Here's the good, bad, and ugly after the 1st quarter of 2015
Louetta: MBT+40.67%, RUSL+30.53%, TNK+13.89%, AAPL+13.17%, SLV+5.78%, F+5.22%, GLD+.07%, BAC-13.68%, DRYS-28.30%, NBG-28.49% ..
Phoenix: CNC+36.15%, SWKS+35.40%, EA+25.09%, MACK+5.13%, GTIM+3.30%, CY-.49%, PPC-18.39%, TRUE-22.05%, LOCK-23.77%, SWIR-30.18%..
Six-Feet-4: BFR+48.04%, WWAV+26.72%, TSM+4.92%, SIRO+3.00%, MTW-2.44%, KNX-4.02%, DAL-8.41%, TASR-8.95%, TSLA-15.13%, PBR-17.67%..
Mimo: AMOT+40.10%, SWKS+35.40%, QRVO+13.21%, F+5.22%, CEF+3.02%, VOO+.94%, TBX-3.05%, DYSL-6.25%, OPTT-sold, VA-sold..
billy: CNC+36.15%, AAPL+13.17%, DIS+11.36%, FB+5.38%, RH+3.31%, BWLD+.48%, MA+.48%, ODFL-.44%, FDX-4.62%, BABA-sold..
Riverbabe: AMBA+49.27%, AKRX+31.24%, AVGO+26.61%, ZBRA+17.19%, AAPL+13.17%, TSRA+12.64%, INGN+1.98%, CRMT+1.63%, BABA-19.92%, GPRO-sold...
You have until the end of next Friday to sell any of your picks and put the play money towards any remaining stock in your top 10. I put my BABA money into CNC, Riverbabe put her GPRO money into TSRA, Mimo sold his OPTT and VA wisely buying more SWKS with the proceeds.
Louetta: MBT+40.67%, RUSL+30.53%, TNK+13.89%, AAPL+13.17%, SLV+5.78%, F+5.22%, GLD+.07%, BAC-13.68%, DRYS-28.30%, NBG-28.49% ..
Phoenix: CNC+36.15%, SWKS+35.40%, EA+25.09%, MACK+5.13%, GTIM+3.30%, CY-.49%, PPC-18.39%, TRUE-22.05%, LOCK-23.77%, SWIR-30.18%..
Six-Feet-4: BFR+48.04%, WWAV+26.72%, TSM+4.92%, SIRO+3.00%, MTW-2.44%, KNX-4.02%, DAL-8.41%, TASR-8.95%, TSLA-15.13%, PBR-17.67%..
Mimo: AMOT+40.10%, SWKS+35.40%, QRVO+13.21%, F+5.22%, CEF+3.02%, VOO+.94%, TBX-3.05%, DYSL-6.25%, OPTT-sold, VA-sold..
billy: CNC+36.15%, AAPL+13.17%, DIS+11.36%, FB+5.38%, RH+3.31%, BWLD+.48%, MA+.48%, ODFL-.44%, FDX-4.62%, BABA-sold..
Riverbabe: AMBA+49.27%, AKRX+31.24%, AVGO+26.61%, ZBRA+17.19%, AAPL+13.17%, TSRA+12.64%, INGN+1.98%, CRMT+1.63%, BABA-19.92%, GPRO-sold...
You have until the end of next Friday to sell any of your picks and put the play money towards any remaining stock in your top 10. I put my BABA money into CNC, Riverbabe put her GPRO money into TSRA, Mimo sold his OPTT and VA wisely buying more SWKS with the proceeds.