Outrageous Predictions for 2014

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  • billyjoe
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2003
    • 9014

    Outrageous Predictions for 2014

    I just got an e-mail of outrageous predictions from an investor site and thought "I'll bet there are some good predictors at Mr.Market's site, especially Mr.Market himself." I'll go first with my prediction that housing won't do squat this year and gold also will flounder with no meaningful moves. I'm going to keep track of these predictions and issue a scorecard next Dec. 31st so go ahead, post your outrageous predictions for 2014 right here.- Also Sears/Kmart will finally bite the dust.......but J.C. Penny's will come back strong.

  • mimo_100
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2003
    • 1784

    New ways to use robots and drones will help productivity.

    There will be major improvements in 3D Printing.

    Republicans gain seats in the November 2014 mid-term election.

    There will be a major terrorist takeover of an important oil pipeline.

    ------------------ Tim
    Tim - Retired Problem Solver


    • Duniyo
      Senior Member
      • Oct 2010
      • 199

      My outrageous prediction for 2014 are: Obamacare individual mandate will be repeal, TWTR will fall at least 50% in 2014, and there will be great tribulations around the world.


      • tiedyed1
        Senior Member
        • Jun 2009
        • 599

        Outrageous predictions for 2014:

        - Edward Snowden gets a journalism job with Huffington Post.
        - The Federal Govt imposes their own separate Federal Sales Tax on Marijuana sold in CO and WA (despite Federal Law prohibiting the sale).
        - Donald Trump gets in a fist fight with Bill deBlasio's son over who has the best hair.

        one other humorous tidbit regarding robots and productivity, as Tim's has already predicted there will be new ways to use robots in 2014, here is one on deck: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/1...n_4261161.html


        • antioch6
          Senior Member
          • Apr 2013
          • 411

          Three Dire Predictions for 2014:

          1. Silver and Gold comeback for the first half of the year, only to finish flat.
          2. Rental housing in the US catches a bid with plans to securitize it by 2015.
          3. A Louetta sex tape scandal makes its way onto the internet.


          • riverbabe
            Senior Member
            • May 2005
            • 3373

            Outrageous predictions for 2014:

            1. Donald Trump, in dire financial straits, takes Mark Cuban's $1 million offer to shave his head with proceeds to his favorite charity (himself).
            2. Alibaba IPO opens north of 100 and then promptly doubles.
            3. Silver hits $40 per ounce again. Riverbabe finally sells her sterling.


            • jiesen
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2003
              • 5319

              Originally posted by Duniyo View Post
              My outrageous prediction for 2014 are: Obamacare individual mandate will be repeal, TWTR will fall at least 50% in 2014, and there will be great tribulations around the world.
              Well, TWTR dropping 50% is a given... whether it doubles or not first, is the only question.
              I predict the tribulations will come from trials. (of tribbles)


              • mimo_100
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2003
                • 1784

                Originally posted by mimo_100 View Post
                New ways to use robots and drones will help productivity.

                There will be major improvements in 3D Printing.

                Republicans gain seats in the November 2014 mid-term election.

                There will be a major terrorist takeover of an important oil pipeline.

                ------------------ Tim
                Regarding new applications for 3D Printing, I was thinking about getting back into Leapfrog (LF). I ran across an article on Toy Manufacturers. Below is a link to the article (You may need to join free to read the entire article!). Here are a few paragraphs on 3D printing.

                “Another - possibly totally disruptive - new technology affecting toys is 3D printing. Quoting an article in the Robin Report written by Nick Graham, the CEO of NGO Inc., this technology is expected to enable consumers to create their own toys in their kitchen given a printer costing $1,000. According to Grahamn, "CNN (recently conducted) a study that compared buying 20 items that included orthotic insoles, an iPhone case, garlic press, safety razor, perogi mold, and spoon holder. They found that printing all 20 objects took about 25 hours and cost a grand total of $18 in plastic and electricity. The savings came out to between $294 and $1,926, depending on the quality of the comparable retail products. And that is in 2013. Imagine in 2020 when if we are to take Moore's Law into effect, it will take one hour and cost $5.”

                "Rather than one factory producing 10 million toys a month, there could be 10 million factories producing one toy a month, and those factories will not be overseas, but in your kitchen, your garage or wherever you feel like putting your 3D printer...... Mattel may eventually never produce toys, but simply sell the format to print Ken and Barbie. Consumers would pay a fee to download and print the renderings, much as they do with songs. Putting this in perspective, according to some estimates, 10% of all consumer products by the year 2025 will be made by the 3D process."

                Tim - Retired Problem Solver


                • riverbabe
                  Senior Member
                  • May 2005
                  • 3373

                  Hey, anybody want to comment about how these turned out?


                  • riverbabe
                    Senior Member
                    • May 2005
                    • 3373

                    Originally posted by riverbabe View Post
                    Outrageous predictions for 2014:

                    1. Donald Trump, in dire financial straits, takes Mark Cuban's $1 million offer to shave his head with proceeds to his favorite charity (himself).
                    2. Alibaba IPO opens north of 100 and then promptly doubles.
                    3. Silver hits $40 per ounce again. Riverbabe finally sells her sterling.
                    Okay, I'll go first. 2. was the closest in opening price, but sure hasn't doubled (yet). 3. Silver???? ROFLMAO! 1. The Donald. Actually, who cares?


                    • billyjoe
                      Senior Member
                      • Nov 2003
                      • 9014

                      Originally posted by billyjoe View Post
                      I just got an e-mail of outrageous predictions from an investor site and thought "I'll bet there are some good predictors at Mr.Market's site, especially Mr.Market himself." I'll go first with my prediction that housing won't do squat this year and gold also will flounder with no meaningful moves. I'm going to keep track of these predictions and issue a scorecard next Dec. 31st so go ahead, post your outrageous predictions for 2014 right here.- Also Sears/Kmart will finally bite the dust.......but J.C. Penny's will come back strong.

                      Well, housing didn't exactly set the world on fire, same with gold. Sears isn't quite dead, just zombie like. As for J.C. Penny, it's down 29.18% YTD.



                      • jiesen
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2003
                        • 5319

                        Originally posted by jiesen View Post
                        Well, TWTR dropping 50% is a given... whether it doubles or not first, is the only question.
                        I predict the tribulations will come from trials. (of tribbles)
                        Well, TWTR started in Jan around $70 and closed today at $35 and change. I'll count that as an accurate call. The tribble trials, however, did not materialize, so I guess I was wrong on that one.

