The Power of Industry Group Strength

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  • billyjoe
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2003
    • 9014

    The Power of Industry Group Strength

    It's been said a top stock or 2 in a strong group will drag even a not so good stock along for the ride. A poor stock in a leading industry will often perform better than a great stock in a lousy industry group. A good example of this being airline stocks. Airlines have been doing great for the last year and in most cases 2 years with a few dips along the way. With the big drop in fuel costs the airline industry group should continue to be strong for the next several months. Here's how the top 8 have done Year to Date and over the last 2 years.

    HA---YTD +126% Price range last 2 years 6-19
    LUV--YTD +112%-------range 9-40
    AAL--YTD +79%--------range .20 to 45 merger with formerly bankrupt AAMRQ
    SAVE YTD +68%--------range 17-80

    DAL--YTD +64%--------range 28-45
    ALK- YTD +54%--------range 20-56
    UAL--YTD +54%--------range 36-58
    JBLU YTD +49%--------range 9-13

    Find any of the top 5 industry groups and check out the stocks in the group. There's money to be made. I've cashed in on 3 of the airlines. I'll probably buy another one tomorrow.

  • riverbabe
    Senior Member
    • May 2005
    • 3373

    VA = shoulda woulda coulda. Re. industry groups, when examining these, also look for the best performer and the worst performer for a possible paired trade, one long - one short?

    I personally have not tried this, but AAII has given tutorials on it.


    • billyjoe
      Senior Member
      • Nov 2003
      • 9014

      River, That's a good idea. If a company stinks while others doing the same thing are hitting new highs it would seem shorting is the thing to do. When the tide turns, the bad performer will head towards 0. I'll look up and post the worst airlines shortly (no pun intended).



      • billyjoe
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2003
        • 9014

        The worst airlines are Control Adora VLRS -41% this year and Latam Airlines LFL -31% this year. Both are shortable. There are actually worse but they either aren't shortable or have no volume.



        • billyjoe
          Senior Member
          • Nov 2003
          • 9014

          Bought some LUV today. Can't argue with the continued success of the airlines. Bought and sold it earlier this year for half the current price.



          • IIC
            Senior Member
            • Nov 2003
            • 14938

            I wholeheartedly agree...Who's Groups do you follow?
            "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

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            • billyjoe
              Senior Member
              • Nov 2003
              • 9014

              Originally posted by IIC View Post
              I wholeheartedly agree...Who's Groups do you follow?
              Sharptraders of course and Vectorvest. Here are my top 10 groups with leaders in each industry.

              1. Transport/Airlines---LUV, HA, ALK
              2. Computer Makers---SMCI, AAPL, HPQ
              3. HMO/Health--------CNC, AET, UNH
              4. AirFreight----------FDX, UPS, AIRT
              5. Trans/Truck-------ARCB, USAK, ODFL

              6. AC/Heating--------AOS, LII, AAON
              7. Home Furnishing---WSM, BBBY
              8. Supermarkets-----IMKTA, PTRY, KR
              9. Painting Products--VAL, RPM, FOE
              10. Comp Graphics---CIMT, SNPS, ANSS



              • billyjoe
                Senior Member
                • Nov 2003
                • 9014

                Top 10 Groups with leaders in each group week of 1/5/15

                1. Airlines-------------LUV, ALK, HA, AAL
                2. Computer Makers---SMCI, HPQ
                3. Supermarkets------IMKTA, PTRY, KR
                4. Transport/Truck----CVTI, USAK, ARCB, ODFL, SWFT
                5. AC/Heating MFG.---AOS

                6. Home Furnishing----WSM, SCSS
                7. Air Freight---------FDX, AIRT
                8. Health/HMO--------CNC, AET, UNH
                9. Drug Stores-------RAD, CVS
                10. Auto Parts-------ORLY, AAP

                There are some ETF groups that are more highly rated. These are common stocks.



                • billyjoe
                  Senior Member
                  • Nov 2003
                  • 9014

                  Top 10 Groups and Leaders in Each 1/10/15

                  1. Computer Makers---SMCI, AAPL, HPQ
                  2. Drugstores---------CVS
                  3. Home Furnishing----WSM
                  4. Airlines-------------HA, ALK, LUV, AAL, UAL
                  5. Health/HMO--------CNC, AET, UNH, CI

                  6. Supermarkets------IMKTA, KR, DEG
                  7. AC/Heating Mfg.----LII, WSO, AAON, AOS
                  8. Air Freight---------FDX, UPS, AIRT
                  9. Comp. Graphics----CIMT, SNPS
                  10. Drug Wholesale---MCK, ABC, MNK, CAH



                  • billyjoe
                    Senior Member
                    • Nov 2003
                    • 9014

                    Top 10 Groups and Leaders in Each 1/16/15

                    1. Drug Stores-----CVS, RAD
                    2. Health/HMO-----CNC, AET, UNH, CI
                    3. Airlines---------ALK, HA, LUV, ALGT, UAL
                    4. Supermarkets---IMKTA, KR, PTRY
                    5. Air Freight------FDX, UPS, AIRT

                    6. Home Furnishings---WSM, SCSS
                    7. Building/AC--------AAON, AOS, WSO
                    8. Computer MFG.----SMCI, AAPL, HPQ
                    9. Containers--------BERY, SEE, GPK
                    10. Restaurants------BWLD, PZZA, RRGB, CMG

                    I own 5 stocks on this weeks list: CNC, LUV, FDX, AAPL, BWLD



                    • riverbabe
                      Senior Member
                      • May 2005
                      • 3373

                      Bill, this thread is very helpful. Thank you!


                      • billyjoe
                        Senior Member
                        • Nov 2003
                        • 9014

                        1/23/2015 Some new groups and changing of order in existing leaders.

                        1. Airlines-------LUV, HA, ALK, AAL, UAL, JBLU, ALGT
                        2. Home Furnish-----WSM, BBBY, ETH
                        3. Health/HMO-----CNC, AET, UNH, CI, HNT
                        4. Retail Food----SVU, CORE, UNFI
                        5. Retail Drugs----CVS, RAD, WBA

                        6. Supermkts.-----KR, IMKTA, PTRY, SPTN
                        7. A/C Heating----WSO, AAON, AOS
                        8. Drugs Whsle.---ABC, MCK, MNK
                        9. Candy----------HSY, RMCF
                        10. Comput. Graphics--PDFS, SNPS, ANSS, CIMT, DASTY



                        • riverbabe
                          Senior Member
                          • May 2005
                          • 3373

                          CANDY???? Hmmm....and before Valentine's Day yet.


                          • mimo_100
                            Senior Member
                            • Sep 2003
                            • 1784


                            Thanks for doing this - it is very helpful.

                            I use Stockfetcher and they come up with different industries.

                            Here are the top 11 sorted by last 12 months performance ( number of companies in parenthesis)

                            Retail - Convenience Stores (3)
                            Semi Memory (3)
                            Uniform And Related (4)
                            Transportation - Airline (21)
                            Medical - Hmo (12)
                            Semi Graphical (1)
                            Food - Meat Products (5)
                            Government Services (3)
                            Appliances - Household (3)
                            Rubber Tires (2)
                            Medical - Nursing Homes (11)
                            Tim - Retired Problem Solver


                            • billyjoe
                              Senior Member
                              • Nov 2003
                              • 9014

                              mimo, We've got some overlap. I don't know the time period for choosing these. I can get a 10 day delta of the top moving industries but that will give completely different results. Keep posting your top 10 when you get a chance. Thanks


