The Power of Industry Group Strength

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  • mimo_100
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2003
    • 1784

    Heating /AC--------------TECU, AOS, FIX, WSO, LII--------------#1 seven weeks straight!

    WOW - pretty amazing billy - I wonder who is buying!
    Tim - Retired Problem Solver


    • billyjoe
      Senior Member
      • Nov 2003
      • 9014

      Originally posted by mimo_100 View Post
      Heating /AC--------------TECU, AOS, FIX, WSO, LII--------------#1 seven weeks straight!

      WOW - pretty amazing billy - I wonder who is buying!
      Maybe AC does this every summer, but 7 straight weeks? I would doubt it. Never have seen a group dominate like this except possibly airlines a year ago.



      • billyjoe
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2003
        • 9014

        Week Ending 9/25/15

        1. Electrical Connectors-----MEI, IEHC, APH--------------#2 last week
        2. Meat Products-----------CALM, HRL, TSN, IBA---------#15 last week
        3. Retail Chains-------------TGT, COST-------------------#12 last week
        4. Periodicals---------------RENX, NLSN------------------#6 last week
        5. Soap/Cleaning Supply----CHD, CLX, SLGD-------------- #7 last week
        6. Tobacco-----------------RAI, MO---------------------#4 last week
        7. AC/Heating--------------AOS, WSO, FIX, LII-----------#1 last week
        8. Banks South/West-------HTBK, HFWA, TBK, AMRB, HAFC, COLB, PACW, CATY---#9 seven weeks ago
        9. Candy-------------------HSY--------------------------#9 last week
        10. Auto Parts-------------AZO, ORLY, AAP, LAD, AN-------#10 six weeks ago
        11. Financial Software------JKHY, SSNC, PEGA, DST--------#11 two weeks ago
        12. Banks Midwest---------PVTB, COFS, PSBQ, SMBC, GSBC-#12 five weeks ago



        • billyjoe
          Senior Member
          • Nov 2003
          • 9014

          Week Ending 10/02/2015

          1. Electrical Connectors-----MEI, IEHC-------------------#1 two weeks straight
          2. Chain Stores-------------TGT, COST------------------up from #3 last week
          3. Meat Products-----------CALM, HRL, TSN, MHG, IBA---was #2 last week
          4. Soap & Cleaning Supply---CHD, CLX, SLGD-------------up from #5 last week
          5. Periodicals---------------RENX------------------------down from #4
          6. Candy-------------------HSY, RMCF------------------up from #9
          7. Tobacco-----------------RAI, MO---------------------down from #6
          8. Auto Parts--------------AAP, AZO, ORLY, LAD, PAG, AN-up from #10
          9. Financial Software-------LKHY, SSNC, PEGA-----------up from #11
          10. Containers-------------CCK, SLGN-------------------new this week
          11. Gas Utility--------------WGL, LG, ATO, CPK----------new this week
          12. Savings & Loan---------BOFI, ACFC, LTXB, STL, PPBI-was #13 four weeks ago
          13. Life Insurance----------LFC, HIG, UTGN--------------new this week
          14. Banks West/Southwest-TBK, HFWA, CACB, HTBK, PACW, AMRB--was #8 last week


          I will stop updating this list each week at end of this year, but you can ask in this thread the placement of individual stocks or the strength of their group.


          • billyjoe
            Senior Member
            • Nov 2003
            • 9014

            Week Ending 10/9/2015

            1. Auto/Truck Tires------CTB, GT, PLOW----------------was #14 three weeks ago
            2. Automation-----------HOLI, HURC-------------------was #3 three weeks ago
            3. Electrical Connectors--MEI, IEHC--------------------was #1 last week
            4. Building AC/Heating---AOS, FIX, WSO, LII------------was #7 two weeks ago
            5. Building Products-----CENT, CENTA, TSCO, HD, GWW-was #13 three weeks ago
            6. Metal/Glass Container-CCK, SLGN--------------------was #10 last week
            7. Retail Chains---------COST, TGT---------------------was #2 last week
            8. Gas Utility------------EQM, OKE, EGN----------------new this week
            9. Financial Sftware-----JKHY, PEGA, SSNC, YDLE--------was #9 last week
            10. Tobacco------------RAI, BTI, MO-------------------was #7 last week
            11. Machine Tools------LECO, ATU---------------------new this week
            12. Office Automation--PBI, CAJ------------------------new this week
            13. Meat Products------CALM, HRL, TSN, MHG, IBA-----was #3 last week
            14. Soap/Cleaning Prods-CHD, ECL, CLX, SLGD----------was #4 last week
            15. Life Insurance------LFC, SFG-----------------------was #13 last week
            18. Periodicals---------RENX, NLSN--------------------was #5 last week



            • billyjoe
              Senior Member
              • Nov 2003
              • 9014

              Week Ending 10/16/2015

              1. Electrical Connectors-------MEI, IEHC--------------#3 last week
              2. Gas Utility-----------------EQM, WGL, LG, TGS-----#8 last week
              3. Metal/Glass Containers-----CCK, SLGN--------------#6 last week
              4. Soap Cleaning Prods.-------CHD, ECL, SLGD, CLX---#14 last week
              5. Tobacco------------------RAI, BTI, MO-----------#10 last week
              6. Auto/Truck Tires----------CTB, GT, PLOW----------#1 last week
              7. AC/Heating Supply--------AOS, FIX, WSO, LII------#4 last week
              8. Periodicals----------------RENX, NLSN-------------#16 last week
              9. Financial Software--------JKHY, PEGA, DST--------- #9 last week
              10. Automation Machine-----HOLI, HURC--------------#2 last week
              11. Office Automation-------PBI, CAJ-----------------#12 last week
              12. Media Books-------------EDUC, LOAN, MHFI-------new this week
              13. Newspapers-------------SSP, SMG, MEG, NEWM, LEE, FOX--new this week
              14. Mobile Mfg.-------------DW, PATK, THO, NOBH----#8 four weeks ago
              15. Semiconductor Mfg.-----MSCC, IDTI, PSEM, SWKS, TSM---new this week



              • billyjoe
                Senior Member
                • Nov 2003
                • 9014

                Week Ending 10/23/2015

                1. Bldg AC/Heating----------AOS, WSO, FIX, LII, WSOB----#7 last week
                2. Electrical Connectors-----MEI, APH, IEHC---------------#1 last week
                3. Financial Software-------JKHY, INTU, DST, PEGA, SSNC--#9 last week
                4. Semiconductor Mfg.------CRUS, IDTI, AVGO, SWKS, PMCS-#15 last week
                5. Automation Machinery---HOLI, HURC--------------------#10 last week
                6. Bldg. Mobile Mfg.--------DW, PATK, THO, NOBH----------#14 last week
                7. Funeral Services--------MATW, CSV, HI-----------------#10 seven weeks ago
                8. Tobacco----------------RAI, BTI, MO-------------------#5 last week
                9. Auto/Truck Tires--------CTB, GT, PLOW-----------------#6 last week
                10. Office Equipment------PBI, CAJ------------------------#11 LAST WEEK
                11. Computer Networks----QLGC, PLCM--------------------new this week
                12. Periodicals------------RENX, NLSN---------------------#8 last week
                13. Newspapers----------JMG,SSP,MEG,NEWM,FOX,TGNA---same as last week
                14. Containers Metal/Glass--CCK---------------------------#3 last week
                15. Containers Paper/Plastic--BERY, BMS, GPK--------------new this week



                • billyjoe
                  Senior Member
                  • Nov 2003
                  • 9014

                  Week Ending 10/30/2015

                  1. Financial Software------JKHY, PEGA, DST, INTU, SSNC--------#3 last week
                  2. AC/Heating Mfg.-------AOS, FIX, LII, WSO------------------#1 last week
                  3. Electrical Connectors---MEI, IEHC---------------------------#2 last week
                  4. Software Desktop------ADBE, RHT---------------------------new this week
                  5. Building Mobile Mfg.----CVCO, DW, THO, PATK, NOBH----------#6 last week
                  6. Newspapers-----------JMG, SSP, MEG-----------------------#13 last week
                  7. Funeral Services-------MATW, CSV, HI-----------------------same as last week
                  8. Containers Paper/Plastic-BTR, BERY, GPK, SON----------------#15 last week
                  9. Utility Gas-------------TGS, WGL, EQM-----------------------#2 two weeks ago
                  10. Computer Graphics---DASTY, SNPS, ANSS, MENT, CDNS------new this week
                  11. Periodicals-----------RENX, NLSN, MDP----------------------#12 last week
                  12. Office Supply--------ODP, EBF, AVY-------------------------new this week
                  13. Tobacco-------------RAI, BTI, MO--------------------------#8 last week



                  • billyjoe
                    Senior Member
                    • Nov 2003
                    • 9014

                    Week Ending 11/6/2015

                    1. AC/Heating Mfg.-----AOS, FIX, AAON, LII, WSO---------------#2 last week
                    2. Computer Mfg.------AAPL, CRAY, SMCI, SGI--------------------new this week
                    3. Desktop Software---ADBE, MSFT, LOGM, NUAN-----------------#4 last week
                    4. Electrical Connectors-MEI, APH, IEHC--------------------------#3 last week
                    5. Computer Graphics---SNPS, MENT, DASTY, CDNS---------------#10 last week
                    6. Business Staffing----ASGN, TBI, BBSI, CCRN, JOB, HSII, JOBS, KFY--new this week
                    7. Newspapers---------MEG, JMG, NEWM, SSP, FOX, TGNA, LEE-------#6 last week
                    8. Office Supply-------ODP, EBF, AVY, BRC---------------------------#12 last week
                    9. Funeral Services----CSV, MATW, HI-------------------------------#7 last week
                    10. Financial Sftware--PEGA, JKHY, DST, INTU, SSNC-----------------#1 last week
                    11. Air Freight--------FDX, UPS, ATSG, AIRT-------------------------new this week



                    • billyjoe
                      Senior Member
                      • Nov 2003
                      • 9014

                      Week Ending 11/13/2015

                      1. Heating/AC Mfg.--------------AOS, LII, FIX, WSO------------still #1
                      2. Electrical Connectors---------MEI, IEHC---------------------was #4 last week
                      3. Funeral Services-------------CSV, MATW, HI----------------was #9 last week
                      4. Software Desktop------------ADBE, LOGM------------------was #3 last week
                      5. Software Financial-----------INTU, JKHY, PEGA, DST--------was #10 last week
                      6. Computer Graphics-----------SNPS, DASTY, MENT, CDNS----was #5 last week
                      7. Computer Makers------------AAPL, CRAY-------------------was #2 last week
                      8. Newspapers-----------------JMG, MEG, SSP, NEWM, FOX---was #7 last week
                      9. Bldg. Mobile Mfg.------------DW, THO, CVCO---------------was #5 two weeks ago
                      10. Retail Computers-----------TECD, PCCC-------------------new this week
                      11. Banks Wst/Swst-----------CACB, PFBC, WAL, HFWA, TCBK, CATY, CFR----#14 six weeks ago
                      12. Periodicals-----------------RENX, NLSN, MSO-------------#11 two weeks ago
                      13. Painting Products----------VAL, FUL----------------------new this week
                      14. Media/Television-----------DIS, CMCSA, CMCSK, AMEX, CBS--new this week
                      15. Semiconductor Mfg.--------PSEM, IDTI, MPWR, VIMC---------#4 three weeks ago



                      • billyjoe
                        Senior Member
                        • Nov 2003
                        • 9014

                        Week Ending 11/20/15

                        1. Software Desktop--------ADBE, NUAN------------#4 last week
                        2. Computer Mfg.-----------AAPL, CRAY------------#7 last week
                        3. AC/Heating Mfg.---------AOS, FIX, LII-----------#1 last week
                        4. Funeral Services---------MATW, CSV, HI---------#3 last week
                        5. Painting Products-------VAL, FUL---------------#13 last week
                        6. Office Supply-----------BRC, EBF, AVY-----------#8 two weeks ago
                        7. Mobile Mfg.-------------DW, THO, PATK----------#9 last week
                        8. Wood Products---------UFPI, HDIUF-------------new this week
                        9. Financial Software-----INTU, JKHY--------------#5 last week
                        10. Air Freight-------------FDX, UPS----------------#11 two weeks ago
                        11. Banks W/Swst--------WAL, TCBK, CATY--------#11 last week
                        12. Periodicals-----------RENX, NLSN---------------#12 lasy week
                        13. Semiconductor Mfg.--IDTI, MPWR, SIMO, PMCS, SWKS, AVGO---#15 last week
                        14. Newspapers----------JMG, SSP, MEG, NEWM----#8 last week
                        15. General Insurance----PRU, PUK, JRVR-----------#2 fourteen weeks ago
                        16. Media Television-----DIS, CMCSA, CMCSK, AMCX, CBS---#14 last week



                        • billyjoe
                          Senior Member
                          • Nov 2003
                          • 9014

                          Week Ending 11-27-2015

                          1. AC/Heating-----------AOS, FIX, LII----up from #3
                          2. Desktop Software-----ADBE, NUAN, RHT-down from #1
                          3. Mobile Mfg/Building---DW, THO, CVCO--up from #7
                          4. Painting products-----FUL, VAL-------up from #5
                          5. Funeral Services-----MATW, CSV, HI--down from #4
                          6. Air Freight-----------FDX, UPS, AIRT, ATSG, AAWW---up from #10
                          7. Wood Products------UFPL, HDIUF-----up from #8
                          8. Sugar/Flour/ Grain---MGPI, POST, INGR----was #4 fifteen weeks ago
                          9. Machine Tools-------LECO, HONG--------new this week
                          10. Newspapers--------JMG, MEG, SSP, NEWM, TGNA-------up from #14
                          11. Financial Software-PEGA, INTU, JKHY------down from #9
                          12. Containers Paper/Plastic--BERY, BMS, SON, GPK---was #8 four weeks ago
                          13. Office Supply------BRC, EBF, AVY, ODP-----------down from #6
                          14. Computer Mfg.-----CRAY, AAPL-------------------down from #2
                          15. Computer Graphics--DASTY, SNPS----------------was #6 two weeks ago



                          • billyjoe
                            Senior Member
                            • Nov 2003
                            • 9014

                            Week Ending 12/4/2015

                            1. Heating /AC-----FIX, AOS, LII----still #1
                            2. Painting Products-FUL, VAL, RPM--was #4 last week
                            3. Sugar/Flour/Grain--MGPI, INGR, POST--#8 last week
                            4. Desktop Softwre---ADBE, NUAN------previously #2
                            5. Building Mobile Mfg.-DW, THO, CVCO, PATK--had been #3
                            6. Computer Makers---CRAY, SGI, AAPL, SMCI-used to be #14
                            7. Newspapers-------JMG, SSP, NEWM, MEG--formerly #10
                            8. Semiconductor Mfg.--AVGO, CRUS, IDTI, SWKS, BRCM-#13 two weeks ago

                            9. Funeral Services----CSV, MATW, HI-----dying to get back to #5
                            10. General Insurance--PRU, JRVR, PUK----there for you from #15 two weeks back
                            11. Office Supply------EBF, BRC, AVY------moves up 2 places
                            12. Machine Tools-----HDNG--------------tools drop 3 spots
                            13. Wood Products----UFPI, HDIUF--------drops 6 places, save a tree!
                            14. Air Freight--------FDX, UPS, AIRT, AAWW--won't fly to my door, dropped 8
                            15. Bank Multi Region--FCB, SIVB, NTRS-------new this week, raise the rates and you'll go higher



                            • billyjoe
                              Senior Member
                              • Nov 2003
                              • 9014

                              Week Ending 12/11/2015 Big Changes and newcomers

                              1. Sugar/Flour/Grain----------MGPI, STKL------up from #3
                              2. AC/Heating----------------AOS, FIX, LII----down from #1
                              3. Building Maintenance------MG, EME, CIGI----new this week
                              4. Drugs Whsle. Distributor---ABC, MCK, OMI---new this week
                              5. Building Tools-------------BLT, TTC, SNA----new this week
                              6. Semiconductor Mfg.-------AVGO, BRCM, IDTI, SWKS--up from #8
                              7. Machinery Automation-----HOLI, HURC------#5 seven weeks ago
                              8. Software Desktop---------ADBE, NUAN------#4 last week
                              9. Aerospace Electric--------AVAV-------------new this week

                              10. Wood Products----------UFPI, HDIUF------#13 last week
                              11. Scientific Instruments---DHR, ORBK, TMO, WAT-new this week
                              12. Financial Sopftware-----INTU, JKHY----------#11 two weeks ago
                              13. Aerospace Mfg.---------NOC, GD, BA----------new this week
                              14. Periodicals--------------MSO, RENX, NLSN----#12 three weeks ago
                              15. Mobile Manufacturing---THO, DW, PATK, NOBH-#3 two weeks ago
                              16. Painting Products-------VAL, FUL-------------#2 last week
                              17. E-Commerce------------STMP-----------------new this week
                              18. Retail Drugstore---------WBA, CVS, NPD-------back after months off the list



                              • billyjoe
                                Senior Member
                                • Nov 2003
                                • 9014

                                Week Ending 12-18-2015

                                1. Drug Wholesale Mfg.------------ABC, MCK, OMI, MNK, CAH-------up from #4
                                2. Sugar/Flour/Grain--------------MGPI, INGR, STKL,POST----------down 1 spot
                                3. Scientific Instruments----------ORBK, DHR, TMO----------------up from #11
                                4. Building Tools------------------TTC, SNA-----------------------up from #5
                                5. E-Commerce-------------------STMP, JRJC, JD, AMZN, BZUN----up from #17
                                6. Aerospace / Defense-----------AVAV--------------------------up from #9
                                7. Generic Drugs------------------AGN, TARO, LFVN, MYL---------new this week
                                8. Healthcare/HMO---------------CNC, UNH, AET, CI, HUM--------back after several months

                                9. Desktop Software-------------ADBE, NUAN--------------------down 1 spot
                                10. Semiconductor Mfg.----------AVGO, BRCM, IDTI, TSM, PMCS--down 4 spots
                                11. AC/Heating------------------AOS, FIX, LII-------------------down 9 spots
                                12. General Insurance-----------JRVR, PUK, PRU---------------#10 two weeks ago
                                13. Financial Software-----------JKHY, PEGA, INTU---------------down 1 spot
                                14. Building Maintenance--------EME, CIGI, IESC-----------------down 11 spots
                                15. Air Freight------------------FDX, AIRT, UPS, AAWW----------was #14 two weeks ago
                                16. Banks Midwest--------------FSB, PVTB, CHFC----------------new this week


