Please post on this thread! Speak up now! We need feedback

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  • mrmarket
    • Sep 2003
    • 5971

    Please post on this thread! Speak up now! We need feedback

    This board is now 4 months old and we have 590 members. In an effort to give the people what they want, I need to know what it is that you like about this board and what it is that you don't like about this board.

    Also, I am interested in what you think of the analysis I provide in my stock picks. Would you like to see more fundamental analysis, more technical analysis? Do you like my sense of humor or do you think I'm a juvenile idiot.

    Speak up....we need to hear from you!

    I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

    - $$$MR. MARKET$$$

  • #2


    I think the best part about this board are your explanations about why you chose to invest in certain companies. Your sense of humor is great and injects a dose of real world common sense into Wall Street.

    I am not much into technical analysis and I believe that stock prices are more driven by fundamentals, like earnings, earnings, earnings.

    The only thing I dislike is that some posters insist on harping about how long it may take to get 15%, or whether your model should sell a stock if it goes down X%. It's your model and your money.

    Anyone who wants to risk their hard earned cash is free to do so and if they want to sell after losing a few bucks, they can do it.

    It would be great if there could be more discussions on other stocks, without the "trash", (and I think that you would like that too), but it's a very hard balance to maintain.

    You are HUGE!


    Paul Lichter


    • drchrislee

      My favorite thing is prolly the respectful exchange of ideas around here. I haven't seen a flamewar or baiting or any such thing yet, which is rare these days. It really helps to focus on all the great ideas that are shared other words, a very high content-to-noise ratio.

      The ideas, picks, and screens are without question fantastic as well.


      • InvestSteward

        I like

        your open honesty -- hard to find these days!
        Your risk tolerance fits mine and I enjoy your very
        thorough and inciteful discussions of your picks.
        I wouldn't change anything!


        • siliconhippy

          Mr Huge should expand his franchise...

          Mr Huge,

          I joined your board last September, and like most posts here have stated, I must say that yours is a very unique one indeed.

          We all have admired your integrity, openness, sense of humor, and most of all your willingness to listen as opposed to lecture (a right that you have earned anyway but choose not to practise.)

          Not to forget the sharp shooting that still goes on unabated. You are the energizer bunny of the stock market !

          Re: specific suggestions, how about:

          1. Including some technical analysis since, even though fundamentals will always be fundamental, it will be nice to make some comparisons. There seems to be a lot of tech talk going on around, and your insights can cut through the bs;

          2. Commenting more on other stock selection models (which you do sometimes.)




          • NillieWelson


            I am impressed with your stock picking model (I'm still trying to learn it), and I think your analysis of each pick is most excellent. However, with all due respect, I would like to see the addition of a sound TA analysis of each pick.

            As an example, I didn't buy BEL when you recommended it -- solely because its chart showed that it was going to pull back into the 18 - 19ish area. Of course, the TA didn't know about the upcoming secondary offering, but neither did your model or your fundamental analysis. The TA simply indicated that I could wait and buy the stock cheaper than your original posted entry price and that has proven to be correct.

            And, as a result of waiting for the right price, I think it would be safe to say the TA kept me from buying a stock (BEL) that may take much longer to reach the 15% profit goal (due to the secondary); therefore, giving me a second chance to evaluate whether I want to commit money to it at this time.

            I am beginning to believe that for the best overall returns, an investor should use a screening model such as yours to find stocks with the desired criteria and then apply stringent FA to identify good solid companies -- and this is where I find your model to be very efficient. Next, I use TA for entry and exit price points.

            I don't consider myself a TA expert -- far from it -- but I have studied a variety of TA parameters, and I am beginning to feel comfortable reading a chart. So far, the basics of TA seem to be the price and volume relationships, how support and resistance works, moving averages, MACD, RSI, and I'm sure there are others that I haven't experienced yet.

            I look at the fundamentals and make sure the company is profitable with growing revenues and profits, but I don't buy until my TA requirements tell me that the time/price is right. My current TA parameters require that the stock to be at least 3% above it's 50 day EMA, have a positive MACD, rising RSI, and volume >40% above the ADV. All these criteria must be met on the same day.

            I don't believe TA can tell me what the CEO had for breakfast, but I do believe charts reveal when a stock is being accumulated or sold off, and therefore, they are a good guide for finding the best entry and exit price.

            TA seems to be a good way to stay in a stock that is still rising -- with an appropriate percentage stop loss in place to protect profits when you announce that you are selling. WSBK is a good example. It's still rising and I still own it -- with my profits protected by a trailing (but not a hard fixed) stop loss.

            Oh, and I enjoy your sense of humor -- keep it up. Laughter is good medicine.

            I also appreciate the intelligent discussions on this board.

            That's my 2 cents worth and I hope you will give it your consideration.



            • #7
              Re: Please post on this thread! Speak up now! We need feed

              The blend of serious, thoughtful and open discussion and explanation of your methodology with a sense of humor is a welcome relief from the sniping and name-calling on the mainstream Yahoo boards. Your willingness to discuss alternative approaches and the occasional suggestions for tweaks to your method, while remaining absolutely consistent and true to yourself is proof of a confidence born of experience and a depth of character that is a real pleasure to see. Heck, you even gave me my own little sandbox to play in, while I have regularly questioned the wisdom of some aspects of your method.

              I also like the rotating personal pictures up in the corner of the page.
              Personally, I have a real fondness for juvenile idiots.
              Keep up the good work


              • Michaelk005

                I am very impressed with this board soo far. There are many great minds in here and no lossers. I do feel though that the board should be cleared of old messages every once in a while. There so much to look at, and most is over a month old. Thats my only complaint oterwise keep up the good work.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Michaelk005
                  I am very impressed with this board soo far. There are many great minds in here and no lossers. I do feel though that the board should be cleared of old messages every once in a while. There so much to look at, and most is over a month old. Thats my only complaint oterwise keep up the good work.
                  Oh yeah, that reminds me. I think it is so cool the way the old threads that haven't been posted to in a while trickle down and off the front page.


                  • billyjoe
                    Senior Member
                    • Nov 2003
                    • 9014


                    The more models the better. Mr. Mkts. is outstanding especially considering all selections past and current are available with results. I don't know anyone else doing this. If you notice just about all newsletters touting their performance pick the winners retroactively and don't mention the duds that probably made up 80% of their selections. I've followed some of the big names and overall results are awesomely bad. If anyone wants to try a new model and keep us informed regularly as to the results I'd welcome it. We can all learn, especially from failure.
                    I think Thomas Edison once said something to the effect that he was one of the biggest failures of all time. Twenty thousand tries before finding the right material for a light bulb filament! Fire up those computers, search engines,etc.


                    • mxa
                      • Oct 2003
                      • 39

                      Keep Doing What You're Doing!

                      Your analysis is just right. I like the humor and can add my own reasearch where I see fit.


                      • MEA_1956
                        Senior Member
                        • Oct 2003
                        • 655

                        Re: feedback

                        Originally posted by billyjoe
                        The more models the better. Mr. Mkts. is outstanding especially considering all selections past and current are available with results. I don't know anyone else doing this. If you notice just about all newsletters touting their performance pick the winners retroactively and don't mention the duds that probably made up 80% of their selections. I've followed some of the big names and overall results are awesomely bad. If anyone wants to try a new model and keep us informed regularly as to the results I'd welcome it. We can all learn, especially from failure.
                        I think Thomas Edison once said something to the effect that he was one of the biggest failures of all time. Twenty thousand tries before finding the right material for a light bulb filament! Fire up those computers, search engines,etc.
                        A piece I read in How stuff Works, stated what WD40 stood for.Water Displacement on the Fourth try. That's my penny. ===> MEA
                        GO BIG RED!!!!!


                        • carribean_mike

                          Your track record speaks for itself. I have learned alot from this site. I enjoy the different perspectives like Stenzrob, IIC and Park Twain. I like to use some basic technical analysis to make buy and sell decisions. It would be nice if you incorporated some in your analysis, but why fix what is not broken.


                          • Mi6op
                            • Oct 2003
                            • 87

                            I too am impressed with this board and the only thing I could ask for is more TA in your picks.


                            • jiesen
                              Senior Member
                              • Sep 2003
                              • 5320

                              my feedback = YOU are HUGE!

                              First of all- your picks are incredible. This board rocks, and personally, I can't think of a thing that you should change. I appreciate the openness in you methods, as well as the openness in the exchange of ALL ideas, no matter how trivial. It takes a lot of guts to maintain a board like this and still keep your cool, stick to your guns, and come back with a strong stock pick one after another. You really show em all how it's done, Ernie! And like Billyjoe says, I haven't seen any other open forum quite like this one, where you prove time and again that you are indeed the best stock picker of all time.

                              So don't worry about giving us what we want- that's not what's important- give us what we need, and that's just what you've been doing, solid picks backed up with solid research, week after week!

                              But just in case you do want to satisfy everyone's whims, I do have a very tiny request that the users can select the pictures for the headers, or maybe take some more pictures with you AND some hot chicks or something. My coworkers are beginning to wonder about me...

