Mining IIC's Ganja Index

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  • billyjoe
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2003
    • 9014

    Originally posted by billyjoe View Post
    We know there's money to be made in marijuana stocks, but how much and for how long? The federal govt. could put a stop to legalized weed at any time. I figure the states will fall like dominoes in allowing medical herb. The lid won't be able to be put back on the pot ! Eventually 40-45 states will allow it with a few of the southern states refusing for religious reasons. Imagine what shape Mississippi would be in if they scorned the good book. There is tax money to be made, boys !

    IIC's Ganja Index contains 44 stocks. I lowered that number to The High 9, those that actually had sales and market caps over 100 million. Here they are with current price and market caps.

    1. GWPH 74.70---1.12 bil
    2. GWPRF 6.23---1.1 bil
    3. CANV 73.00---857.31 mil

    4. PHOT .62-----440.14 mil
    5. FITX .09------328 mil
    6. MJNA .33-----308 mil

    7. HERB 1.43---256 mil
    8. PLPL 1.22----149.55 mil
    9. TRTC 1.09---111.28 mil

    Here is the first post of this thread. This will be my last. I posted a few weeks ago but forgot to hit the post reply button and lost it and said "the hell with it". A wise man said the best way to double your money on marijuana stocks is to fold it in half and return it to your pocket. Here are the final quotes for these stocks as of market close 1/9/15. Coming up in a few minutes. To IIC's credit he dropped the Ganja Index from Sharptraders on May 20th.

    1. GWPH---74.70--78.93---+5.66%
    2. GWPRF--6.23---6.51-----+4.49

    3. AERO---6.61--3.70--- -44% replaced HERB in the index as HERB was reclassified in the food group
    4. HERB---1.43--.62---- -57%
    5. MJNA---.33---.128-- -61%
    6. TRTC--1.09--.2633-- -76%
    7. PLPL---1.22-- .2752-- -77%
    8. FITX---.09--- .0136-- -85%
    9. PHOT--.62--- .03---- -95%
    10.CANV-73.00--2.85-- -96%

    When I was just a lad, my pop said "drugs are bad". Stay off the weed, kids.

    Last edited by billyjoe; 01-09-2015, 05:30 PM. Reason: more information

