BEL and GGI down 15%, SAFM down 10%, PTSI down 30%...

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  • BEL and GGI down 15%, SAFM down 10%, PTSI down 30%...

    PTSI down 30%, WSB down 15%, PRX down 17%, CBK down 41%,

    Yeah. This guy is real huge. Way to hold onto the dogs in a bull market and stubbornly refuse to dump them. It's pretty easy to claim 50 STRAIGHT WINNERS!!!!! when you never dump a stock as it spirals down to zero.
  • mrmarket
    • Sep 2003
    • 5971

    Re: BEL and GGI down 15%, SAFM down 10%, PTSI down 30%...

    Originally posted by chopper77
    PTSI down 30%, WSB down 15%, PRX down 17%, CBK down 41%,

    Yeah. This guy is real huge. Way to hold onto the dogs in a bull market and stubbornly refuse to dump them. It's pretty easy to claim 50 STRAIGHT WINNERS!!!!! when you never dump a stock as it spirals down to zero.
    Since you're listing stocks...why not list the other 59 of the last 63 stocks I've picked and let the rest of the readers know how those stocks have fared....

    Also please tell us why a stock with growing earnings and revenues would "spiral down to zero". If you know of any of these stocks, please share these with the rest of us as I would certainly want to purchase shares in some of these.

    Whether or not it's easy to claim 50 (actually 51) straight winners is rather subjective. I think it would be relatively easy if one had 200 open positions. Since I only hold 10 to 14 postitions, the stock picking would have to be more selective, and much more successful, to compile that string.

    The bottom line is...I've compiled a remarkable return on investment by putting together this streak. If it were so easy, wouldn't everyone be doing it?

    I do appreciate your opinion and look forward to you enlightening us further, Mr. Chopper.

    I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

    - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


    • #3

      Looking over the posts says it all.

      Would you like some cheese with your whine?


      • mrmarket
        • Sep 2003
        • 5971

        Originally posted by stenzrob

        Looking over the posts says it all.

        Would you like some cheese with your whine?

        LOL...Stenz...I see so many people who want to be investors, but when the market moves against them, they panic. To me that means that

        a. they are not properly diversified
        b. their money was actually not "long term stock market" money but actually short term "rent money" that they were trying to make a quick buck on.
        c. they are buying on margin..something I never do.

        I don't think money management should dictate your stock trading decisions because, by limiting degrees of freedom, it leads to sub-par investing.

        I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

        - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


        • Michaelk005

          I agree with you completely MR.M.... The markets always sift the winners from the lossers. the smart from the dumb and the patient from the weak. I dont want to repeat myself, I already placed my thoughts on the BEL topic.


          • #6
            I concur with the Huge One. Your publically acccessible trades, seen through your home page, are a testament to your strength in selecting stocks. The Chopper may very well be the kind of guy who would look at this year's unbelievable Yankee line-up and say, "Hey, they stink. They have no second baseman." As long as one is investing with 'long-term' money, there is no reason to panic when a profitable earnings-producing stock takes a little rest. I have NEVER seen a stock go straight up. NEVER. As for the chopper, momma always says chopper is as chopper does.

            P. S. - Huge One, I think you went a little easy on him. I wish I was treated with such kid gloves when I first joined.


            • #7
              Originally posted by The Kid
              P. S. - Huge One, I think you went a little easy on him. I wish I was treated with such kid gloves when I first joined.
              You were, I believe, but you persisted in your heresy. And, whatever abuse you received was from others here, including me, and not from the ever-gracious HUGE one himself.


              • mrmarket
                • Sep 2003
                • 5971

                Originally posted by stenzrob
                Originally posted by The Kid
                P. S. - Huge One, I think you went a little easy on him. I wish I was treated with such kid gloves when I first joined.
                You were, I believe, but you persisted in your heresy. And, whatever abuse you received was from others here, including me, and not from the ever-gracious HUGE one himself.
                I still think the Kid = bec1...but since he's not behaving like bec1 anymore, he's more than welcome to contribute. I do recall bec1 being an avid Yankee fan.

                I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

                - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


                • #9
                  You never did totally splain that whole "Bec1" thing.

                  Anyway, I can't stand the Yankees. I'm a huge Mets fan. (Totally bummed they didn't sign my guy Vlade.)


                  • #10
                    Times & Transcript | Provincial News
                    As published on page A1/A5 on February 24, 2004
                    Belledune residents claim 'major victory'
                    Appeal board will hear case seeking to overturn building permit given controversial incinerator; Bennett weighs court challenge

                    JORGE BARRERA
                    Times & Transcript Staff

                    FREDERICTON - The New Brunswick Assessment and Planning Appeal Board will hear an appeal from 77 Belledune residents seeking to overturn a building permit given Bennett Environmental Inc. by a municipal planning commission to build a high-tech incinerator in the village.

                    "This is a major victory," said Eric Gillespie, a Toronto lawyer representing the citizens group. "This was the most critical stage of the whole appeal process other than actually succeeding on the appeal."

                    The appeal board released its 22-page decision yesterday. The hearings are slated to begin March 22.

                    A spokesman for Bennett said its lawyers are still reviewing the decision, but the company is considering challenging it in court.

                    "We are considering a judicial appeal but we want to weigh the total of what has been said in the (decision) document," said Bill McIntyre.

                    Bennett was seeking to have the appeal dismissed, arguing the board had no jurisdiction to rule on the permit. The citizens group was looking to overturn a construction permit given Bennett by the Department of Environment, but changed the appeal to focus on the building permit issued by the Belledune Planning Commission. Bennett argued the citizens group could not change their appeal.

                    Residents say the Bennett incinerator will have a negative impact on the value of their properties.

                    The Bennett incinerator has been a lightning-rod of controversy for almost a year. Many in the region fear the around $25-million facility, slated to process soils laden with hydrocarbons, will bring unwanted pollution and cause health risks.

                    The Department of Environment and the Department of Health have said the facility is safe and are supported by at least one toxicologist from the Queen's University faculty of medicine who is familiar with the region.

                    Half of the cost of the incinerator is being spent on pollution control equipment.

                    The Department of Environment ignored advice from the Department of Health that it should put the project through a full environmental review or face public backlash. Instead, the department chose a fast-tracked approval process, arguing it was familiar with the technology in use.

                    What does everyone think, I think the time to get worries is if this stock goes under 15 in the next week or so. But I am a very very junior investor so any opinons?


                    • mrmarket
                      • Sep 2003
                      • 5971

                      Originally posted by evilarya
                      Times & Transcript | Provincial News
                      As published on page A1/A5 on February 24, 2004
                      Belledune residents claim 'major victory'
                      Appeal board will hear case seeking to overturn building permit given controversial incinerator; Bennett weighs court challenge

                      JORGE BARRERA
                      Times & Transcript Staff

                      FREDERICTON - The New Brunswick Assessment and Planning Appeal Board will hear an appeal from 77 Belledune residents seeking to overturn a building permit given Bennett Environmental Inc. by a municipal planning commission to build a high-tech incinerator in the village.

                      "This is a major victory," said Eric Gillespie, a Toronto lawyer representing the citizens group. "This was the most critical stage of the whole appeal process other than actually succeeding on the appeal."

                      The appeal board released its 22-page decision yesterday. The hearings are slated to begin March 22.

                      A spokesman for Bennett said its lawyers are still reviewing the decision, but the company is considering challenging it in court.

                      "We are considering a judicial appeal but we want to weigh the total of what has been said in the (decision) document," said Bill McIntyre.

                      Bennett was seeking to have the appeal dismissed, arguing the board had no jurisdiction to rule on the permit. The citizens group was looking to overturn a construction permit given Bennett by the Department of Environment, but changed the appeal to focus on the building permit issued by the Belledune Planning Commission. Bennett argued the citizens group could not change their appeal.

                      Residents say the Bennett incinerator will have a negative impact on the value of their properties.

                      The Bennett incinerator has been a lightning-rod of controversy for almost a year. Many in the region fear the around $25-million facility, slated to process soils laden with hydrocarbons, will bring unwanted pollution and cause health risks.

                      The Department of Environment and the Department of Health have said the facility is safe and are supported by at least one toxicologist from the Queen's University faculty of medicine who is familiar with the region.

                      Half of the cost of the incinerator is being spent on pollution control equipment.

                      The Department of Environment ignored advice from the Department of Health that it should put the project through a full environmental review or face public backlash. Instead, the department chose a fast-tracked approval process, arguing it was familiar with the technology in use.

                      What does everyone think, I think the time to get worries is if this stock goes under 15 in the next week or so. But I am a very very junior investor so any opinons?
                      I'm willing to roll the dice that they'll end up building the plant. But that's just me. Other investors are more skittish than I am when it comes to these kind of things. If a stock keeps you up at night, I would never own it. Local municipalities always will hold out until they are offered something that makes them happy.

                      I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

                      - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


                      • #12
                        Thanks for taking the time to reply to my post, as I said before I'm a very junior investor and have learned a lot from this forum, speaking of GGI though up 7 and some percent today, any news?


                        • mrmarket
                          • Sep 2003
                          • 5971

                          Originally posted by evilarya
                          Thanks for taking the time to reply to my post, as I said before I'm a very junior investor and have learned a lot from this forum, speaking of GGI though up 7 and some percent today, any news?

                          I think they are building a jail cell for Martha Stewart.

                          I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

                          - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by mrmarket
                            I think they are building a jail cell for Martha Stewart.
                            At least it will be an attractively accesorized cell.


                            • jiesen
                              Senior Member
                              • Sep 2003
                              • 5319

                              Martha's AC

                              I heard the AC they were installing for her automatically turns on when it drops below 60 in there.

