It's been said a top stock or 2 in a strong group will drag even a not so good stock along for the ride. A poor stock in a leading industry will often perform better than a great stock in a lousy industry group. A good example of this being airline stocks. Airlines have been doing great for the last year and in most cases 2 years with a few dips along the way. With the big drop in fuel costs the airline industry group should continue to be strong for the next several months. Here's how the top 8 have done Year to Date and over the last 2 years.
HA---YTD +126% Price range last 2 years 6-19
LUV--YTD +112%-------range 9-40
AAL--YTD +79%--------range .20 to 45 merger with formerly bankrupt AAMRQ
SAVE YTD +68%--------range 17-80
DAL--YTD +64%--------range 28-45
ALK- YTD +54%--------range 20-56
UAL--YTD +54%--------range 36-58
JBLU YTD +49%--------range 9-13
Find any of the top 5 industry groups and check out the stocks in the group. There's money to be made. I've cashed in on 3 of the airlines. I'll probably buy another one tomorrow.
HA---YTD +126% Price range last 2 years 6-19
LUV--YTD +112%-------range 9-40
AAL--YTD +79%--------range .20 to 45 merger with formerly bankrupt AAMRQ
SAVE YTD +68%--------range 17-80
DAL--YTD +64%--------range 28-45
ALK- YTD +54%--------range 20-56
UAL--YTD +54%--------range 36-58
JBLU YTD +49%--------range 9-13
Find any of the top 5 industry groups and check out the stocks in the group. There's money to be made. I've cashed in on 3 of the airlines. I'll probably buy another one tomorrow.