Stock Picks for 2015, Results of 2014 Picks

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  • billyjoe
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2003
    • 9014

    Here's the good, bad, and ugly after the 1st quarter of 2015

    Louetta: MBT+40.67%, RUSL+30.53%, TNK+13.89%, AAPL+13.17%, SLV+5.78%, F+5.22%, GLD+.07%, BAC-13.68%, DRYS-28.30%, NBG-28.49% ..

    Phoenix: CNC+36.15%, SWKS+35.40%, EA+25.09%, MACK+5.13%, GTIM+3.30%,
    CY-.49%, PPC-18.39%, TRUE-22.05%, LOCK-23.77%, SWIR-30.18%..

    Six-Feet-4: BFR+48.04%, WWAV+26.72%, TSM+4.92%, SIRO+3.00%,
    MTW-2.44%, KNX-4.02%, DAL-8.41%, TASR-8.95%, TSLA-15.13%, PBR-17.67%..

    Mimo: AMOT+40.10%, SWKS+35.40%, QRVO+13.21%, F+5.22%, CEF+3.02%, VOO+.94%,
    TBX-3.05%, DYSL-6.25%, OPTT-sold, VA-sold..

    billy: CNC+36.15%, AAPL+13.17%, DIS+11.36%, FB+5.38%, RH+3.31%, BWLD+.48%, MA+.48%,
    ODFL-.44%, FDX-4.62%, BABA-sold..

    Riverbabe: AMBA+49.27%, AKRX+31.24%, AVGO+26.61%, ZBRA+17.19%, AAPL+13.17%, TSRA+12.64%, INGN+1.98%, CRMT+1.63%,
    BABA-19.92%, GPRO-sold...

    You have until the end of next Friday to sell any of your picks and put the play money towards any remaining stock in your top 10. I put my BABA money into CNC, Riverbabe put her GPRO money into TSRA, Mimo sold his OPTT and VA wisely buying more SWKS with the proceeds.



    • Louetta
      Senior Member
      • Oct 2003
      • 2331

      I'd like to put my DRYS into MBT please.


      • billyjoe
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2003
        • 9014

        I'm selling MA, BWLD, RH, ODFL, FDX. Putting 1/2 into DIS 1/2 into CNC. That leaves me with CNC, DIS, FB, and AAPL. Prices will be calculated at today's open in 21 minutes.



        • billyjoe
          Senior Member
          • Nov 2003
          • 9014

          An update on current leaders and a few stinker picks. I've noticed after running several of these tests that those that start out strong usually continue strong. Those that start poorly rarely make a fast comeback.

          1. RUSL----Louetta-----+73.22%
          2. MBT----Louetta-----+54.18
          3. AMOT---Mimo-------+52.64
          4. BFR-----6ft. 4-------+50.62
          5. AMBA--Riverbabe----+49.45

          6. AKRX--Riverbabe----+45.69%
          7. SWKS--Mimo/Phoenix+37.26
          8. CNC---billy/Phoenix--+35.15
          9. WWAV--6ft.4-------+32.49
          10. AVGO-Riverbabe---+26.45

          11. EA----Phoenix----+24.11%
          12. ZBRA-Riverbabe---+23.32
          13. TNK--Louetta-----+22.02

          Good news is we all have at least 1 in the top picks and we don't in the bottom picks

          1. PBR---- -43.96%
          2. TRUE-- -29.83
          3. NBG--- -28.49
          4. LOCK-- -21.18
          5. SWIR-- -20.70 .....



          • billyjoe
            Senior Member
            • Nov 2003
            • 9014

            Update as of 4/24/2015 Great winners are outdistancing losers.

            1. Louetta--RUSL--+99.52%
            2. Mimo----AMOT--+73.24
            3. Louetta--MBT---+66.71
            4. Riverbabe-AKRX-+52.60
            5. Sixftfour-BFR----+49.38

            6. Riverbabe-AMBA-+42.21%
            7. Phoenix/billy-CNC+41.88
            8. Sixftfour----PBR-+36.85----------amazingly was -43.96% just 2 weeks ago
            9. Louetta----TNK--+32.87

            11. Mimo/Phoenix-SWKS+28.64%
            12. Phoenix-------EA---+27.37
            13. Riverbabe----ZBRA--+24.91
            14. Riverbabe----AVGO--+19.15
            15. Phoenix------MACK--+18.76

            16. Louetta/Riverbabe/billy-AAPL+18.49%
            17. Riverbabe-------------INGN-+18.36
            18. billy-------------------DIS--+16.29
            19. Phoenix---------------GTIM-+15.80
            20. Sixftfour--------------TASR-+12.05
            21. Sixftfour---------------TSM-+11.30--------------- and now for the stinkers:

            1.TRUE -31.79%
            2. NBG---31.28
            3. PPC--25.31
            4. SWIR-21.25
            5. LOCK-21.23
            6 .BABA-18.64
            7. BAC -12.30
            8. MTW-12.26



            • billyjoe
              Senior Member
              • Nov 2003
              • 9014

              Our leader board after 1/3rd of the trading year.

              1. Louetta------RUSL-----+98.31%
              2. Louetta------MBT-----+66.71
              3. Riverbabe----AMBA----+49.94
              4. Six-ft.-Four--BFR------+42.71
              5. Phoenix/Mimo-SWKS---+35.40

              6. Six-ft.-Four--PBR------+30.55%
              7. Mimo--------AMOT----+29.51
              8. Phoenix------EA-------+26.18
              9. Six-ft.-Four-WWAV----+25.61
              10. Louetta----TNK------+25.49

              11. Riverbabe--AVGO----+22.44%
              12. Six-ft.-Four-TASR---+22.24
              13. Phoenix/billy-CNC----+21.14
              14. Riverbabe---ZBRA---+19.49
              15. Riverbabe---AKRX---+18.78

              16. Phoenix----GTIM---+18.25%
              17. Louetta/Riverbabe/billy--AAPL-+17.28

              and those not doing well: ..

              1. TRUE-- -32.45%
              2. SWIR-- -23.87
              3. BABA-- -21.91
              4. LOCK-- -19.77
              5. NBG--- -18.99
              6. KNX--- -11.84
              7. MTW-- -10.41 .
              ... complete recap for each player later today



              • billyjoe
                Senior Member
                • Nov 2003
                • 9014

                Individual results:

                Louetta-------RUSL+98.31%, MBT+66.71%, TNK+25.49%, AAPL+17.28%, F+4.01%, SLV+2.72%, DRYS sold, GLD-.44%, BAC-9.67%, NBG-18.99% ..DRYS $$ to MBT 4/1/15

                Phoenix-------SWKS+35.40%, EA+26.18%, CNC+21.14%, GTIM+18.25%, MACK+5.49% CY-5.91%, PPC-8.09%, LOCK-19.77%, SWIR-23.87%, TRUE-32.45%

                Six-feet-Four-BFR+42.71%, PBR+30.55%, WWAV+25.61%, TASR+22.24%, TSM+10.55%, SIRO+6.97%, TSLA+1.63%, DAL-6.99%, MTW-10.41%, KNX-11.84%..

                Mimo---------SWKS+35.40%, AMOT+29.51%, F+4.01%, CEF+3.28%, VOO+3.02%, OPTT sold, VA sold,
                QRVO-1.14%, TBX-1.87%, DYSL-4.17%..OPTT and VA $$ to SWKS 2/2/15

                billy----------CNC+21.14%, DIS+17.34%, AAPL+17.28%, FB+1.24%, BWLD sold, MA sold, RH sold, BABA sold, ODFL sold, FDX sold BABA $$ to CNC 2/2/15 other $$ 1/2 to DIS 1/2 to CNC 4/6/15

                Riverbabe----AMBA+49.94%, AVGO+22.44%, ZBRA+19.49%, AKRX+18.78%, AAPL+17.28%, INGN+12.08%, TSRA+4.21%, GPRO sold,
                CRMT-2.94%, BABA-21.91%...GPRO $$ to TSRA 3/2/15

                May Day special. You can sell any of your picks during next 5 trading days and transfer remaining cash to any of your existing picks
                or if you think the market is going down the tubes, you can sell all and go to cash. At the end of June the cash value of all accounts will be tallied and tracked until the year's end.



                • Louetta
                  Senior Member
                  • Oct 2003
                  • 2331

                  Billy, please move my GLD and BAC money into MBT. Thank you.


                  • riverbabe
                    Senior Member
                    • May 2005
                    • 3373

                    Billy, please sell BABA and put into AMBA. Thanks.


                    • billyjoe
                      Senior Member
                      • Nov 2003
                      • 9014

                      Originally posted by Louetta View Post
                      Billy, please move my GLD and BAC money into MBT. Thank you.
                      River =
                      Billy, please sell BABA and put into AMBA. Thanks.

                      Louetta and Riverbabe going for the kill !



                      • mimo_100
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2003
                        • 1784


                        Sell QRVO, TBX, DYSL, CEF

                        Buy MPC, AAPL
                        Tim - Retired Problem Solver


                        • billyjoe
                          Senior Member
                          • Nov 2003
                          • 9014

                          Mimo, You can sell those 4 but can only put the money into cash or an existing position of yours, AMOT, F, SWKS , or VOO. Like you did selling OPTT and VA with money going to SWKS on 1/31.



                          • mimo_100
                            Senior Member
                            • Sep 2003
                            • 1784

                            Originally posted by billyjoe View Post
                            Mimo, You can sell those 4 but can only put the money into cash or an existing position of yours, AMOT, F, SWKS , or VOO. Like you did selling OPTT and VA with money going to SWKS on 1/31.

                            Can I buy a new stock any time in the future? I thought the first 5 days of the month we could buy new. I guess I will stay in cash after the sale.
                            Tim - Retired Problem Solver


                            • billyjoe
                              Senior Member
                              • Nov 2003
                              • 9014

                              Originally posted by mimo_100 View Post
                              Can I buy a new stock any time in the future? I thought the first 5 days of the month we could buy new. I guess I will stay in cash after the sale.
                              No new stocks allowed after original 10 picks. You could end the year all in cash or from 1 to 10 stocks or any combination thereof. You can hold cash as long as you want until you want to put it into any of your remaining picks.



                              • Louetta
                                Senior Member
                                • Oct 2003
                                • 2331

                                Originally posted by billyjoe View Post
                                River =
                                Billy, please sell BABA and put into AMBA. Thanks.

                                Louetta and Riverbabe going for the kill !

                                In real life I sold the RUSL. Oil prices are up and Vladimir Putin has been quiescent (it's rumored he has a girlfriend - no lie) so this looks like a top or near it. But it's fun in the contest.

