I closed LNN CAT AZO MRTN. I opened sell BBY.
Top Stocks to Buy and Sell
I closed STLA because the gain was large for the day. This was the best day I've ever seen; so when I see large gains in a short period of time, i try to think about long periods of time, and consistent returns. It's a good time to start over.
I closed NKE BBY EL ILMN TMO. The gains were good today and the market is at support. I am risking large short term gains for smaller, consistent long term gains. There are no buys to balance out the holdings, so I'll feel better waiting for momentum.
The top buy are going higher today, and the top sells are going lower. i've been expecting a sideways market, but instead we got a mixed market. I'm tempted to buy the buys, but I don't believe with my heart they are good long-term. I've been tempted to sell the sells, but there are no buys to balance out the exposure, and the market is going more higher than it is going more lower. After two high performing days, I'm waiting and letting the prices tell me what is the best decision to make. They are saying buy the top buys, and sell the top sells. I'll post here before I actually go in. Here are the top buys and sells:
I had to sell off all the buy positions except ELV. The portfolio is now net selling. This makes me believe the market will fall at resistance, because the top buys are not going higher; but the top sells aren't going lower either; they are going sideways. The overall market is on the resistance line, so if it gets momentum I will have to buy and try to have the next batch of Buys. If it falls from here, I will hold the top Sells which should outperform.
The top buys are up but I took a heavy loss in FAF, which only adds to my thinking people are buying the market across all areas. The only sell I have is DG. The buys are ELV CB HCA LDOS CLS. The p/e's are not too high but not low. I'm trying to run my sell screen but the buying is so strong I think I could wait a little while.
The market is mixed. The good stocks are going up and the bad stocks are going down. I sold HCA and CLS because they started dropping. The losses were made up in LDOS that was up 5% on earnings and the sell on DG which was down 3% with the market. ELV and CB are flat, which overall tells me the market isn't going up or down. If there is another down movement I will start adding sells again. The market might go sideways until we get news of a recession. There is nothing that can take this market higher other than momentum and that ended today.