The Power of Industry Group Strength

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  • billyjoe
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2003
    • 9014

    Week Ending 4/24/15

    1. Drug Stores-------CVS, WBA----------#4 five weeks ago
    2. Health/HMO-------CNC*,HUM, CI, AET*, ANTM, UNH, MOH----#4 last week
    3. Insurance Brokers-CISG, AON, WSH, PN, AJG-----------new this week
    4. Dept. Stores------DDS, M------------#2 last week
    5. Shoes------------SKX, WWW, NKE, RCKY, DECK--#6 two weeks ago
    6. Steel Alloy--------ATI, GSM, RTI------#6 last week
    7. Nursing Homes----ENSG, KND, BKD----#9 last week
    8. Financial Software-DST*, FICO-------#8 two weeks ago
    9. Containers--------BLL, CCK----------#10 eight weeks ago
    10. Dairy Prod.------WWAV, DANOY, LWAY--#1 last week

    Bonus Groups
    11. Computer Graphics--SNPS, ANSS, DASTY, MENT, PTC--#9 two weeks ago
    12. Elect. Connectors---MEI, APH, IEHC---------#3 two weeks ago
    13. Hospitals-----------ADPT, CYH, UHS, SCAI, ACHC----new this week

    * I own the stock



    • billyjoe
      Senior Member
      • Nov 2003
      • 9014

      More good news: Reached alltime high over 110 in premarket trading.

      Last edited by billyjoe; 04-28-2015, 08:39 AM.


      • billyjoe
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2003
        • 9014

        Week Ending 5/1/2015

        Huge rotation this week.Many new faces

        1. Steel Alloy-----RTI, GSM, ATI-------#6 last week
        2. Petroleum Drilling----ICD, SDLP-----new this week
        3. Petroleum Intl. Integrated--GST, YPF-new this week
        4. Shoes---SKX, RCKY, NKE, WWW, DECK, ADDYY--#5 last week
        5. Building AC/Heating---AAON, AOS, WSO, LII, FIX--#9 five weeks ago
        6. Building Cement-----USCR, VMC, MLM, EXP, CRH, USLM. MCEM, SUM---new this wek
        7. Machinery Construction--------TEX---------------new this week
        8. Auto Truck Tires---------------GT, PLOW--------new this week
        9. Chemicals------------TSE,OEC, WLK, LYB, MEOH, AXTA---new this week
        10. Electrical Connectors-----MEI, APH, IEHC--------------#12 last week
        11. Insurance Brokers--------CISG, AON, WSH------#3 last week



        • billyjoe
          Senior Member
          • Nov 2003
          • 9014

          Week Ending 5/8/15

          1. Petroleum Drilling------ICD, SDLP-------#2 last week
          2. Steel Alloy------------GSM, RTI, ATI---#1 last week
          3. Insurance Brokers-----PN, CISG, AON, WSH--#11 last week
          4. Shoes----------------SKX, NKE, RCKY, WWW, DECK, ADDYY--#4 last week
          5. Building Cement------USCR, VMC, CRH, EXP, SUM, MLM-------#6 last week
          6. AC/Heating----------AOS, WSO, AAON, FIX, LII--------------#9 six weeks ago
          7. Insurance-----------MFC, PUK, PRU, PFG---------------------new this week
          8. Petroleum Integrated-GST, YPF, PZE----------------#3 last week
          9. Drug stores----------CVS, WBA, RAD--------------- #1 two weeks ago
          10. Investment Banks---SAN, LYG, MTU, TD, JPM------- new this week
          11. Building Misc.-------APOG, AYI, BLDR, MHK--------- new this week
          12. Electrical Connectors-MEI, APH, IEHC---------------#10 last week

          I don't own any of these stocks , but will when market confirms turnaround.



          • billyjoe
            Senior Member
            • Nov 2003
            • 9014

            Week Ending 5/15/2015

            1. Steel Alloy------------RTI, ATI, GSM, AYSI-----#2 last week
            2. Petroleum Drilling------ICD, RIG, PES----------- #1 last week
            3. Textiles--------------CFI, UFI, ITOCY--------- #5 four weeks ago
            4. Drug Stores----------CVS, WBA, RAD---------- #9 last week
            5. Dairy Products--------LWAY, WWAV------------#10 three weeks ago
            6. Insurance Brokers----PN, AON, CISG----------- #3 last week
            7. Air Freight-----------FDX, AAWW, ATSG------- new this week
            8. AC/Heating----------AOS, FIX, AAON, WSO, LII-#6 last week
            9. Construct. Equipment-CAT, ASTE, TEX---------new this week
            10. Soft Drinks---------MNST, AKOB, PRMW, COKE-new this week
            11. Funeral Services----CSV, SCI, HI-------------#7 seven weeks ago
            12. Shoes-------------SKX, NKE, CROX, WWW---#4 last week
            13. Building Cement----USCR, VMC, CRH---------#5 last week



            • riverbabe
              Senior Member
              • May 2005
              • 3373

              12. Shoes. CNBC recommends FL. They report on Friday and NKE is BIG for them. (I have not verified this info. Do your own DD).


              • billyjoe
                Senior Member
                • Nov 2003
                • 9014

                Week of 5/22/2015

                1. Petroleum Drilling-------ICD, SDLP--------#2 last week
                2. Healthcare/HMO-------CNC, HUM, AET*, CI, ANTM, MOH, UNT, HNT----#2 four weeks ago
                3. Electrical Connectors---MEI, APH, IEHC----#12 two weeks ago
                4. Insurance Brokers-----PN, AON, WSH------#6 last week
                5. Funeral Services------CSV, MATW, SCI, HI-#11 last week
                6. Airfreight-------------FDX, AAWW, ATSG, AIRT--#7 last week
                7. Textiles--------------ITOCY, UFI----------#3 last week
                8. Building/AC-----------AAON, AOS, WSO, LII--same as last week
                9. Health/Outpatient/Home--USPH, AMSG, FMS--new this week
                10. Machinery/Construction--TEX, ASTE--------#9 last week
                11. Finance/Credit--------GPN, WWFT, MA*, ALLY, HAWKB, HAWK----new this week
                12. Dairy-----------------WWAV--------------#5 last week
                13. Leisure/Hotel---------HMIN----------------new this week
                14. Steel Alloy-----------ATI-----------------#1 last week

                * indicates I own the stock



                • billyjoe
                  Senior Member
                  • Nov 2003
                  • 9014

                  Week Ending 5/29/2015

                  1. Healthcare/HMO-------HUM, CNC, AET, CI,ANTM, MOH, UNH, HNT----still holding AET, wish it had been HUM--Up from #2 last week
                  2. Drug Stores-----------CVS, WBA, RAD------#4 two weeks ago
                  3. Hospitals------------- ADPT, AAC, UHS, CYH, HCA, SCAI, ACHC------#13 five weeks ago
                  4. Insurance Brokers-----PN, AON, CNXR, AJG--------------------------same position as last week
                  5. Outpatient/Home Care-AMED, KANG, AMSG, USPH, AFAM, FMS------- #9 last week
                  6. Funeral Services------CSV, SCI, MATW----------------------------- down from #5 last week
                  7. AC/Heating-----------AOS, AAON, WSO, LII, FIX-------------------- up from #8
                  8. Movies---------------AVID, BONA, IMAX, EROS---------------------new this week
                  9. Hotel/Motel----------SNOW, HMIN, IHG,VAC, MAR------------------ up from #13 last week
                  10. Paint---------------VAL, FOE------------------------------------ new this week
                  11. Electrical Connectors-MEI, APH, IEHC------------------------------down from #3 last week
                  12. Tobacco------------RAI, LO, MO----------------------------------new this week



                  • billyjoe
                    Senior Member
                    • Nov 2003
                    • 9014

                    Week Ending 6/5/15

                    1. Fiber Optics------------INFN, CIEN, AFOP--------new this week
                    2. Multi Regional Banks----SIVB, FCB, WFC, NTRS, SQBK--#8 seven weeks ago
                    3. Movies-----------------AVID, BONA, EROS, IMAX------#8 last week
                    4. Healthcare/HMO--------CNC, AET*, HUM, CI, ANTH, UNH, MOH--#1 last week
                    5. Computer Graphics-----SNPS, ANSS, DASTY, MENT-----#11 six weeks ago
                    6. Healthcare/Outpatient--AMED, AMSG, USPH, FMS, ADUS-#5 last week
                    7. Internet Network-------INUV, FFIV, AKAM, RDCM-------new this week
                    8. Funeral Services-------CSV, MATW, SCI, HI------------#6 last week
                    9. Air Freight-------------FDX, AAWW, ATSG-------------#6 two weeks ago
                    10. Hotels/Motels--------SNOW, HMIN, IHG, VAC, MAR----#9 last week
                    11. Automation----------HOLI, HURC---------------------new this week
                    12. Drug Stores----------CVS, WBA, RAD, FDNH----------#2 last week

                    * indicates I own stock



                    • billyjoe
                      Senior Member
                      • Nov 2003
                      • 9014

                      Week Ending 6/12/15

                      1. Drug Stores----------------CVS, WBA, RAD------------up from #12 last week
                      2. Fiber Optics----------------LPTH, INFN, CIEN, OCLR----was #1 last week
                      3. Healthcare/Outpatient------AMED, AFAM, AMSG, USPH-up from #6 last week
                      4. Bank/Multi Regional---------SIVB, FCB, WFC, NTRS, SQBK-#2 last week
                      5. Healthcare/HMO-----------CNC, HUM, UNH, AET*, CI, ANTH, MOH, HNT----was #4 last week
                      6. Internet-------------------INUV, FFIV, AKAM-------------up from #7 last week

                      7. Building Mat/Paint----------VAL, FOE, RPM------------up from #10 two weeks ago
                      8. Financial Credit------------GPN, MA*, EEFT, PLPM, XOOM, ALLY, HAWK---was #11 three weeks ago
                      9. Hotel/Motel----------------HMIN, HTHT--------------up from #10 last week
                      10. Air Freight----------------FDX, AAWW, ATSG-------down from #9 last week
                      11. Banks West/So. West-----WIBC, CFR, PB, WAL, COLB, HFWA---new this week
                      12. Building/AC---------------AOS, ALON, LII, WSO-----was #7 two weeks ago

                      *I own



                      • billyjoe
                        Senior Member
                        • Nov 2003
                        • 9014

                        Week Ending 6/19/2015

                        1. Healthcare/HMO------CNC, CI, AET*, HUM, UNH, ANTM, MOH, HNT-----up from #5 last week
                        2. Telecom/Fiber Optics--INFN, CIEN-----same as last week
                        3. Healthcare/Outpatient-AMED, AFAM, USPH, AMSG, LHCG, ADUS------same as last week
                        4. Drugstores-----------CVS, WBA, RAD-------down from #1
                        5. Paint Products-------VAL, FOE, RPM--------up from #7
                        6. Sugar/Flour/Grain----MGPI, ADM, POST, GMK---new this week
                        7. Hospitals------------ADPT, AHC, UHS, CYH, SCAI, HCA, ACHC, LPNT--was #3 three weeks ago
                        8. Funeral Services-----CSV, MATW, SCI, HI------was #8 two weeks ago
                        9. Credit Services------GPN, PLPM, MA*, HAWK, EEFT, ALLY, ECPG---was #8 last week
                        10. Banks Multi Regional--FCB, SIVB, WFC, NTRS, SQBK--------was #4 last week
                        11. Movies-------------BONA, IMAX---------------was #3 two weeks ago

                        * indicates I own



                        • riverbabe
                          Senior Member
                          • May 2005
                          • 3373

                          Originally posted by billyjoe View Post
                          Week Ending 6/19/2015

                          8. Funeral Services-----CSV, MATW, SCI, HI------was #8 two weeks ago

                          People must be dropping like flies. Or there is a lot of M&A going on with the big guys making big bucks. Otherwise can't wrap my brain around this. I asked the funeral director last week and he said there are very few "mom and pop" operations left.

                          Billy, I asked another funeral director last weekend in Chicago. Three of them were there. They said it's the aging population, the M&A and the big boys charging "anything they want." There are still a lot of family businesses left for the big boys to expand into. They all recommended funeral services as a great long term investment in a fast-growing industry. So there we have it!
                          Last edited by riverbabe; 07-04-2015, 08:19 AM.


                          • billyjoe
                            Senior Member
                            • Nov 2003
                            • 9014

                            River, I'm sure it's the M&A factor. My friend has had a family funeral home for 70 years. Major funeral chains approached his father about selling out 45 years ago. At that time it was almost unheard of. Especially in small towns.



                            • billyjoe
                              Senior Member
                              • Nov 2003
                              • 9014

                              Week ending 6/26/2015

                              1. Healthcare/HMO------CNC, CI, AET*, HUM, UNH, MOH, ANTH, HNT------stays at #1
                              2. Hospitals-------------ADPT, UHS, CYH, HCA, LPNT, THC, AAC, SCAI, ACHC, SSY---up from #7
                              3. Paint Products-------FOE, VAL-----up from #5
                              4. Credit Services------GPN, EEFT, MA*, HAWK, ECPG, ALLY, PLPM----up from #9
                              5. Regional Banks-------SIVB, FCB, NTRS, SQBK, STI-----up from #10

                              6. Healthcare/ Outpatient---AMED, USPH, AMSG, AFAM-----down from #3
                              7. Funeral Services---------CSV, MATW, SCI, HI-----------up from #8
                              8. Banks W/SW (tie)--------WIBC, CFR, PB, WAL-----------was #11 two weeks ago
                              9. Sugar/Flour/Grain (tie)---MGPI, ADM, GMK, POST---------down from #6
                              10. Insurance-(tie)---------MFC, PRU, PUK, PFG-----------was #7 seven weeks ago

                              11. Drugstores (tie)--------CVS, WBA, RAD, FDNH----------down from #4
                              12. Financial Software(tie)----DST*-------------------------was #8 nine weeks ago
                              13. Air Freight-(tie)--------AAWW, FDX, ATSG, AIRT-------was #10 two weeks ago

                              * I own



                              • billyjoe
                                Senior Member
                                • Nov 2003
                                • 9014

                                Week Ending 7/3/2015

                                1. Hospitals------------ADPT, UHS, AAC, HCA, CYH, LPNT, THC, ACHC-----up from #2
                                2. Healthcare/HMO-----CI, CNC, HNT, AET*, HUM, ANTM, MOH------------down from #1
                                3. Finance/Credit------MA*, EEFT, GPN, XOOM, HAWK, PLPM, ALLY, V-----up from #4
                                4. Health/Out Pat.-----AMED, USPH, AMSG, AFAM------------------------up from #6
                                5. Air Freight----------FDX, AAWW, AIRT, ATSG--------------------------up from #13
                                6. Bank/ Multi Reg-----SIVB, FCB, WFC, NTRS, SQBK---------------------down from #5
                                7. Paint Products------VAL, FOE----------------------------------------down from #3
                                8. Funeral Services----CSV, MATW, SCI, HI-----------------------------down from #7
                                9. Banks S/SW--------WIBC, PB, CFR, HFWA----------------------------down from #8
                                10. Tobacco----------AOI, RAI-----------------------------------------was #12 six weeks ago
                                11. Automation-------HOLI, HURC--------------------------------------was #11 four weeks ago
                                12. Sugar/Flour/Grain--MGPI, ADM, POST, GMK--------------------------was tied for 8-13th place last week

                                There are approximately 192 industry group so these are the cream of the crop, the top 6% of all industries for the week.

                                * indicates I own

                                My next post will tell you how good I'm doing with this method for picking stocks in 2015. Will include dollar amounts open and closed positions.

                                Last edited by billyjoe; 07-03-2015, 09:56 PM.

