The stocks that I'm nuts about!

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  • blindsquirrel
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2014
    • 286

    HZO is killing me.
    TPL is showing off closing above $2,000 you could have bought this under $1,000 this year. Did you? Me either.
    Math doesn't lie, but people do.


    • blindsquirrel
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2014
      • 286

      I haven't been investing in stocks over the past 24 months very much. Based on my affection for HZO, that's a good thing. However, I have refreshed my scans and watchlists and have a single stock on it - GOOG. I won't say all the things that you already know about Google. I bought Google in my daughter's investment account at $104 because I believed that was a great price. I plan to hold it in her account for a few years. I expect that position to at lest double because:
      - financials are strong
      - they have a real edge in the market
      - they are THE leader is self-driving cars. I can't overstate the impact this technology will eventually have. The real question is when will this technology overcome the irrational "safety" concerns. We live in a society that will drive while drunk, texting, vloging, eating, road raging etc, and we are scared of robots driving. I'm optimistic we will eventually overcome that fear.
      - AI has a lot of implementation possibilities and Google has a great AI platform and existing market share that they can leverage to monitize it.
      Math doesn't lie, but people do.

