The imminent implementation of GDPR regulations has created a big surge of activity around compliance. A lot of it is news to me in the past week.
Please take a look at this overview:
Some quick takeaways:
-- The MM site needs a new privacy policy that is in compliance with the new regulations.
-- The MM site can no longer email users who signed up for forum membership. They will need to separately subscribe to a GDPR-compliant newsletter service, like through MailChimp.
-- The vagueness of what is considered "personal data" in the regulations creates a lot of ambiguity as to what can live on our site.
-- You need to create a mechanism for any individual user to opt out of tracking cookies, whether for general traffic numbers, for ad targeting or any other purpose.
-- Users must be given the opportunity to make sure the ads are not tracking their site activities such as pages visited. Since we really have no way of doing this, we may have to take our ads down.
The punch line is, all of this regulation will most likely doom sites such as this. Without ad revenue, we won't be able to pay to outsource the stuff that will cover our compliance requirements.
The most immediate impact you'll see is that we will no longer be sending you emails from this site (eg the $$$MR. MARKET$$$ buys and sells). If most of you are on Facebook, what I am considering is to set up a Facebook group where we can continue our friendly and fun dialogue and at least I'll still be able to share my picks with you.
Your thoughts on this?
Please take a look at this overview:
Some quick takeaways:
-- The MM site needs a new privacy policy that is in compliance with the new regulations.
-- The MM site can no longer email users who signed up for forum membership. They will need to separately subscribe to a GDPR-compliant newsletter service, like through MailChimp.
-- The vagueness of what is considered "personal data" in the regulations creates a lot of ambiguity as to what can live on our site.
-- You need to create a mechanism for any individual user to opt out of tracking cookies, whether for general traffic numbers, for ad targeting or any other purpose.
-- Users must be given the opportunity to make sure the ads are not tracking their site activities such as pages visited. Since we really have no way of doing this, we may have to take our ads down.
The punch line is, all of this regulation will most likely doom sites such as this. Without ad revenue, we won't be able to pay to outsource the stuff that will cover our compliance requirements.
The most immediate impact you'll see is that we will no longer be sending you emails from this site (eg the $$$MR. MARKET$$$ buys and sells). If most of you are on Facebook, what I am considering is to set up a Facebook group where we can continue our friendly and fun dialogue and at least I'll still be able to share my picks with you.
Your thoughts on this?