Folks here is what's really happening to the Economy according to The Man On The Street!
" The US recovery is a giant propaganda lie. Look, I'm not a professional trader, I'm a dentist. My patients range from steel mill, logging to winery owners, business owners etc. I can tell you that steel, logging and paper mills have cut jobs or closed (paper mill). No one has gotten better insurance, it's worse or unaffordable. The houses are being bought up by investors that turn them into rentals, thus skewing the housing data. Former patients that moved to ND to work in fracking are back and jobless. Stocks are up on buybacks and M&A which has almost exhausted itself. My dentist friends all over the country see the same. When McDonald's close restaurants...Do the REAL math. Recovery my ass. Brace yourselves."
"This economy is far WORSE than is being reported by the FED.
4.7% unemployed. They have changed the formula how that figure is derived.
Half a million people dropped off the records because they gave up, no jobs to be found.
If you used the old formula, the unemployment would probably be 15-20%.
Thousands of jobs are being outsourced to other countries with cheaper labor rates.
I cringe when I hear how strong the U.S. dollar is. The FED is propping it up
along with the stock market.
Banks are buying all the gold and silver they can get their hands on as they
beat the prices down.
Seems to me that is what you should be doing."
"Have you every listened to those who know history; this cycle is not new.
Your analysis seems very short sighted. You need to study what is going on in Asia with gold. Like it or not the rollercoaster will favor the BULLS. You need to read what older men are saying and where they are putting their money. It is not just gold fever it is the facts of what happens when fiat currencies have ran out of options to survive; they die! Survival always goes back to true units of wealth, gold and silver. Been that way for 6000 years!"
"I would suggest that you view these 9 charts and then seriously re-evaluate your economic views. These 9 don't even include a Trillion in credit card debt, a Trillion in auto loans, a Trillion in student debt or the 225 Trillion in global debt. There is no "recovery" nor will there is impossible when peak debt has been reached. are totally wrong..."
"I work in the paper/corrugated industry. can confirm we are slow and layoffs are imminent. also the McDonalds down the street was closed and demolished."
" The US recovery is a giant propaganda lie. Look, I'm not a professional trader, I'm a dentist. My patients range from steel mill, logging to winery owners, business owners etc. I can tell you that steel, logging and paper mills have cut jobs or closed (paper mill). No one has gotten better insurance, it's worse or unaffordable. The houses are being bought up by investors that turn them into rentals, thus skewing the housing data. Former patients that moved to ND to work in fracking are back and jobless. Stocks are up on buybacks and M&A which has almost exhausted itself. My dentist friends all over the country see the same. When McDonald's close restaurants...Do the REAL math. Recovery my ass. Brace yourselves."
"This economy is far WORSE than is being reported by the FED.
4.7% unemployed. They have changed the formula how that figure is derived.
Half a million people dropped off the records because they gave up, no jobs to be found.
If you used the old formula, the unemployment would probably be 15-20%.
Thousands of jobs are being outsourced to other countries with cheaper labor rates.
I cringe when I hear how strong the U.S. dollar is. The FED is propping it up
along with the stock market.
Banks are buying all the gold and silver they can get their hands on as they
beat the prices down.
Seems to me that is what you should be doing."
"Have you every listened to those who know history; this cycle is not new.
Your analysis seems very short sighted. You need to study what is going on in Asia with gold. Like it or not the rollercoaster will favor the BULLS. You need to read what older men are saying and where they are putting their money. It is not just gold fever it is the facts of what happens when fiat currencies have ran out of options to survive; they die! Survival always goes back to true units of wealth, gold and silver. Been that way for 6000 years!"
"I would suggest that you view these 9 charts and then seriously re-evaluate your economic views. These 9 don't even include a Trillion in credit card debt, a Trillion in auto loans, a Trillion in student debt or the 225 Trillion in global debt. There is no "recovery" nor will there is impossible when peak debt has been reached. are totally wrong..."
"I work in the paper/corrugated industry. can confirm we are slow and layoffs are imminent. also the McDonalds down the street was closed and demolished."