A couple of the things I like have already been mentioned. One thing I really like is your openness about your next pick as it happens. You are one ofthe few people that very clearly state what they bought on the same day and the price paid. How many times have we heard of someone saying they bought XYZ a week ago? Anyvody can win that way. I also like the way you show all your picks good and bad. Of course, the bad picks have made you a target but at least you have the guts to be out there with them. There is a part of me that likes the approach of picking good companies and holding for a set target regardless. I've looked back over my own selections and many times found that if I would have been more patience and held a little longer the loss would have been a profit or the profit been a big one. The simplicity of your approach is refreshing.
Please post on this thread! Speak up now! We need feedback
As far as the forum goes, it's a comfortable atmosphere where some high-powered info gets shared for free. That seems hard to beat.
With regard to your picks, I've see the model on your homepage, Ernie, but haven't applied it. The huge trawler net full of winners speaks volumes, even if a few picks have taken your hook and run to the ocean floor. I have liked the recent Top Fives including your picks, and your writeups are compelling.
I can't play without stops or be too patient with a dog. Gary Smith wrote something that sticks with me about treating equity as inventory. "Your profit per piece doesn't matter if you never turn your inventory. And your turnover doesn't matter if you're losing money on each sale. What matters is the turnover times profit per piece."
IMO, my picks cry out for at least enough TA to get a reasonable entry (and I don't know how to do it yet). Maybe yours do too.
Originally posted by mrmarketDo you like my sense of humor or do you think I'm a juvenile idiot.