Michael's Monsters

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  • spikefader
    Senior Member
    • Apr 2004
    • 7175

    Disregard warning in my last entry and chart - bullish price has now stopped that short entry out.


    • Michaelk005

      Sold MSFT today for a 18% gain in two months. I would recomend for anyone who bought around 24$ to sell when it aproaches 28$


      • casinoboy3

        What do you see in the future for Microsoft??? It may be wise to sell now to lock in short-term gains, but where do you think it will be at years from now? I'm looking for something I can hold onto for 10 years or so and thinking Microsoft might be a good choice (I got in around $25)... or maybe I should sell and just put it in an index fund like SPY?? THanks


        • Michaelk005

          I dont know if Microsoft is the best choice for a 10 year investment.
          It certainly wont be the worste, but I think that after "long horn" there isnt really another product coming out that will blow people away, they are moving to intergrate thier software with other products such as palms and cell phones. My personall feeling is oil and Gold will soon soar to incredible highs. In ten years gold should be at a min $660 an ounce and oil around $50. Therefore drilling and exploration companies are what I am long on. Also picks like ELN (Biomedical and NANAo tech) which King can take credit for are excellent picks.. But its up to you. Just make sure your buying something that either people need or cant live without.


          • spikefader
            Senior Member
            • Apr 2004
            • 7175

            Originally posted by Michaelk005
            I dont know if Microsoft is the best choice for a 10 year investment.
            It certainly wont be the worste, but I think that after "long horn" there isnt really another product coming out that will blow people away, they are moving to intergrate thier software with other products such as palms and cell phones. My personall feeling is oil and Gold will soon soar to incredible highs. In ten years gold should be at a min $660 an ounce and oil around $50. Therefore drilling and exploration companies are what I am long on. Also picks like ELN (Biomedical and NANAo tech) which King can take credit for are excellent picks.. But its up to you. Just make sure your buying something that either people need or cant live without.
            Thoughtful post and I agree. Gold or silver. Read up on the fundamentals of both and look at the long-term charts and you'll see that GOLD is still at the 'beginning' of a bull market, and there are those that think SILVER has been manipulated short for many years and that at some point there may be an incredible spike up due to short covering. For a good long-term hold, I'd recommend searching for the solid mining stocks. Especially now at the bargain prices since the recent sell-off.


            • Michaelk005

              Bought huge amount of WHT today at $2.48
              Perfect buy time, will now sit patiently and wait for the reversal to bring it back to it $3 leval.


              • carribean_mike

                There are tons of gold miners out there. Why WHT?


                • Michaelk005

                  It just finished a merge with another huge minner in CAnada about 1 months ago which shouldve boosted the share price to close to $4, The negative price on gold is effecting this stock moreso then others in its field.
                  This stock at $2.50 is like Microsoft at $19


                  • Michaelk005


                    Bought ORCL today, will sell when blows past $12


                    • Michaelk005

                      Ive been on a vacation for a while and not posting as often; but I have been watching the markets. Any who have watching gold, oil and the NASDAQ should know what insanity interest rates and war can bring.

                      Personally in times like these I look for stocks who dont move(stay flat in price) for the worste periods of drops. THese In my mind are the securities that investors fell confident enough not to sell off and go with the same flow of mass emotions as other traders. One of These is ORCL another is MSFT. Timing the next reversal in the markets with buying these stocks can make you a quick$
                      GOld will rebound in about 3 weeks to a near $400 range, this is the best thing that could have happened to gold since it only means traders who missed out on the first bull run will have a shot at the second.


                      • Michaelk005

                        Did a quick play in SUNW today, 10 cent gain from yesterday, only a few 100 bucks but pays bills. IM not a big fan of the sideways movement in the market right now so im sleeping in most days, and patiently waiting for gold to rise (I hope!)


                        • Michaelk005

                          Sold my Drooy for a loss. I needed to free up some free cash and didnt have time to wait for it to pop back up.
                          TK is now my strongest holding, blowing past my $70 target.. There should be some big news soon I have insider on so watch it rise again. Good luck out there everyone, some interesting times.


                          • IIC
                            Senior Member
                            • Nov 2003
                            • 14938

                            Originally posted by Michaelk005
                            Sold my Drooy for a loss. I needed to free up some free cash and didnt have time to wait for it to pop back up.
                            TK is now my strongest holding, blowing past my $70 target.. There should be some big news soon I have insider on so watch it rise again. Good luck out there everyone, some interesting times.
                            Hey Michael...Care to fill us in on what that news might be?
                            "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

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                            • Websman
                              Senior Member
                              • Apr 2004
                              • 5545

                              Originally posted by IIC
                              Originally posted by Michaelk005
                              Sold my Drooy for a loss. I needed to free up some free cash and didnt have time to wait for it to pop back up.
                              TK is now my strongest holding, blowing past my $70 target.. There should be some big news soon I have insider on so watch it rise again. Good luck out there everyone, some interesting times.
                              Hey Michael...Care to fill us in on what that news might be?
                              Yes...Inquiring minds want to know.


                              • spikefader
                                Senior Member
                                • Apr 2004
                                • 7175

                                Well it's the time to pull the trigger...... but are we talking about the same stock? This TK ain't near 70....

