living off the stock investments

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  • Duniyo
    Senior Member
    • Oct 2010
    • 199

    living off the stock investments

    Is anyone on this board living off their stock market investment? This was something I was thinking about but I am finding it's almost impossible unless you have a very large initial funding.
  • billyjoe
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2003
    • 9014

    duniyo, It would matter how much you need to live on. For instance I think I could live on $12,000 a year but Mrs. billy couldn't. My contributions to a SEP and an IRA for 25 years added up nicely. Some years I borrowed money to fund my contributions. All my income was in May and June. Had a constant home equity loan going nearly maxing out each year then paying it nearly off by August 1st. Got a great credit rating that way. When I'm forced to withdraw from retirement I should be okay. Mrs.billy has her IRA's plus retirement from mutual funds her employer designates. Too bad we don't have much say in the funds they choose.


