many good months left in them. Then, on to other
    leading industries.



    • tiedyed1
      Senior Member
      • Jun 2009
      • 599


      Going heavy in leading industries makes perfect sense to me. Just need to know when it is time to leave too. The industrials have gotten so beaten up lately (KMT, ETN, etc) and I feel they are buys, but my buying power is not infinite either. (My doubling down on HCI yesterday now has me with 700 shares.) I do like buying stocks that have been beaten down for no good reason and that is also why I may own a variety too. My brother in law is very successful, much smarter than me, and always gives me grief for the large number of positions I maintain. It is good to have him around as he keeps on me to trim down to less positions.
      The only sector I stay away from is retail. I did recognize KORS and commented on it months ago, but never took a position as the sector itself is too weak.

      I have always gravitated to pharma and insurance, have owned MPEL and WYNN for a while (as I have visited Macau and was blown away), plus I have some larger positions in MA, BAC, GM, CHK and SD, with the premise that the serious pain is behind them and turn around is taking hold. (On some of these I sell puts, or with GM I bought the warrants, GM+B, as when you evaluate the time frame you leverage 2:1 via buying the warrants that go out to 2019 and with the strike price of 18.33 and the price they trade there is very little (negligent in my opinion) time premium.

      I do subscribe to one pay service but have not gotten rich following them. I have been enjoying Mr. Market back from the IBD bulletin board days and have learned a lot here as well as truly enjoy the camaraderie and it is much more fun too. In my line of work (mortgage broker for >20 yrs) I do have the benefit of monitoring markets more than most too, so it is always great checking in to see what everyone here has to say. Truly appreciate it!

      Old Hippy & Mortgage Pro


      • Massimo
        • Sep 2012
        • 49

        I'm getting creamed in HCI today......down 15% at the moment.

        Should have sold before the earnings came out.......


