Thanks for your scraps

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  • MEA_1956
    Senior Member
    • Oct 2003
    • 655

    Thanks for your scraps

    On 11-17-03 AACE appeared in your top 5. You chose URBN and life marched on.
    On 12-17-03 AACE appeared in your top 5. You chose KSWS and life marched on.
    On 1- 8-04 AACE appeared in your top 5. You chose WHC and life marched on.
    On 1-14-04 AACE appered in your top 5. You chose HAR and life marched on.
    Tomarrow I shall sell A A C E for a nice little profit of 49.63% and life will march on. Plan A was to sell at 15%. Plan B was to sell at 30%. Plan C was to sell at 45% Plan D is to take the monies and run!!!!!!!
    You always have to have a plan of attack or you just might miss the the boat and end up in hot water is what my Gram MA use to always say.

    Again, I shall say, you sure do have a good looking dump. I do believe a person, with no luck at all, could pull four or five winners each time you post one.
    I will have to agree also with you on the topic of Zacks Craps. One that comes to mind is a sell that was put on KCS and in the end they sure showed then who was boss. I scaned it the other day and seen BEL was in there and so was CWEI. Now that CWEI has lost about 40% it sure is a good time to sell. After my bold comments on CWEI it turned south and has finely reached a confort zone. I'm not for positive at what point I sold half of my stock in CWEI but I was thinking it was around 107% and now it is riding at 87% with a 2.49% spert today after Zacks told me to sell.
    Been going to trade school so don't have time to post much any more. Learnen to spell maintanance engineer and how electricity is your friend And if you are not careful your friend will knock you on your ass and not think twice about doing it again.
    Well time for bed you know I got school tom. what a crock 47 and going back to school. T T F N ===> MEA
    GO BIG RED!!!!!
  • mrmarket
    • Sep 2003
    • 5971

    congrats! Beautiful call on AACE...make sure you go see Rodney Dangerfield in "Back to School"...required viewing.

    I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

    - $$$MR. MARKET$$$

